All posts by Phil "Grimace" Hatfield

D6 Classes: Warriors

D6 Character Classes: Warriors

There are various types of warriors, including Fighters, Paladins, Rangers, Barbarian, Berserker, and Cavaliers.

The important attribute for a Fighter is Strength
The important attribute for a Ranger is Wisdom
The important attribute for a Paladin is Wisdom
The important attribute for a Barbarian is Strength
The important attribute for a Berserker is Strength
The important attribute for a Cavalier is Charisma

All Warriors begin the game with 12D to allocate to Skills

Warriors can choose skills listed in the General list and the Warrior list.

General List of Skills:
Melee Combat – DEX
Melee Parry – DEX
Sneak / Hide – DEX
Lifting – STR
Tracking – WIS
Brawling – STR
Agriculture – INT
Animal Training – WIS
Artistic Ability – WIS
Brewing – INT
Observation – INT
Cobbling – DEX
Dancing – DEX
Etiquette – CHA
Fishing – WIS
Language – CHA
Weather Sense – WIS
Dodge – DEX
Thrown Weapons – DEX
Missile Weapons – DEX
Climbing – DEX
Jumping – DEX
Swimming – CON
Brawling Parry – DEX
Animal Handling – WIS
Horsemanship – WIS
Blacksmithing – STR
Carpentry – STR
Willpower – WIS
Cooking – INT
Direction Sense – WIS
Firebuilding – WIS
Heraldry – INT
Leatherworking – INT
Pottery – DEX
Rope Use – DEX
Seamstress/Tailor – DEX
Stonemasonry – STR
Weaving – INT
Leadership – CHA

Warrior List of skills:

Navigation – INT
Armorer – INT
Charioteering – DEX
Mountaineering – WIS
Survival – INT
Artillerist – CHA
Blind Fighting – WIS
Bowyer / Fletcher – DEX
Endurance – CON
Running – CON
Weaponsmithing – INT
Intimidation – CHA ^
^Only available during character generation

Class Conditions:

Paladin – Only Humans may be Paladins. Can automatically detect Evil up to 20 meters away. Immune to all diseases. May “Lay Hands” once per day, healing 1D6 HP with the use (Wild Die). May Cure Disease once per week. All Evil creatures that attack the Paladin, or anyone in the Paladin’s group that is within 3 meters of the Paladin, suffer -1D to their attack skill. Paladins must tithe 10% of their wealth each month. May “Turn Undead” when Player Power reaches 1D or more. May not possess more than 10 magical items due to their faith in a higher being. Must always uphold the law. Begins with a base +1 (not a full Die) in Prayer Power, and until the Prayer Power reaches 1D they cannot use any Prayer powers.

Ranger – Only Humans, Elves, and Half-Elves may be Rangers. If a Ranger wears Studded Leather armor or lighter, they may take 2 actions a round without suffering any Multi-action penalties. Gain an immediate +1D in the Tracking skill. Must choose a race as a mortal enemy, and if that enemy is on the field, must attempt to engage them in combat by ignoring all others unless the Ranger’s life is threatened. Begins with a base +1 (not a full Die) in Prayer Power, and until the Prayer Power reaches 1D they cannot use any Prayer powers.

Fighter – Any race can be a Fighter. Has the potential to gain additional Strength. No limit to the armor, weapons, or magical items a Fighter may possess.
For a Fighter, if the allocation of Attributes leads to the Fighter having a Strength of 4D or more, they get to make a special bonus roll before finalizing their attributes.

Roll the dice and determine the total.

Roll less than 20 = no bonus modifier
Roll = 20 : Bonus +1D to Strength
Roll = 21-22 : Bonus +1D+1 to Strength
Roll = 23-24 : Bonus +1D+2 to Strength
Roll = 25 : Bonus +2D to Strength
Roll = 26-27 : Bonus +2D+1 to Strength
Roll = 28-29 : Bonus +2D+2 to Strength
Roll = 30 : +3D to Strength
Roll = 31-32 : +3D+1 to Stregnth
Roll = 33-34 : +3D+2 to Strength
Roll = 35+ : +4D

Barbarian – Only Humans, Dwarves, and Gnomes may be a Barbarian. May not wear armor heavier than Splint armor, as they need to keep mobility. Gains an immediate, and permanent +2 to Strength attribute. Gains an immediate +1D to the skill of Intimidation. Due to the alert nature of a Barbarian, they gain a +1D to Initiative rolls as well as to their first attack in combat, no matter if the Barbarian is using Melee, Unarmed, or Ranged combat. Gains a permanent bonus of +5 to the total of their die roll when making Fear checks. Must spend all but 5 Gold pieces (or less) of their starting funds.

Berserker – Only Humans, Dwarves, Elves, and Gnomes may be Berserkers. Not limited to any particular weapons or armor during normal circumstances. May choose to “Go Berserk”, which gains bonuses and gives restrictions while doing so. Can only “Go Berserk” in one of two ways. 1: after fighting a minimum of 5 rounds, may choose to “Go Berserk”. 2: before combat, may enter a trance-like state by chanting and working up a fervor over the course of 10 rounds prior to fighting in order to “Go Berserk”. Being “Berserk” makes the individual super-hyped on adrenaline, making them almost super-human.
“Going Berserk” gain +1D to Hit with Melee and Unarmed combat attacks. gain +1D to damage rolls. Immune to Charm and Sleep spells. gains a temporary +2D Magic Power to resist Hold Person and Confusion spells. Not affected by any “wound” penalties while berserk, except in the case of death. May perform 2 attacks without suffering any multi-action penalties ONLY if wearing armor that does not provide a Dexterity penalty.
Penalties while Berserk – cannot use Ranged Attacks while berserk. cannot take cover from ranged attacks while berserk. The GM keeps track of the damage the character suffers while character is berserk and will not know the effects of the damage until the fight is done. must fight each enemy until it falls, and must attack until ALL enemies have fallen. when stop “Going Berserk”, all damage suffered takes effect and for every 5 rounds the character was Berserk, gain 1 Fatigue.

Cavalier – Only Humans and Half-Elves may be Cavaliers. Begins the game with a riding mount of player choice (with GM approval). Gains +1D to Riding skill of Cavalier’s choice. Gains +1D to a specialty of “Swords” for Melee Combat. Immune to the Fear spell. Has an innate 2D Magic Power to resist any spells that affect the mind of the Cavalier. The Cavalier’s presence provides courage to those around, all within 3 meters gains +5 (plus the Fame of the Cavalier) when Fear checks are made. Must always uphold high morals by obeying the law, never fighting unfairly, respecting superiors, putting a stop to evil when it is witnessed, and always hold to your word.

Warrior classes start with 200 Gold Pieces in funds.

D6 Classes: Rogues

Introducing the D6 classes of Rogues

These are the various classes within the Rogue grouping of characters. More could be added, but these are what I have, which include: Thief, Bard, and Swashbuckler.

The important attribute for the Thief is Dexterity
The important attribute for the Bard is Charisma
The important attribute for the Swashbuckler is Dexterity

All classes in the Rogue group begin with 11D in Skills.

Rogues select skills from the General skill list and the Rogue list.

General Listing

Melee Combat – DEX
Melee Parry – DEX
Sneak/Hide – DEX
Lifting – STR
Tracking – WIS
Brawling – STR
Brawling Parry – DEX
Thrown Weapon – DEX
Missile Weapon – DEX
Climbing – DEX
Jumping – DEX
Swimming – CON
Dodge – DEX
Agriculture – INT
Artistic Ability – WIS
Animal Training – WIS
Animal Handling – WIS
Horsemanship – WIS
Airborne Riding – WIS
Brewing – INT
Observation – INT
Cobbling – DEX
Dancing – DEX
Etiquette – CHA
Fishing – WIS
Language – CHA
Mining – WIS
Seamanship – DEX
Singing – CHA
Weather Sense – WIS
Blacksmithing – STR
Carpentry – STR
Willpower – WIS
Cooking – INT
Direction Sense – WIS
Firebuilding – WIS
Heraldry – INT
Leatherworking – INT
Pottery – DEX
Rope Use – DEX
Seamstress / Tailor – DEX
Stonemasonry – STR
Weaving – INT
Leadership – CHA

Rogue Listing

Lockpicking – DEX
Find/Set Traps – INT
Ancient History – INT
Music – CHA
Blind Fighting – WIS
Forgery – DEX
Reading Lips – INT
Tumbling – DEX
Spellcraft – INT
Pick Pocketing – DEX
Martial Arts – DEX
Local History – CHA
Appraising – INT
Disguise – CHA
Gem Cutting – DEX
Tightrope Walking – DEX
Ventriloquism – INT
Rally Friends^ – CHA
^Special skill only available during generation

Class Conditions:

Thief – Limited in the armor allowable in order to continue to get thieving bonuses, to Hide armor,
Leather armor, Studded Leather armor, Padded armor, and Elven Chain mail (but not regular chain mail), limited to the following weapons to maintain the thieving bonuses: Club, Dagger, Dart, Knife, Lasso, Short Bow, Sling, Short Sword, Long Sword, Hand Crossbow, and Quarterstaff, any race can be a thief, gains a bonus to Skills if the thief’s Dexterity is high enough

DEX = 3D+1 +1 to Lockpicking skill

DEX = 3D+2 +1 to Pickpocket skill, +2 to Lockpicking skill, +1 to Sneak/Hide skill

DEX = 4D +2 Pickpocket skill, +1D to Lockpicking skill, +1 to Find/Set Traps skill, +2 to Sneak/Hide skill

DEX = 4D+1 or more +1D to Pickpocket skill, +1D+2 to Lockpicking skill, +1D to Find/Set Traps skill, +1D to Sneak/Hide skill

Bard – Bards may not use a shield. may not wear any armor that reduces their Dexterity and thus their ability to perform or play music. does not begin with a Spell Book, but may make one. gains the initial bonus of +1D in Local History skill. may choose the special skill of “Rally Friends” during generation, and put no more than 2D of starting skills into it to begin with. any race can be a bard. gains the special knowledge of something during their travels, due to their nature of traveling all over bards tend to learn of people or events that others may not know about simply by interacting with people. During generation, a Bard rolls 1D and adds +1 pip to the roll for every D they have in Charisma. Therefore a Bard with a Charisma of 3D would be rolling 1D+3 for this, this is NOT a wild die. the result of the die roll lists the special knowledge known.

