Category Archives: Space Aliens


Life takes a myriad of forms as it graces the universe and sometimes even creatures with the most benign appearance may have quite formidable powers when cornered. At first glance, the meek valdusians look to be nothing more than a harmless, avian oddity to be dismissed as an obscure link in the food chain, yet another humble herbivore that’s content to merely ride the winds as they continue their daily search for flowering plants. Something to be ignored as a bit of local flavor and nothing to be taken seriously. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth!


The Verdendrian people are a prime example of just bow diverse intelligent life can be. Evolved from plants, they are simple in motive yet mysteriously complex in reasoning. A star-faring race, they seem to have only a passing interest in colonization, however they are avid explorers. Carousing with a Verdendrian is almost completely devoid of value, but they can be found in starport taverns across the galaxy. Some species find them terribly fascinating; others, completely frustrating.