Category Archives: Space Aliens


The Lonthyn are an unusual race, in that they are actually two distinct races. Although sharing a common ancestry- one that diverged very recently, given normal evolutionary time scales – they are separate yet interconnected. Outsiders label Lonthyn as “inner world” or “outer world” members of their species, referring to whether the Lonthyn’s ancestry hails from the homeworld closer or farther from the sun. However, true Lonthyn never make such distinctions. Regardless, as a whole they have a ruthless outlook on life, and they steep themselves as a race in the pursuit of military conquest.

Lonthyn Assassin-Spy Template

Species: Lonthyn (Outer-World)

Occupation: Assassin-Spy

Agility 4D+1

Mechanical 2D

Strength 2D

Knowledge 3D

Perception 3D

Technical 2D+2

Funds 3D

Credits 525

Fate Points 1

Character Points 5

Strength Damage 1D

Move 10

Body Points 30

Wound Level / Body Points Range

Stunned / 18-24

Wounded / 12-17

Severely Wounded / 6-11

Incapacitated / 3-5

Mortally Wounded / 1-2

Dead / 0

Equipment:  dagger (damage+ 1 D) in hidden sheath; light protective armor (Armor Value + 2); extra doses of Lewa’aln; cred-key

Disadvantages: Nutritional Requirement (R3), chemical and nanotechnical “cocktail” with failure to take daily resulting in -5 to damage resistance totals plus 1D damage total cumulative daily; Quirk (R2), paranoid – (-2) to all social interaction totals in situations involving not distrusting another.

Advantages: none

Special Abilities: Fast Reactions (R1), + 1D to initiative rolls and one extra action per round thrice per adventure; Hypermovement (R2), +4 to base Move; Natural Hand-to-Hand Weapon: Nanotech Enhanced Skeleton (R2), +2D to Strength Damage when using fists, with Additional Effect (R1) can also use with any weapons able to support great strength, and Flaw (R1), all brawling and melee combat difficulties are increased by +2 when using this Special Ability.

Description: It’s difficult to keep your repugnance toward aliens in check, but you need to: You’re gathering data on these vials creatures, which your superiors will use to determine how best to exterminate them.

Malcharan Cybersculptor Template

Species: Malcharan

Occupation: Cybersculptor

Agility 2D+2

Mechanical 2D

Strength 3D

Knowledge 3D+2

Perception 4D

Technical 2D+2

Funds 4D

Credits 700

Fate Points 1

Character Points 5

Strength Damage 2D

Move 10

Body Points 35

Wound Level / Body Points Range

Stunned / 21-28

Wounded / 14-20

Severely Wounded / 7-13

Incapacitated / 3-5

Mortally Wounded / 1-2

Dead / 0

Equipment: cybernetic right forearm Enhanced Sense: Touch (R1), +3 to touch-related skill totals; Extra Sense (R1), +1D to search and investigation rolls when attempting to detect flaws in stonework, crystals, etc.; both have Cybernetics (R1); hammer (damage +2); set of chisels (damage +2 each); cred-key.

Disadvantages: Debt (R1), owes money to a former patron for passage and supplies; Learning Problems (R1), must try a skill and fail at least 3 times during an adventure before being able to improve it; Hindrance: Arrogance (R2), +2 to bargain, con, and persuasion difficulties.

Advantages: none.

Special Abilities: see cybernetics in equipment description.

Description: You travel the galaxy, seeking inspiration and new materials to carve in .In addition to selling your art, you make a little extra money by valuing jewels for megacorporations and gem sellers. You think highly of yourself and have a hard time learning from anything but your own mistakes.

Mareen Traveling Artist Template

Species: Mareen

Occupation: Traveling Artist

Agility 3D

Mechanical 2D

Strength 1D+1

Knowledge 4D

Perception 4D

Technical 2D+2

Funds 4D

Credits 700

Fate Points 1

Character Points 5

Strength Damage 1D

Move 10

Body Points 26

Wound Level / Body Points Range

Stunned / 15-20

Wounded / 10-14

Severely Wounded / 5-9

Incapacitated / 2-4

Mortally Wounded / 1

Dead / 0

Equipment: exoskeleton (life support; +20 to lifting and running; Armor Value +3D; operator uses own skills; land Move of 10; claw attack with damage +1D; scale value O; requires external food and oxygen supply to operate life support; only operable by Mareens); artist hand comp with storage and recording device.

Disadvantages: Cultural Unfamiliarity (R1), with air-breaching species; Achilles’ Heel (R3), die if out of water for more than 15 minutes; Advantage Flaw (R1), hand-related activities are impossible when not in suit and without access to special plant fibers; Devotion (R2), to acquiring unique and beautiful objects; Hindrance: Atypical Move (R1), can only swim and jumping is limited when not in exoskeleton; Quirk (R3), must make a Very Difficult Knowledge or willpower roll to overcome fascination with beautiful items – failing indicates that the Mareen is at a disadvantage in interactions until leaving the situation.

Advantages:Equipment(R3), exoskeleton (see equipment); Size: Small (R2), scale value 6.

Special Abilities: Environmental Resistance (R2), +6D to Strength or stamina in extreme environments; Natural Ranged Weapon: Electric Shock (Rl), damage 3D, range 5/10/20, with Restricted (R1), may only be used once per round; Water Breathing (R1).

Description: You’re traveling the galaxy seeking beauty in all its forms. You capture it electronically; someday, you’ll render the images in shell.


Few individuals have ever had a chance to meet a Mareen face to face. Instead, they know Mareens as a robotic or cybernetic race that has done its best to meld into humanoid society. For most, a Mareen is simply a walking hunk of lorica. Near the top of its crablike head are two glowing eyes that change colors as the being tries to express thoughts and emotion. Its voice is a stilted mechanical recording. These two inhuman aspects of the Mareen often make it difficult for it to understand and be understood by other races.


Centuries ago, scientists in a desolate, secret research facility on a moon in the Olthalon system felt they were nearing a dynamic breakthrough in dark-matter research. Soon, unlimited power would be theirs as long-guarded secret began to unravel before their eager, inquisitive eyes. Then, just as the truth was nearly within their grasp, disaster chose that precise moment to strike as ravenous dimensional energies slipped their bonds and ran amok while their would-be masters cowered in fear. In the blink of an eye, the terrible energy engulfed the hapless questers, and soon their lunar home gave birth to an interstellar terror when something not of this universe passed through the newborn dimensional rift and began to feed upon its new home. As it consumed the laboratory and the moon it rested upon, the creature grew and began to feed on the system’s planets. However, as it closed in upon the solar morsel, cosmic justice screamed out and the creature’s audacity could no longer be ignored. In one final moment of defiance, the beleaguered system’s sun went supernova!