1-2 = knows fairly common knowledge about people or things in the area. this may be known by other people, and includes knowledge about someone’s local reputation or common legends about the surrounding area.

3-4 = known uncommon knowledge, or knowledge that only a few people in the area know. this includes information about someone’s shady past, or legends of powerful or dangerous magic or things in the area, and local locations that have largely been forgotten by the people in the area.

5-8 = knows obscure and difficult to come by information, including family histories of people in the area, or legends about places of mystery. this also includes some secrets about notable people.

9+ = knows extremely obscure knowledge, the kind of stuff that has long been forgotten by nearly everyone still living. this could be the history of people, items or locations, or things long lost or something that is viewed as insignificant but is actually something long forgotten.

Swashbuckler – Dwarves and Gnomes may NOT be Swashbucklers, all other races may be this class. if not wearing any armor, gain the following:
+1D to Dodge
+1D to Melee Parry
+1D to Brawling Parry
+1D to Jumping

After rolling to determine dominant hand, if character is NOT ambidextrous, roll 2D. If the result is doubles of any number, then the character has learned to be ambidextrous. gains the skill of Intimidation at +1D. knows the location or existence of a hidden treasure, but lacks the ability to get there and acquire it.

The starting funds for Rogue classes is 260 Gold Pieces

D6 Classes: Wizards

Introducing the D6 classes of Wizards

There are three classes within the wizardry field, which cover a variety of magic styles. These include: Magic Users/Mages, Conjurors, and Enchanters.

The important attributes for all three are Intelligence and Wisdom

All classes in the Wizards begin the game with 10D in skills

Wizards begin with 120 Gold Pieces.

All three classes can choose skills from the General List and Wizard List

General List

Melee Combat – DEX
Melee Parry – DEX
Sneak/Hide – DEX
Lifting – STR
Tracking – WIS
Brawling – STR
Brawling Parry – DEX
Thrown Weapon – DEX
Missile Weapon – DEX
Climbing – DEX
Jumping – DEX
Swimming – CON
Dodge – DEX
Agriculture – INT
Artistic Ability – WIS
Animal Training – WIS
Animal Handling – WIS
Horsemanship – WIS
Airborne Riding – WIS
Brewing – INT
Observation – INT
Cobbling – DEX
Dancing – DEX
Etiquette – CHA
Fishing – WIS
Language – CHA
Mining – WIS
Seamanship – DEX
Singing – CHA
Weather Sense – WIS
Blacksmithing – STR
Carpentry – STR
Willpower – WIS
Cooking – INT
Direction Sense – WIS
Firebuilding – WIS
Heraldry – INT
Leatherworking – INT
Pottery – DEX
Rope Use – DEX
Seamstress / Tailor – DEX
Stonemasonry – STR
Weaving – INT
Leadership – CHA

Wizard Skills
Ancient History – INT
Engineering – INT
Navigation – INT
Religion – WIS
Gem Cutting – DEX
Astrology – INT
Reading/Writing – INT
Spellcraft – INT

Class Conditions

Mage – Gnomes may not be Mages. cannot wear any non-magical metal armor as it interferes with their ability to tap into the mystical energies. may wear any magical armor as long as it does not reduce their Dexterity, as that will interfere with hand and arm movement for casting spells. limited to the following weapon: Dagger, Quarterstaff, Dart, Knife, Sling. Begins the game with a Spell Book containing 3 1st Level Spells. Begin the game with 1D less in Attributes, but gain the Magic Power of 1D. Further aspects of Mages is listed below.

Conjuror – Anyone can be a conjuror. cannot wear any metal armor at all, even magical, as it interferes with their ability to absorb the mystical energies. limited to only single-handed weapons with the exception of being able to wield a Quarterstaff in lieu of any other weapon. Further aspects of Conjurors is listed below.

Enchanters – Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Gnomes may be Enchanters, half-breeds may never be an enchanter. They begin with a number of items related to their focus in enchanting. Enchanters may use Stone Magic, Rune Magic, Tattoo Magic or others. At this time, there is not further elaboration on this class.


Magic is power over the energies of light and dark. It is the essence of mystical energies that all things emit. There is one way to tap into this power, and that gift is known as “Magic”. There are various words in various lands for it, but it is essentially all just magic. Those with the ability to tap into and use this power gain the power attribute of “Magic”.

Magic is unique in that once a person learns a spell, the ability to cast it is only limited by the person’s ability to memorize and retain information. Additionally, magic will affect those that are unfamiliar with its arcane powers unerringly. Against those that know or understand the powers of magic, though, magic can be defeated. Those in tune with the power can use their own ability to resist spells cast by others.

The more a practitioner of magic gains in their Magic attribute, the more they are capable of doing. Their power increases and the potential of their spells increase. A person with 1D in Magic can cast only first level spells. When their Magic attribute increases to 2D, the magic user can cast both 1st and 2nd level spells. This continues with every dice increase in the Magic attribute.

To refine a person’s ability to effectively use magic, there is the skill of Spellcraft. With Spellcraft a person with the Magic attribute can learn spells and enhance their control over aspects of Magic. The exact benefits of Spellcraft will be detailed later on.

Spellcraft is how a magic user gains and refines their spells. Without this skill, and without spending time to learn or find new spells, a magic user just has potential but no focus. In order for a magic user to become highly dangerous, they need to invest time and effort into increasing both their Spellcraft skill and their Magic attribute.

Spells and Spellcraft
Magic users have the most restrictive guidelines for gaining new spells. For the most part, there are only three ways for a magic user to gain new spells for their spell book. Those ways are: Having them given to you by another magic user, copying the spell from a magic scroll, and observing another magic user cast the spell and using your Spellcraft skill to duplicate the spell.

Below, each of these styles will be detailed, and one “advanced” skill will be included to give the magic user a fourth way of gaining new spells.

Receiving the spell:
This way is fairly self-explanatory. Either another magic user freely gives you the spell, which is then copied into your spell book, or you pay for the spell (typically between 100 and 600 gold pieces per level of the spell) and then copy it into your spell book. There is no chance of not getting the spell copied correctly, so this is generally the easiest way to gain new spells. Players will find that there are not many magic users that go around freely giving out their spells to others, but there are some magic users that will part with their spells to other practitioners of magic for a price.

Copying the spell:
Over the course of adventuring, characters will come across magical scrolls. Anyone that has the skill of Reading/Writing can use the scroll and cast the spell upon it. Once a scroll is used, it shrivels and harmlessly ignites, burning for a fraction of a second into nothing more than a couple of ashes. Magic Users that acquire the scroll can opt to do one of two things with them; they can either use the scroll for its one time use, or they can use their Spellcraft skill in hopes of duplicating the spell, thus copying it into their spell book as they read it. The magic user must roll the Spellcraft, and get or exceed the difficulty, depending on the level of the scroll.
Level 1: Moderate Level 2: Moderate + 2D
Level 3: Difficult Level 4: Difficult + 2D
Level 5: Very Difficult Level 6: Very Difficult + 3D
Level 7: Heroic Level 8: Heroic + 4D
Level 9: Heroic + 40

If the roll equals or exceeds the difficulty, the spell is correctly copied into the magic users spell book. The scroll is used (without the effect occurring) and disintegrates. If the roll is less than the difficulty, the scroll is used (without the effect occurring) and disintegrates without the copy being successful.

Observing another cast:

Magic Users know the basics about what is required for spellcasting, so if they can determine the correct words to chant, the correct hand motions, and the proper sequence of things, they can learn to cast other spells by watching other magic users. Typically this process is riddled with difficulty and danger. Most magic users that the character will observe will not be “friendly” to the character, and closely observing the casting mannerisms of other magic users isn’t the easiest thing to do in combat situations.

In order to successfully learn new spells by observing others cast, the caster must be a magic user (not someone reading a scroll), and the magic user attempting to observe the caster must have the Magic Power at a level at least equal to the level of the spell being cast. That means that if the caster is casting a 2nd level spell, the magic user that is observing, in hopes of copying the spell, must have at least 2D in the Magic Power. The observing magic user rolls his or her Spellcraft skill and must exceed the casting magic user’s Magic Power roll, PLUS 1D difficulty for each level of the spell, in order to successfully understand and copy down the spell. If the Spellcraft roll is less, the attempt to learn it is unsuccessful. During the time that a magic user is attempting to learn the spell, that magic user cannot be doing anything else…not participating in combat or running or anything other than observing.

Advanced skill: Spellcraft: Formulation
Most magic users use the “established” spells that nearly all magic users know about. When the dawn of magic occurred, however, the early practitioners of the art had to learn everything from scratch. Even now, though, there are those magic users that live in so remote an area, with no one to learn from, that they must learn for themselves. In order to do this, the magic users must learn an advanced skill of spellcrafting called “Formulation”. Once a character achieves 5D in the skill (alone, not counting the attribute) of Spellcraft, the character can begin learning the advanced skill of Formulation. What this does is allow for the magic user to create spells using inferred knowledge from other spells. It is, for lack of a better description, educated guessing at what creates a spell. There are two ways this skill may be used; to learn some of the established spells without being taught, or ever seeing the spell cast, before, and to create completely unique spells that are unknown to any other magic user.

To learn spells that are on the commonly available spell list, the character must make a series of successful Formulation rolls. Depending on the particular spell desired, the difficulty of these rolls will vary. Each spell must gain a certain number of “formulation points” before it is considered learned by the magic user. For the most part, the number of formulation points that each spell needs is equal to the Resist number for that spell. For spells that don’t have a resist number, the number of points is equal to the level of the spell plus 1D. As an example, the spell of Alarm (a first level spell) has a Resist of 14. That means that a total of 14 formulation points must be attained in order for the magic user to learn this spell. The magic user consults the difficulty for that level of spell and rolls the Formulation skill to see if he or she can attain that number. If successful, one formulation point is gained. Once all of the formulation points are gained for that spell, the spell is learned and the magic user can copy the spell into his or her spell book.

Level 1 = Easy Level 2 = Moderate
Level 3 = Difficult Level 4 = Very Difficult
Level 5 = Heroic Level 6 = Heroic + 5
Level 7 = Heroic +12 Level 8 = Heroic +20
Level 9 = Heroic +40

If the Formulation roll equals or exceeds the difficulty number, one formulation point is gained. Exceeding the difficulty by any increment of 10 will add one additional formulation point gained. Therefore if the difficulty number to beat was 6, and the magic user got a 26, he or she would gain 3 formulation points.

For a spell such as Armor (a first level spell), that doesn’t have a Resist number, the number of formulation points required is equal to the level of the spell (1) plus the roll of 1D (1-6, not a wild die). It could be as few as 2 formulation points to gain the spell or as many as 7 formulation points.

Only one Formulation roll may be made per day when attempting to learn spells.

For a magic user that wishes to create his very own, personalized spell, he or she must determine what affect they want the spell to achieve. After that has been decided, the Gamemaster will determine the level (unless suggested by the magic user), the precise effect of the spell, and the Resist number (if any) for it. Once that has been determined, the magic user may then begin accumulating formulation points to achieve it, PLUS a base 10 (required) points due to the fact that his is a heretofore unknown spell. That means that a level 1 spell with a Resist of 8 would require 18 formulation points to create. The same level spell without a Resist number would require a minimum of 12 formulation points and a maximum of 17 formulation points.

Starting with Magic

There are two character types that start with the Magic attribute. One is the Mages, which start with 1D, and the other is Bards, which start with +1 (or one pip). To increase this power, a character must spend 10 times the amount listed for the “D” in character points. For the Bard type of characters, 10 points increases the power to +2, and 10 more increases it to 1D. If a character has a Magic attribute of 3D, then it will take 30 character points to increase it to 3D+1, 30 more to get it to 3D+2, and 30 more to get it to 4D.

Typical mages and magic users will have 3 or 4D in the Magic attribute. Advanced characters can have up to 6 or 7D in the Magic attribute. Only the most powerful of magic users will attain 9 or 10D in the Magic attribute.

Memorizing spells:
Spells must be memorized before they can cast it. Each spell requires 1/2 hour memorizing. Only spells that the magic user has attained and written in his spell book or on a scroll can be memorized.
Once a spell has been memorized, it can be cast without fail. The time taken to cast each spell is listed with the spell. Once the spell is cast, only those characters with the Magic Power have a chance to resist its effect. This Magic Power can come from either having the power based from the character type, or by having a magical item enchanted with the power. To resist the spell cast, the Magic Power is rolled and the number rolled must be equal to or above the Resist Number for the spell. A resisted spell has no effect on those that make the roll. Those that don’t have the power, or fail the roll are affected normally by the spell.

The amount of spells that a magic spell caster can memorize at one time is equal to 1 for every pip in their Intelligence attribute. Therefore, someone with 3D in Intelligence would be able to memorize up to 9 spells at a time. More than one of each spell can be memorized. Example: with 9 slots, a magic user could memorize 4 Magic Missile spells, 2 Burning Hands spells, 1 Affect Normal Fires spell, and one Read Magic spell. When one is used, that slot now becomes open to be filled with any other spell in the caster’s spell book.

Spell book
Initially, most Mages start with a spell book containing 4 spells of their choice from 1st level. To get new spells, they must either be taught to the character by someone who knows the spell, or found and written down. See the section on Spells and Spellcraft to learn how to obtain new spells for the Spell Book. Once a spell is recorded in the Mage’s spell book, he can use it to memorize the spell as many times as he is able.

Spell books contain up to 50 pages and each spell takes one page.
Additional Spell books can be purchased by a magic user as needed. In some cases, spell books larger than 50 pages can be obtained; they are just usually not carried around by adventurous magic users due to their bulk. Magic users who have a safe place to learn and practice their magic usually have larger spell books that contain the bulk of their knowledge.

You can find 1st level spells in the “Magic & Miracles” PDF available at DriveThruRPG.–Miracles


To be a conjuror, one must be “in touch” with the mystical energies produced by the all life and by the planet. This energy grants the conjuror “magic points” used to perform their tricks.

Magic Points:
The amount of points inherent in a Conjuror is equal to the combined sum of the rolls for Wisdom and Intelligence.

Storing Magic Points:
If a conjuror goes a while without performing any tricks, and continues to be in a place where he can absorb the mystical energies, then “Magic Points” can be temporarily stored above the maximum amount listed for that Conjuror. This is a temporary bonus and can lead to a conjuror that has been inactive for some time becoming quite a potent source of power. Normally a conjuror acquires a number of points per day equal to the number of dice in Wisdom. So if they have 3D in Wisdom, they gain 3 Magic Points back a day. Once a Conjuror reaches his maximum amount, and stays at that level for a period of days equal to their Wisdom dice, they gain a temporary boost of 1 additional Magic Point every period of that number of days. This is the temporary amount, and does not extend the maximum amount that the conjuror is capable of absorbing at the increased amount. Once these additional Magic Points are spent, they are lost.

Example: Conjuror has 3D in Wisdom and a maximum capacity of 30 points. That Conjuror will gain 3 points of Magic per day until the total reaches 30. Then, after three days of remaining at full charge, the conjuror would gain 1 additional Magic Point as a temporary bonus. Three days later, if the conjuror still hasn’t spent any points, another 1 Magic Point would be gained, giving him a total of 32 (30 maximum plus the 2 bonus that will not count as a permanent extension of the maximum). If that Conjuror went another 90 days without performing a trick, an additional 30 Magic Points could be accumulated, giving that Conjuror a temporary total of 62.

If a conjuror finds himself at a place of mystical potency, a nexus, he will gain a temporary boost. This boost can be stored for use later, up the maximum the conjuror is able to store, or it can be used and recharged almost immediately if the conjuror stays at the nexus. The amount gained varies on the size of the nexus, the innate abilities of the conjuror, and a little bit of randomness.
Nexus points are rated in size from 1, the smallest, to 10, the most potent and large. Take the size of the nexus and multiply that by the sum of the number of dice of the conjuror’s Wisdom and Intelligence attributes (add the pips up with 3 pips equaling a die). Once you reach the sum for that amount, roll 1D and multiply the above sum by the amount on the die.
Example: Wisdom of 2D+2, Intelligence of 3D+1 = 6D (or 6)
Nexus size = 3
6 x 3 = 18
Roll of 1D = 4
18 x 4 = 72
The nexus pumps out an impressive 72 Magic Points a round!
(Note that if the nexus size was 1, it would have been 6 x 1 = 6. Then, if the die roll had been a 1, the total would have also been a 6. So the amount of Magic Points at a nexus varies greatly and changes each time a conjuror enters a nexus point.)

Charging items:
Some items may be imbued with the mystical energies that the conjuror’s use. Typically these items are stones and only hold enough power for one or perhaps two uses, depending on the amount stored. Larger and much rarer items can be imbued with a “sink” of power that only lets out a limited amount at a time. Such items could be a staff or walking stick, or even a wand or amulet. These items might have a larger amount of Magic Points stored in them, but will only let out a limited amount to a conjuror in a given amount of time (a round, an hour, a day, or a week).
Stones are typically imbued with anywhere from 5 to 10 Magic Points. To most, the stones would look like rounded, shiny, rocks…maybe of some mild worth. When a conjuror holds a stone and performs a trick, the power is drawn from the stone first, before it comes from the conjuror. If the cost of the trick is more than the stone holds, the excess is drawn from the conjuror. Once the power has been used from the stone, it may be discarded as the useless rock that it is.
Items that are “sinks” of power usually have anywhere from 50 to 200 Magic Points in them. Rarer specimens may have even more. Rather than working like the stones, these items “give” a limited amount in a period of time. That amount is usually around 10, but it varies depending on the frequency of the time period. Daily amounts are around 10, hourly amounts are around 4-6 and amounts by the round are usually only 2 or 3. Once all of the power has been used from an item, the item just becomes a regular, non-magical item.
All conjurors can get a general feeling of how many Magic Points are left in an item or stone. All conjurors will know immediately if an item is imbued at all once they touch it.

Becoming “In Touch”:
To become a conjuror, there are several steps a person must take. First and foremost, they must learn the Spellcraft skill. This is the building block upon which everything a conjuror does is based. Once the Spellcraft skill has been learned, a person can begin trying to become a Student Conjuror. To become a Student, the person must enter a meditative state and focus on experiencing the mystical powers of the planet. There are 5 levels of meditation that must be attained before the person becomes “In Touch” with the mystical energies. Each level takes 1 day and requires a Spellcraft roll of a certain amount to attain.
Level 1 = Difficulty level 12
Level 2 = Difficulty level 13
Level 3 = Difficulty level 15
Level 4 = Difficulty level 18
Level 5 = Difficulty level 22

If, during the time of meditation, an attempt is ever failed, the person must start over at Level 1.
Once all 5 levels have been attained, the person has tapped into the mystical energies and gained the basis for learning to conjure. The person now determines the maximum amount of Magic Points they can hold by rolling their Wisdom attribute and their Intelligence attribute and adding up both totals. The person then begins gaining 1 Magic Point a day until they reach full capacity.

Learning to Conjure:
Once a person is “In Touch”, they may begin to learn the aspects of conjuring. There are 8 major aspects of conjuring, and a few minor ones. The major aspects are:

Minor aspects that are learned through the course of becoming a conjuror are:

While a Student Conjuror can learn to conjure on their own, most tend to gravitate towards other conjurors to share the quiet of meditation and common interests. Regardless of whether there is a teacher or not, a Student Conjuror needs to learn each aspect to completion before the next aspect can be learned. Additionally, each aspect must be learned in order. Listed below is the amount of study time required to learn each aspect and the amount of Magic Points that must be spent to pass a test or tests.

Aspect Study Time Test
Protect 3 months 20 points, 1 time
Sight 6 months 35 points, 2 times
Illusion 8 months 40 points, 2 times
Offense 1 year 50 points, 3 times
Defense 1 year, 6 months 70 points, 3 times
Range 10 months 80 points, 2 times
Affect 1 year 100 points, 2 times
Travel 2 years 100 points, 3 times

For any aspect that requires more than 1 test, any amount over 1 may be attempted at any time during the study. The last test for that aspect must be done at the end of the study time to progress to the next aspect.

If a Student Conjuror ever fails a test by not having the required amount of Magic Points, they must start over their study on that particular aspect.

Minor Aspects:
When the major aspect of Protect is successfully learned by the Student, the conjuror automatically gains the minor aspect of Resist. Resist allows the conjuror to resist arcane powers.

When it is first learned, Resist allows the conjuror to receive 1D towards Resisting Magic for every 7 Magic Points spent. Thus, if 14 Magic Points were spent, a conjuror could resist at 2D. The cost of Magic Points goes down when other major aspects are learned.
When Sight is learned, the cost is reduced to 6 Magic Points per 1D.
When Illusion is learned, the cost is reduced to 5 Magic Points per 1D
When Offense is learned, the cost is reduced to 3 Magic Points per 1D
When Range is learned, the cost is reduced to 2 Magic Points per 1D
When Affect is learned, the cost is reduced to 1 Magic Point per 1D

When the major aspect of Affect is successfully learned by the Student, the conjuror automatically gains the minor aspect of Sense. Sense allows the conjuror to detect magical energies, whether its from arcane powers, mystical powers, or something else entirely. If power or active magic is near, the conjuror can sense it. The range of this sense is equal to the amount of Magic Points the conjuror currently has in meters. Within that range, the conjuror can tell that magic is near or if it is being used.

A conjuror can also use 1 Magic Point to actively search for magic, such as magic that is hidden, or weaker magic that is not actively being used. When this is done, any magic within range becomes apparent to the conjuror.

Learning “Tricks”:
What a conjuror does is utilize the mystical energies of the planet and creates a form of a spell. Contrary to a spell cast by an arcane user, a conjuror does not have to utter any words, make any hand gestures or use any potions, a conjuror simply thinks about what he wants to do. Rather than call what a conjuror generates a spell, though, conjurors prefer to call it a “trick”. A conjuror can only perform a trick that he knows, and must study to learn other tricks.
As a conjuror learns major aspects, he gains 1 trick for each aspect. After an aspect has been learned, more tricks can be learned in that aspect. It is up to the individual conjuror to decide which tricks they want to learn.

Each aspect has a “base cost” to perform a trick in that aspect. Depending on how well the conjuror studies for each trick, the cost will increase. At the same time, the more knowledgeable the conjuror is in Spellcraft, the less the trick will cost to perform.

Below is the list of aspects and their base costs in Magic Points:
Protect 1
Range 1
Sight 2
Affect 2
Illusion 3
Defense 3
Offense 4
Travel 5

Below is the modifier to the base cost, which is dependent on the Spellcraft roll of the conjuror at the time of studying for the trick.

Spellcraft roll Base cost of 1-3 Base cost of 4+
1-5 +8 +14
6-10 +6 +12
11-15 +5 +10
16-20 +4 +8
21-25 +3 +7
26-30 +2 +6
31-35 +1 +5
36-40 0 +4
41-45 0 +3
46-50 0 +2
51+ 0 +1

The final cost to perform the trick is calculated by adding the modifier to the base cost. The final cost may go down as the conjuror becomes more skilled at Spellcraft.

To reduce the cost of a trick a conjuror must increase his Spellcraft skill. For every D in Spellcraft above 1D (meaning the first die doesn’t count), the total cost of all tricks known by the conjuror goes down by 1. This modifier only occurs when the conjuror increases his Spellcraft skill again. So if he originally had 4D in Spellcraft when he learned a trick, he wouldn’t get the reduced cost until he increased his Spellcraft up to 5D. The minimum the cost to perform a trick can ever be is 1.
Example: If the Base cost was 3, and the Spellcraft skill roll was 26, it would add +2 for a total of 5. It would cost 5 Magic Points to perform that particular trick. If the conjuror then increased his Spellcraft skill to 3D (2D over the single die), it would reduce the cost of that trick, and any other trick the conjuror knew, by 2. So the trick that cost 5 total would then only cost 3 to perform.

Example Tricks per aspect:
These are some examples of tricks that can be done. There are many, many others that can be created in each aspect.

Protection from weather
Protection from fire
Protection from cold
Protection from magic
Expel poison

See Invisible
Read Languages
Life Detection
Sense Spirits
Identify Minerals
Identify Plants
Night Vision

Group Invisibility
Create Light
Create Darkness
Frighten Animals
Thunderous Noise
Create Fog

Flaming Touch
Cold Touch
Shocking Grasp
Iron Grip
Cloud of Steam
Ice Shard

Dispel Magic
Immune to Fire
Immune to Cold
Fire Absorption
Protection from Lightning
Wind Wall

Cone of Cold
Wall of Fire
Magic Bolt
Flame Wave
Lightning Bolt
Tidal Wave

Control / Create Fire
Control / Create Wind
Control / Create Water
Move Earth
Increase Strength
Create Rain

Water Walk
Move Through Stone
Wind Whisper

Parts of a Trick:
Each Trick is quantified by certain things. Each is listed below:
Name: The name of the trick, such as “Teleport”
Effect: What the trick does, such as “moves conjuror and anyone touching him to a location viewable by the conjuror”
Intensity: How powerful the trick is if it inflicts damage, or how effective it can be in its effect. Some may not have any listing for intensity or this may be more notes about the effect, such as “if teleporting to a place unseen, there is a 50% chance of ending up teleporting inside of something and dying. If the conjuror knows the location implicitly, he may teleport to that location without having to see it.
Duration: How long the trick lasts. This could be instantaneous or for a duration of time.
Range: How far away the trick works, such as “range of vision”
Cost: The cost in Magic Points to perform the trick, plus any additional points that can be used to augment the trick.

Advantages and Disadvantages of being a Conjuror:
Once the Conjuror learns the major aspect of Affect, it opens a new path for his life. Life lasts longer and the effects of age happen more slowly to a conjuror. From that time forward, the conjuror ages at the rate of 1 year for every 4 years that pass. So if a conjuror was 34 when he learned that aspect, it would take 4 years for him to age to 35.
In addition to slower aging, conjurors actually live longer than other members of their species. The mystical energies extend the life expectancy of a conjuror by 3. So if a human normally lived to 70 years of age, a conjuror human would live to be 210 years of age. When you figure out that it takes 4 normal years to age the conjuror one year, you can see that a conjuror will have a very, very long life ahead of them.

On the negative side, if a conjuror ever runs out of Magic Points and is in a place that is devoid of any mystical energy or is magically cut off from the mystical energies, the conjuror will suffer a form of madness.
Each day the conjuror is at 0 Magic Points and does NOT gain any additional Magic Points, the Conjuror loses 1 pip from the Intelligence attribute. When the Intelligence of the conjuror reaches ½ of the original value, the conjuror appears simple minded, foolish and crazed. When the Intelligence reaches ¼ of the original value, the conjuror will suffer a permanent deficiency, ranging from memory loss to a phobia of something common or even the inability to speak. When the Intelligence of the conjuror reaches 0, the conjuror is permanently affected and will simply become a catatonic vegetable. Only very powerful magic can reverse the effects.
If, during the time a conjuror losing Intelligence, some mystical energy is absorbed by the conjuror (gain at least 1 Magic Point), the effects immediately stop degrading. Once the conjuror reaches their full capacity of Magic Points, the Intelligence returns to the starting amount (unless the loss was too much and some permanent problems occurred) and the conjuror may act and respond normally.

D6 Classes: Priests

Introducing the D6 classes of Priests

There are four classes within the Priests field, covering a wide range of classes with strong faith. These include: Clerics, Druids, Monks, and Samurai.

The important attributes for these classes are as follows:
The important attribute for Clerics is Wisdom
The important attribute for Druids is Wisdom
The important attribute for Monks is Wisdom
The important attribute for Samurai is Intelligence

Priest classes begin with 11D in skills.

Clerics, Druids and Monks all select from the General list of skills and the Priest list of skills.
Samurai can select from the General listPriest list, and Warrior list of skills.

Priests begin the game with 80 Gold Pieces

Priest List

Ancient History – INT
Engineering – INT
Herbalism – INT
Music – CHA
Reading/Writing – INT
Astrology – INT
Healing – WIS
Local History – CHA
Navigation – INT
Religion – WIS

General List of Skills:
Melee Combat – DEX
Melee Parry – DEX
Sneak / Hide – DEX
Lifting – STR
Tracking – WIS
Brawling – STR
Agriculture – INT
Animal Training – WIS
Artistic Ability – WIS
Brewing – INT
Observation – INT
Cobbling – DEX
Dancing – DEX
Etiquette – CHA
Fishing – WIS
Language – CHA
Weather Sense – WIS
Dodge – DEX
Thrown Weapons – DEX
Missile Weapons – DEX
Climbing – DEX
Jumping – DEX
Swimming – CON
Brawling Parry – DEX
Animal Handling – WIS
Horsemanship – WIS
Blacksmithing – STR
Carpentry – STR
Willpower – WIS
Cooking – INT
Direction Sense – WIS
Firebuilding – WIS
Heraldry – INT
Leatherworking – INT
Pottery – DEX
Rope Use – DEX
Seamstress/Tailor – DEX
Stonemasonry – STR
Weaving – INT
Leadership – CHA

Warrior List of skills:
Navigation – INT
Armorer – INT
Charioteering – DEX
Mountaineering – WIS
Survival – INT
Artillerist – CHA
Blind Fighting – WIS
Bowyer / Fletcher – DEX
Endurance – CON
Running – CON
Weaponsmithing – INT
Intimidation – CHA ^
^Only available during character generation

Class Conditions:
Samurai – Only Humans, Elves, and Half-Elves may be a Samurai. gains the Katana weapon for free. must swear fealty to a master and must be devoted to what he/she commands. if the Samurai ever disrespects their master, or fails to do as commanded, the Samurai is shunned and shamed, losing their title of Samurai, and must atone for the disrespect. Failure to atone, or if the master of the Samurai dies, the Samurai then becomes a Ronin. once per day, as a Samurai, may focus their inner strength by emitting a war shout, or “kiai!”, which increases their Strength attribute by double (maximum of 8D) for one full round. If the Samurai has lost their title, or become a Ronin, they cannot use this ability. must choose the Reading/Writing skill at character creation. may purchase Oriental weapons and armor.

Monk (Eastern) – Any race but Dwarves may be a Monk. gains the skill of Reading/Writing at +1D. may only wear Leather, Padded, or Hide armor. Monks may “fast” for a time period of up to 2 weeks, and may continue to operate without suffering penalties for lack of food, as long as the Monk has water to drink. after 1 week of “fasting”, the Monk must make a Moderate Willpower check to avoid gaining Fatigue. each time the Monk fails, they gain 1 Fatigue from the lack of food. when fail, must make another roll the next day. if succeed in the roll, may wait to make just one last Willpower roll at the end of the 2nd week. a Monk may not “fast” for more than 2 weeks, ever, even if they can manage to avoid the effects of fatigue. Monks may enter a meditative state that refreshes their mind and body. if in meditation for 4 hours, uninterrupted, they can ignore all effects of Fatigue for a period of 1 hour afterwards. meditation does NOT take the place of sleeping. a Monk can come out of meditation instantly and alertly without suffering any penalties from being in meditation. most Monks, if they use any weapon at all, use only a Staff or a Spear. when armed with such weapons, a Monk can perform special moves when they reach certain skill levels. when a Monk with Melee Combat reaches 3D in the skill, they may block arrows or other thrown or shot weapons with a Staff or Spear. when Melee Combat reaches 5D, the Monk gains the specialty of Staff Strike, and a Difficult roll using that ability allows the Monk to successfully stun and knock down a man-sized target with ONE hit with the weapon, regardless of damage.

Monk (Western) – Any race but Dwarves and Gnomes may be this type of Monk. begins with the rank of Novice, belonging to a religious faith of their choosing. as a Novice Monk, may not use any edged weapons, only Blunt weapons. may only wear light armor, no metal armor. as a Novice Monk, gain the ability of “Slow Poison”. may not wear a black robe or cassock. no special vows are required by a Novice Monk. must spend at least two weekends a month at a monastery of the faith the Novice has chosen in order to study. must pledge to uphold the beliefs and teachings of the monastery. may be cast out of the monastery if do not follow the beliefs and represent the monastery in a positive manner. grants Will Power at 1D for using the “Slow Poison”. If do something against the beliefs, the ability of “Slow Poison” is lost until penitent for a day, at which time you regain the ability at sunset. is considered a “monk in training”. may put Character Points towards advancing to higher ranks in the Monastery, first to Robe Bearer, then Cross Bearer, and maybe even the Great Schema.

To become a Robe Bearer, must bank 30 Character Points total (may be put towards this a little at a time rather than all at once). This increases your Will Power to 2D. Given a Robe/Cossack to wear to symbolize their devotion to their faith. May only equip themselves with a Staff weapon and may only wear leather armor under their robes. Also, from this level on, Monks may boost their will by uttering a song-like prayer (think of the chanting Monks in old monasteries) which can resist the effects of Fear if they fail their Willpower skill check against Fear. A successful Will Power check with the same difficulty will negate the effects of Fear. Robe Bearers must give 50% of all the money they earn or find to their monastery, every month. These are typically known as “traveling Monks”. In addition to “Slow Poison” ability, they also gain the ability of “Bless”. Robe Bearers are typically given new names, such as Brother Paul, or a single name such as Luke or Adam to signify that they are “dead to the world and become anew”. They are also given a Klobuk (brimless metal hat) which gives them +1 Protection against Blunt and Edged attacks made against them. This protects their ENTIRE body, not just their head, due to the power of faith.

To become a Cross Bearer, must bank 60 Character Points total. This increases your Will Power to 3D. Awarded the “Half Habit” piece of clothing and MUST take their vows of poverty, obedience, and chastity. From this point on the Monk may not possess any money unless it is to take it directly to a nearby donation spot. They may also not own any other items other than what they are given by the monastery. They have all other special abilities and also gain “Cure Serious Wounds” and “Shillelagh”. They must remain good, pure, and poor, as well as obedient to their monastery or church. They continue to wear the black cassock but add the Half Habit that is affixed with a wooden cross that rests just above their heart. The Half Habit carries the emblem of their monastery and provides a basic +2 Protection against ALL attack types. Cross Bearers may not wear any armor and may only carry a Staff.

To become the Great Schema, must bank 230 Character Points total. This increases your Will Power to 5D. This is the highest achievement of rank for a Monk. They must still follow all of the conditions of a Cross Bearer, but must also give up the life of venturing out and devote their time to teach and nurture other Monks to become Cross Bearers. They have all of the above special abilities and also gain “Resist Fire/Cold”, “Heal”, and “Scrying”. Schema Monks don’t really travel and rarely leave the monastery. If things become particularly dire, a Great Schema may venture out for a specific, highly important mission. More than one Schema Monk on a mission means that the “end times” are near. A Great Schema Monk gains a Full Habit, a wide scapular that shows their devotion to their deity and their monastery. It provides 1D+1 Protection against ALL types of attacks. Schema Monks do not carry any weapons, but may be issued a Staff if the need arises for them to journey. They also gain a Burning Censer. The Censer gives them the ability of “Protection From Evil” while it burns and smoke emanates from it. The smoke protection lasts for 3 hours. The Censer can either be attached to a chain and swung forward and backward as they walk, which widens the range of protection to 15 meters, or the Censer can be stationary, placed on a surface like the ground or a table, and makes the range of protection 5 meters.

Druid – Any race may be a Druid. may identify all plants and animals with perfect accuracy. may traverse overgrown areas at normal movement rates and without leaving a trace of passage. may only wear “natural” armors (leather, hides, wooden shields, etc.) not metal. limited to the following weapons: Club, Dart, Spear, Dagger, Scimitar, Sling, Quarterstaff. begins the game with 1D in Prayer Power.

Druid “spells” they can attempt to control by rolling the Prayer Power and reaching the Difficulty number or above.

Animal Friendship (class: Animal)
Range: 10 meters
Duration: Permanent
Difficulty: 10
Effect: This is used on wild animals with low intelligence (1D or less). Gives the user a bonus of +2D to Animal Handling skill for that particular animal. Also grants +1D to Animal Training skill to teach that particular animal up to three tricks.

Animal Summon (class: Animal)
Range: 1 mile
Duration: special
Difficulty: 23
Effect: This allows the user to summon up to 8 members of a single animal type for aid. The animals will stay until the task asked of them is completed (such as enemy being defeated, or a specific mission is finished, etc.). If the first attempt to summon the animals fails, up to two more attempts can be made but a different animal must be chosen each time. If they succeed in the summons, the animals still have to travel to the user’s location by normal means. Only non-magical animals may be summoned.

Awaken (class: Animal, Plant)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 day
Difficulty: 37
Effect: A plant or animal that the user touches “awakens” by gaining human-like sentience and understanding. The awakened creature will be friendly to the user as long as its life is not put in danger. The creature will be able to speak its own language and one language that matches that of the user. Awakened plants may move from their planted location. All awakened creatures have all attributes at 3D.

Barkskin (class: Plant)
Range: Touch
Duration: 4 rounds
Difficulty: 10
Effect: The person touched by the user gains +1D+1 to their Constitution for resisting damage. This does not work in conjunction with any other magical spell that boosts resistance to damage.

Call Lightning (class: Weather)
Range: 360 meters
Duration: 1 round per D in Prayer
Difficulty: 19
Effect: In order for this to be effective, storm clouds must be visible in the sky. Each round the user may attempt to summon a lightning bolt that strikes a target within the listed range. Each bolt strikes automatically if it is successfully summoned. Each bolt causes 4D +1D per D in Prayer of the user of electrical damage. Anyone within a meter of the impact area suffers ½ of the total damage. This spell can only be used outdoors.

Calm Animals (class: Animal)
Range: 8 meters
Duration: 1 minute per D of user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 13
Effect: All animals of the same type, within range of the user, become calmed and docile if they have an Intelligence of 2D or less. If the animal is later attacked, it will defend itself and the spell is broken for that particular animal. Animals that have been trained specifically to attack, that are affected by this spell, will not attack but may remain wary and agitated. If the animal is attacked, then it will attack the person who initiated the attack.

Charm Person or Mammal (class: Animal, Person)
Range: 80 meters
Duration: D of target’s INT x 2 in rounds
Difficulty: 14
Effect: This only works on a single target. It will affect only Human scale humanoids or animals. The charmed individual will view the user as a trusted friend or ally. The charmed individual will listen to suggestions made by the user, as long as the suggestion doesn’t threaten the life of the charmed individual. The charmed individual can be coerced into protecting the life of the user if the odds seem favorable and the user is friendly enough to convince the charmed individual to risk their life.

Commune with Nature (class: Nature)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 round per D of user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 26
Effect: This grants the user the ability to know one fact, per D in Prayer, from nature. This fact could by the type of ground ahead, the direction the user is facing, whether water is near, types of plants around, types of minerals around, whether people or dwellings are near, whether animals are near and how many, whether there are woodland creatures near. The range of detection for all of these is equal to 1 mile for each D of the user’s Prayer.

Control Winds (class: Weather)
Range: 15 meters per D of user’s Prayer
Duration: 1 round per D of user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 27
Effect: This power grants the user the ability to alter winds in the area of effect (the range). For every 2D the user has in Prayer, the user can increase or decrease the current wind speed by 1 level. This means the winds can go from Calm to Light Breeze, up to Moderate Breeze, up to Strong Breeze, up to Gale winds, up to Storm winds, up to Hurricane force winds or in reverse. There must be the faintest breeze to be able to use this ability. The user cannot create wind where none exists.

Create Water (class: Nature)
Range: 30 meters
Duration: Permanent
Difficulty: 7
Effect: This ability creates up to 4 gallons of drinking water for every D of the user’s Prayer. If this water is not created in an area that can contain the water, it will spill all over.

Cure Minor Wounds (class: Person)
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Difficulty: 3
Effect: When an injured person is touched by the user and this ability is successfully cast, the user rolls 1D and divides the result by 2, rounding fractions up. If a 1 is rolled, the amount healed is 0. If a 6 is rolled, roll the die again and add the amounts together before dividing by 2. The result after dividing and rounding is the amount of hit points healed. The amount healed can never exceed the total amount of hit points of the injured person.

Cure Moderate Wounds (class: Person)
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Difficulty: 13
Effect: When an injured person is touched by the user and this ability is successfully cast, the user rolls 2D+2 and the injured person is healed by the total amount. The amount healed can never exceed the total amount of hit points of the injured person.

Detect Magic (class: Nature)
Range: 30 meters
Duration: 1 round
Difficulty: 6
Effect: The user can detect magical radiation in the direction they are facing, out to the range listed. This can be used to pinpoint a magical item, or a person that uses magic.

Detect Poison (class: Nature)
Range: Immediate area
Duration: 1 round
Difficulty: 4
Effect: This allows the user to determine if an object right near them is poisoned or poisonous.

Detect Snares and Pits (class: Nature)
Range: Immediate area
Duration: 4 rounds per D in user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 6
Effect: The user can feel the inherent danger when near or approaching a pit, deadfall, snare, or other primitive trap made of natural materials. This also helps the user detect quicksand, sinkholes and unsafe walls of natural rock. This will not help the user detect naturally poisonous plants.

Dispel Magic (class: Nature)
Range: 60 meters
Duration: instant
Difficulty: 20
Effect: This ability affects magic in one of three ways. One: if can cause magic that is currently in effect, in range, to be cancelled. Two: in can disrupt the casting of magic that is happening at that moment. Anyone currently attempting to cast magic, within range, automatically fails if this ability is successful. Three: it will render magical potions into benign liquid with no special properties. This does not affect magical scrolls or other magical items.

Dust Devil (class: Weather)
Range: 30 meters
Duration: 2 rounds per D in user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 14
Effect: This ability creates a weak “air elemental” controlled by the user. The dust devil is capable of putting out torches, campfires, exposed lanterns and other non-magical fires. The dust devil may also hold back a gaseous cloud or push back gaseous creatures. If it is formed on dusty or sandy ground, the dust devil can create a small cloud (3 meters across) that obscures vision.

Entangle (class: Plant)
Range: 80 meters
Duration: 1 round
Difficulty: 8
Effect: This causes plants within range to grow and entangle creatures also within range. A Moderate strength roll is required to escape from the plants, otherwise those entangled suffer -2D to all actions requiring movement.

Faerie Fire (class: Nature)
Range: 80 meters
Duration: 4 rounds
Difficulty: 3
Effect: This enables the user to choose an individual to “outline” one object per D in the user’s Prayer, with a glowing light. The outlined object or creature, is visible up to 80 meters at night and all attacks against that creature gain +1D to hit at night and +1 to hit at Twilight or lighter. This cannot be used on a gaseous or non-corporeal creature.

Fire Trap (class: Nature)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 use
Difficulty: 16
Effect: This can be used on any item which can be opened and closed. The next time the item is opened, the trap causes a 2 meter wide area to be engulfed in fire. The damage of the fire is equal to the Prayer power of the user. The user may open and close the item without the trap being triggered, as can anyone specifically allowed by the user at the time of the roll.

Flame Blade (class: Person)
Range: hand held
Duration: 4 rounds per D in user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 12
Effect: This creates a flaming blade in the hands of the user. The blade has the appearance of a fiery scimitar-like blade (but may vary depending on the user) and inflicts STR+1D+2 fire damage to targets. If the target is Undead, the blade does STR+4D damage. This counts as a normal weapon, and can be used to parry other weapons. This weapon will never fall from the hands of the user. Due to the heat of the blade, it will ignite flammable items that it is held against, such as parchments, straw, dry sticks and thin cloth. This blade will cease to exist if it is doused in water and its duration is halved if used outdoors in rain. This weapon does not affect creatures that can only be hit by magical weapons.

Flaming Sphere (class: Nature)
Range: 40 meters
Duration: 1 round
Difficulty: 17
Effect: This creates a small ball of fire that rapidly expands to encompass an area 4 meters in diameter. Anything within the area of effect suffers 2D of fire damage for every D of the user’s Prayer. Flammable materials within the affected area will ignite. This ball of fire can be created anywhere within the range of the ability.

Flame Strike (class: Nature)
Range: 60 meters
Duration: 1 round
Difficulty: 32
Effect: This creates a vertical column of fire that impacts a spot 2 meters square. The damage inflicted to anything in that area is 8D + the Prayer of the user. This will work in any area, including underground or in a building. All flammable materials in the area will ignite and the damage does affect things that can only be affected by magic.

Flare (class: Nature)
Range: 10 meters per D in user’s Prayer
Duration: 1 round
Difficulty: 5
Effect: This creates a bright flash, equivalent to a bulls-eye lantern that lasts for a single round. This flash can affect anyone up to the range of the ability, and can cause serious vision problems for those with special vision, especially if used in darkness. During the day, the flare causes only temporary confusion equivalent to -1D for actions involving vision for a round.

Goodberry (class: Person)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 day
Difficulty: 10
Effect: This enables the user to have up to 6 freshly picked, edible berries to be used in one of two ways. One: each berry can be eaten and acts as a complete meal, filling a person up and providing all of the nourishment they need. Two: each berry can be used to cure 1 Hit Point of physical damage to the person eating it. The most hit points that can be gained back by eating Goodberry, per day, is 8.

Heal (class: Person)
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Difficulty: 28
Effect: This completely heals and cures the touched person of all injuries and disease, including blindness, feeblemindedness and mental disorders induced by injury or spells.

Healing Circle (class: Person)
Range: 3 meters
Duration: Permanent
Difficulty: 37
Effect: This completely cures and heals all targets within the range of the circle of all injuries and disease. This includes blindness, feeblemindedness, and mental disorders induced by injury or spells. The user cannot move while this spell is in use.

Heat Metal (class: Nature)
Range: 40 meters
Duration: 7 rounds
Difficulty: 9
Effect: This makes non-elven, non-magical metal item to become extremely hot. One the first round, the metal becomes hot and the wielder must make a Moderate CON roll to hang on to it. The 2nd through the 6th round the metal is so hot that if the wielder is still touching it, it causes 1 hit point of damage automatically to the wielder. In addition, the wielder must make a Difficult CON roll to continue to hold on. On the last round, the metal is searing hot and causes 1D6 hit points of damage automatically to the wielder if they are touching it. The wielder must also make a Moderate CON roll to remain conscious and a Heroic CON roll to continue hanging on to the item. After 7 rounds, the metal returns to normal temperature as if it had never been heated at all.

Invisibility to Animals (class: Animal)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round per D in user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 8
Effect: This allows an individual touched to become totally invisible to animals with low intelligence (1D or lower). If the affected person ever makes an attack, whether it successfully hits or not, the ability is immediately cancelled, making the person visible to all animals.

Ironwood (class: Plant)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 day per D in user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 32
Effect: This allows the user to make wooden objects become as heavy, sturdy and durable as an iron object of the same shape and size. Wooden swords become as strong as steel swords, wooden armor as strong as metal armor and so on. Wooden objects, while affected by this ability, will not burn nor are they affected by anything that would normally affect iron, such as rust. They do not heat up like iron and spells that affect iron do not affect ironwood items. Other spells that can affect wood, however, will still affect ironwood items.

Light (class: Nature)
Range: 120 meters
Duration: 1 hour
Difficulty: 7
Effect: This allows the user to create a luminous glow equal to that of a torch. The light can emit from air, from rock, or nearly any other substance. If it is cast on a movable object, the light may be moved. The user can extinguish the light whenever they choose up until the extent of the duration. Once put out, though, a new roll must be made to begin this ability again.

Meld into Stone (class: Person)
Range: Self
Duration: 8 rounds + 1 round for every D in user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 17
Effect: This allows the user to meld his body and belongings that are worn on him, into a stone that is large enough to fit him. While in the stone, the user cannot see what goes on outside of the stone but may move around within the stone if it is large enough. When the ability runs out, the user is cast out of the stone through the same place that he entered it. If the user chooses to leave the stone, he must move out through the same face of the stone that he entered on. This ability cannot be used to pass through stones and out another side, so it cannot be used to pass through stone walls. Minor damage to the stone causes no damage to the user. Damage that makes the stone too small for the user causes 6D damage to the person inside of it.

Pass without Trace (class: Plant, Nature)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round per D in user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 8
Effect: The grants a person the bonus of +2D to Sneak/Hide for the duration of the ability.

Produce Flame (class: Nature)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 round per D in user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 11
Effect: This creates a bright flame in the palm of the user. The brightness is equivalent to that of a torch. The flame does not burn the user but will catch other flammable materials it touches on fire. The user may throw the flame up to 40 meters and upon impact it inflicts 1D damage and will catch flammable materials on fire. This ability cannot be created under water.

Purify Food and Drink (class: Nature)
Range: 30 meters
Duration: Permanent
Difficulty: 10
Effect: This makes spoiled, rotten, poisoned or otherwise contaminated food or water into pure and edible substance suitable for eating or drinking. It affects all food within range.

Resist Fire / Resist Cold (class: Person)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round per D in user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 11
Effect: This allows the touched person’s skin to become toughened enough to resist Fire or Cold, as chosen by the user. The person gains +1D+2 to Constitution when resisting attacks or effects of the appropriate temperature, including magical attacks. In addition an affected person only suffers half damage from the attacks they are protected from. So if a character failed the resistance roll by 8 against a fire attack and they were protected by Resist Fire, instead of suffering 8 damage they would only suffer 4 damage.

Scrying (class: Person)
Range: 1 mile per D in user’s Prayer
Duration: 1 round per D in user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 34
Effect: This allows the user to see and hear the subject they wish to see, as long as the subject is within range. It acts as if the user is standing right next to the person they choose, able to see and hear what the subject sees and hears. In order for this ability to work, the user must know the name of the person as well as the general description of the person.

Shillelagh (class: Person)
Range: wielded weapon
Duration: 4 rounds +1 round per D in user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 11
Effect: Grants a +1 To Hit with Blunt weapons and a bonus of +1D+1 to damage of the weapon.

Slow Poison (class: Nature)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour per D in user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 10
Effect: This slows the effects of venom or poison. It does not neutralize the poison, but instead slows the effects of it. If the poison causes damage, when this ability takes effect, no damage occurs from it until the duration wears off.

Speak with Animals (class: Animal)
Range: Self
Duration: 2 round per D in user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 12
Effect: This allows the user to comprehend and communicate with any warm or cold blooded animal that isn’t mindless (meaning it must have an INT score). The user is able to ask questions and receive answers from the animal, although friendliness and cooperation are by no means guaranteed. This ability only works for non-giant, non-fantastic animals such as apes, bears, cats, dogs, elephants, etc.

Sunbeam (class: Nature)
Range: 20 meters
Duration: 1 round per D in user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 39
Effect: This creates a concentrated sunbeam, 2 meters across, for each D in the user’s Prayer. The sunbeams strike an area within range, causing 4D of heat damage and blinding the target for a number of rounds equal to 4+ the number of D in the user’s Prayer. If the target is Undead, the damage increases up to 8D + the Prayer power of the user. The Undead will recoil away from the light. If this ability it used in darkness or low light conditions against targets with special vision, the blindness will become permanent.

Tree (class: Plant)
Range: Self
Duration: 2 minutes per D in user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 15
Effect: This makes the user have the physical appearance and attributes of a tree. The user retains his ability to think, reason and see, but is unable to move while in tree form. While this is in effect, the user is completely indistinguishable from a regular tree. For every 3 points of damage the affected person suffers while in tree form, the user suffers only 1 hit point loss. The user may cancel the effect at any time, or it cancels automatically at the end of the duration.

Trip (class: Plant)
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 rounds
Difficulty: 9
Effect: A touched piece of rope, twine, vine, pole, stick or similar object can be touched and it will rise off the ground to trip any human or large scale creature passing over it. Any creature passing over it must make a Very Difficult DEX check otherwise they lose their footing and fall down. If the creature passing over it is running, the difficulty of the roll increases to Heroic.

True Seeing (class: Nature)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round per D in user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 37
Effect: This allows a person to see things as they actually are. Invisible things become visible to the affected person, polymorphic things are seen as they truly are, illusions are seen through, darkness can be seen through, magically secret doors become noticeable, things that are displaced or blurred can be seen where they really are and can be seen clearly, and things in other planes can be seen. Anything that is like this that is within 40 meters of the affected person can be seen.

Warp Wood (class: Plant)
Range: 10 meters
Duration: Permanent
Difficulty: 8
Effect: This causes a volume of wood to bend and warp, permanently destroying its shape and straightness, form and strength. 1 centimeter of thickness, per D of the user’s Prayer, can be warped. Magically augmented or magical wooden items are unaffected by this ability.

Water Breathing (class: Person)
Range: Touch
Duration: 30 minutes per D in user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 16
Effect: This allows the affected person to breathe water as if it were air. This does not make the affected person unable to breathe air; they can simply breathe both while this ability is in effect.

Cleric – Any race may be a Cleric. must belong to a particular religious faith. has the ability to “Turn Undead” to a limited amount. may NOT use any Slashing or Piercing weapons in combat. begins the game with 1D in Prayer Power

Some of the prayers that Clerics may pray for using the Prayer Power include:

Range: 30 meters
Duration: 6 rounds
Difficulty: 6
Effect: All individuals within range gain the benefit of +1D to any Willpower rolls. Additionally, all people who are not currently involved in combat gain +1D to their first attack if made while this ability is still active.

Cloak of Bravery
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 5 rounds per D in user’s Prayer
Difficulty: 18
Effect: All individuals within range gain the benefit of +3D to any Willpower rolls. Additionally, any circumstance that would normally cause a person in the affected area to flee, such as a magical spell, has no effect as long as this ability is in effect.

Create Water
Range: 30 meters
Duration: Permanent
Difficulty: 7
Effect: This ability creates up to 4 gallons of drinking water for every D of the user’s Prayer. If this water is not created in an area that can contain the water, it will spill all over.

Cure Light Wounds
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Difficulty: 5
Effect: This ability heals an individual touched by the priest by 2D. The injured person gains that many hit points back if they are injured to that extent. The amount of hit points healed can never exceed the total amount of hit points of the injured person. It is possible, with the Wild Die being included in this roll, for 0 Hit Points to be healed or for more than 12 to be healed.

Cure Serious Wounds
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Difficulty: 16
Effect: This ability heals an individual touched by the priest by 3D+2. The injured person gains that many hit points back if they are injured to that extent. The amount of hit points healed can never exceed the total amount of hit points of the injured person.

Cure Critical Wounds
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Difficulty: 22
Effect: This ability heals an individual touched by the priest by 6D+2. The injured person gains that many hit points back if they are injured to that extent. The amount of hit points healed can never exceed the total amount of hit points of the injured person.

Others include: Animal Messenger, Augury, Abjure, Daylight, Detect Evil, Detect Magic, Detect Undead, Dismissal, Divination, Circle of Protection, Comprehend Language, Control Weather, Control Water, Hallow, Heal, Healing Circle, Hold Person, Invisibility Purge, Invisible to Undead, Light, Mass Heal, Meld into Stone, Neutralize Poison, Protection from Evil, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Resist Fire/Cold, Remove Fear, Remove Paralysis, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Curse, Regenerate, Resurrection, Sanctuary, Silence, Spiritual Weapon, Shield of Faith, Slow Poison, Speak with Dead, Scrying, Vestment of Protection, Water Breathing, Water Walk, Wind Wall, Zone of Truth (none of these have been detailed yet)

M4 Sherman

Nation: America

Vehicle stats: Length: 6.27 meters, Width: 2.68 meters, Height 3.43 meters, Weight: 30.1 tons

Scale: 7 (Vehicular)

SkiII: Tracked Vehicle Driving

Crew 5

Range: 161 km

PL: 3

Armor: Hull Front = 50+1, Hull Side/Rear = 2D+1, Hull Top = 1D, Turret Front = 6D, Turret Side/Rear = 30+2, Turret Top = 1D

Toughness: 30+2

Hull Hits: 10

Speed: 34 km/h

Move: 16

Maneuver 1D+2


1 x 75mm 1v13 /L40 gun: Scale: 7 (Vehicular), PL 3, Arc: Turret Stabilized -2D, Fire Control: +1, Rate of Fire: 1/ 2, Ammunition: 75mm – 90 rounds, HE rounds: Range: 1-500 / 1125/ 2800, Damage: 6D+1, Penetration: none, AP rounds: Range: 1-500 / 1050/ 2100, Damage: 6D, Penetration: 5D / 4D 12D+1, APC rounds: Range: 500 / 1100 / 2400, Damage: 6D, Penetration: 4D+2 4D / 3D

2x .30 caliber Machine Guns: Scale: 0 (Character), Arc 2 coaxial, 1 forward (hull) Stabilized -2D, Fire Control: none, Rate of Fire: 10, Ammunition: .30 cal. – 4,750 rounds, Range: 1-125/ 250 / 500, Damage: 6D+1

1x .50 caliber Machine Gun: Scale: 2 (Large), Arc AA-360 degrees, Stabilized -2D ,Fire Control: none, Rate of Fire: 5, Ammunition: .50 cal. -100 round belt, 3 belts, Range: 1-225/ 450 / 915, Damage: 9D+2, Penetration: 1D+2

Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf A

Nation: Germany

Vehicle stats: Length: 5.69 meters, Width: 2.81 meters, Height: 2.34 meters, Weight: 15.4 tons

Scale: 7 (Vehicular)

Skill: Tracked Vehicle Driving

Crew: 5

Range: 175 km

PL: 1

Armor: Hull Front = 2D+2, Hull Side/Rear = 2D, Hull Top = +2, Turret Front = 2D+1, Turret Side/Rear = 2D, Turret Top = +2

Toughness: 3D+1

Hull Hits: 10

Speed: 40 km/h

Move: 13

Maneuver: 1D


1 x 37mm KwK L/46.5 gun: Scale: 7 (Vehicular), PL: 3, Arc: Turret Stabilized: -1D, Fire Control: +1, Rate of Fire: 1 / 2, Ammunition: 37mm – 120 rounds, Range: 1-250 / 500 / 1000, Damage: 4D+2, Penetration: 1D+1

3 x 7.92mm MG34 Machine Guns: Scale: 0 (Character), Arc: 2 coaxial, 1 forward (hull), Stabilized: -2D, Fire Control: none, Rate of Fire: 10, Ammunition: 7.92 x 57mm – 2,250 rounds, Range: 1-150 / 450 / 1200, Damage: 6D+2

Tank! Tank!!

The mere word brings up images of steel beasts of war, capable of destroying vehicles, driving through buildings, and being all but impervious against normal bullets.

Tanks started out as slow, plodding, behemoths that bullets bounced off but artillery turned into flaming wrecks. Then tanks were refined, becoming faster, better armored, and with more impressive weaponry on them. There were light tanks which were fast and maneuverable. There were medium tanks with a nice blend of stout armor, dangerous main weapons, and decent speed. And there were heavy tanks which proved to be the true monsters on the battlefield. They had impressive armor and weapons that could punch through nearly all other tank armor. But they were slow and heavy.

After the second world war, tanks went through another transformation. They had improved armor and even better weapons. They weren’t as slow and sluggish. They had better equipment, allowing for them to fire their deadly weapons while moving. Armor changed to better resist the most damaging weapon types. So new weapon types were designed.

Into the future, tanks were advanced even more, with armor that previous tanks could only wish to have. Weapons were computer assisted and capable of dealing death to enemies at longer ranges. And the future tanks became faster and even more dangerous than any version before.

Eventually future tanks evolved into enormous mobile battle platforms, capable of delivering their deadly payload to target in air and space as well as on the ground. They ruled the battlefield.

Then “walkers”, or mechanized constructs (“mechs” for short) debuted and the apparent superiority of tanks was tested, and rivaled by the mechs. It was a new age, where both mechs and tanks battled it out for supremacy on the battlefield.

That’s how tanks came about, but what does this have to do with explaining them?

Well, it begins to show how tanks have changed over the limited years that they have existed. They started with weak armor, were slow and ponderous, but giant and lords of the battlefield. Then they became the back-bone of warfare, and advanced in both armor and weaponry.

But how does a person represent that in D6? Oh sure you can stat a tank and say it has 8D Toughness and is at a Scale 11. But then how do you handle the difference between that tank (say a Medium tank) and a better tank (such as a Heavy tank)? Do you put Toughness at 10D?

Okay, then what do you do when you introduce that 10D Toughness tank against a more advanced tank with better armor and better weapons? Do you increase the Toughness again, say to 14D? But then you have to increase the damage for the guns on the tank too. And then you get even more advanced tanks, futuristic tanks! What do their stats become? 18D? 20D? Where does the amount stop?

And then consider what happens when you compare a tank at 18D vs. a space cruiser with only 10D in Hull and 4D in shields. Is the tank really more powerful than a space cruiser a kilometer long? Not hardly!

That’s where some changes were made to better reflect the changes that have happened with Tanks over the years. In addition to Toughness and Scale, there are Armor ratings (which add to the Toughness) and Performance Levels (which represent fundamental improvements in either the armor or weapons of the age) to help distinguish Tanks over common vehicles.

A bulldozer might be a heavy piece of machinery, but it’s not designed for combat. It might have a Toughness of 8D, but does that mean it stands a chance against a Tank? Maybe against a man with a rifle, yes, a bulldozer is formidable, but against a Tank, there is no contest. This is where for Armor and Performance Level (PL) comes in.

A bulldozer with a Toughness of 8D vs. a Tank with a Toughness of 8D.
Now let’s look at a tank. What does a tank have that a bulldozer doesn’t. One, it has armor all over. And that armor is specifically designed to prevent damage. So the Tank receives an Armor value to reflect that. Let’s give the Tank an Armor of +3D in the front.

But the bulldozer has a super thick blade up front! Okay, we’ll give the bulldozer an armor of +2D in the front to reflect that.

Now let’s look at the sides. Tank is armored, bulldozer is not. Tank armor is lighter on the sides, so we only give the Tank an Armor value of +1D on the sides, where the bulldozer gets no armor bonus. And then we have the rear. Again, the tank is armored, the bulldozer is not. The rear armor is even weaker, so we only give the Tank an Armor value of +1 in the rear, and the bulldozer gets no armor bonus.

Now is the armor even in the front for both the Tank and bulldozer? Not hardly. One is a blade used to push dirt around. Sturdy, yes. Thick, yes. But it’s not designed to deflect damage. The Tank armor IS designed to deflect damage. It’s angled, and made differently, so it withstands damage better. This is where Performance Level comes in. The performance of the armor on the tank is superior to the performance of the “armor” on the bulldozer. How much better would depend on when the tank was created. We’ll give this tank, being from World War 2, a slight performance edge, and give the Tank a PL of 3. The bulldozer gets no PL, as it is not designed for combat.

So now we have the bulldozer at Toughness 8D, and frontal “armor” of +2D.

That means if the bulldozer is hit in the front, it adds +2D to its Toughness rating when resisting damage.

The Tank, is also at a Toughness 8D, but it has Armor of +3D (front), +1D (sides), +1 (rear)

It also has a Performance Level (PL) of 3.

We’re going to assume that each vehicle has the same weapon, doing 8D damage.

If the Tank hits the bulldozer in the Front, the damage is 8D vs. 10D. Chances are the bulldozer will not be damaged. If the Tank manages to hit the bulldozer on the SIDE, though, the roll is 8D damage vs. 8D Toughness. An even roll, and a decent chance of damaging the bulldozer.

If the bulldozer hits the Tank in the front, the damage is 8D vs. 11D (PL3). Not only is the amount of damage significantly less than the resistance of the Tank with its Armor, there’s also the PL to consider. Subtract the lower PL from the higher PL. The difference between the two is SUBTRACTED from the lower PL’s roll. Since the bulldozer is a PL 0, 0-3 equals a difference of 3. So after the 8D in damage is rolled, 3 would be subtracted from the total. So it’s even more difficult for the 8D damage to affect the Tank.

And if the bulldozer hits on the side, the damage is 8D vs the Tank’s 9D (8D Toughness + 1D Armor) with a PL 3. So again, the PL comes into effect.

The bulldozer would have to hit in the rear of the tank to even have a close chance of damaging the Tank. It would be 8D vs. 8D+1 (PL3). So even with fairly equal rolls, the bulldozer would still have reduce the total rolled by 3 because of the PL of the armor.

This makes Tanks much more stout in comparison to other large or stout machinery that isn’t designed for the performance of war.

When you add in the Scale modifiers, there’s also a chance the total could be reduced even more.

But tanks aren’t just armored. They also have significant weapons as well! The main gun on a tank is designed to shoot deadly projectiles as fantastic speeds and penetrate some of that heavy tank armor.
Tank weapons use special ammunition, with armor penetrating capabilities. An Armor Piercing round fired from a tank might have the ability to defeat 2D worth of Armor. The gun might also be optimized to shoot that round with incredible speed, giving a gun its own Performance Level.

So a gun on Tank might have special AP ammunition, capable of doing 8D damage with a Penetration of 2D and Performance Level of 3.

Now, that Tank shooting at the bulldozer from the front had an advantage with special ammunition. The Tank does 8D Damage (PEN 2D) (PL3)

The bulldozer from the front has Toughness 8D +2D “armor” for the bulldozer blade.

When that shot hits, the Penetration subtracts up to the amount listed in ARMOR on the target. In this case, the PEN 2D subtracts 2D from the target’s armor. Since the armor on the bulldozer is 2D, that armor is then IGNORED. If the Penetration is greater than the Armor rating on the target, the Penetration does not reduce the Toughness. Any extra Penetration is simply lost.

Now the roll is just 8D vs 8D! But the PL comes into affect here too. Comparing the PL of both, the Tank’s gun has a PL 3, while the bulldozer is still PL 0. The difference is 3, which is subtracted from the roll of the lower PL, which means the bulldozer’s resistance roll is reduced by 3. This gives the Tank a slightly better than equal chance of damaging the bulldozer FROM THE FRONT! That’s all due to the use of special ammunition which the Tank has access to.

So now the Bulldozer hitting the Tank from front is rolling 8D damage vs 11D of the Tank with PL of 3.

The Tank hitting the bulldozer from the front is rolling 8D damage (PEN 2D) (PL3) vs. 10D of the bulldozer with its armor. The Penetration removes the armor bonus, making it 8D Toughness only. So an even roll of 8D vs. 8D is made, but the bulldozer must also subtract 3 due to the Performance difference.

This shows the significant difference between a Tank and another large vehicle, such as a bulldozer, tractor trailer, or other big piece of machinery. It also shows how changes can be made in Tanks to reflect the differences in them between “light tanks”, “medium tanks”, and “heavy tanks”, as well as the differences in types and effectiveness of armor using Performance Levels. Instead of massively inflating the Toughness dice to 14D or 18D or greater, the differences are reflected with better or worse Performance Levels of armor and weaponry. Tanks of the same Performance have no better or worse chance against Tanks made in the same time period or with the same level of technology. Only when a lesser performing tank goes up against a better performing tank does it matter…or when a tank is going up against a non-tank.

Using both Armor (in addition to Toughness and Scale) for resisting damage, and Performance Level for adjusting based on technology or advancements in construction, Tanks become the thing that is feared on the battlefield and that can instill that sense of dread when the GM tells the player that they hear the squeaking rattle of the tank treads as they crunch over the piles of bones in a post-apocalyptic world of Terminator. Without heavy weapons capable of punching through some serious armor, the best option may be to run away from the steel monstrosities that are TANKS!