Category Archives: Adventure Creatures

Crime Lords

Real crime lords and their supporters are as unique as fingerprints, but the stereotypes generally fall into a few categories.


The monomaniacal crime lords start off just wanting a piece of the pie, bur as they grow in power, and quite often in insanity, they want everything. Their plans tend to be intricate and designed to bring entire nations to their knees. To this end, they create large international organizations with well-equipped and financed cells all controlled from one central command.

Megalomaniacs are brilliant but seriously disturbed individuals. They will take any opportunity to explain, and even witness, their plans, and thus their intelligence, to chose they feel are up to following the brilliance of it, even if it means delaying an execution.

Megalomaniacs arc totally ruthless and will order the killing of anyone without a moment’s hesitation, including members of their own inner circles. They tend to have pronounced quirks and rituals that are easily noticeable by even the casual observer. The main physical quirk chat many have in common is chat their eyes arc always on the move, looking out for char surprise attack that in their mind is coming.

Slightly overweight, they are always immaculately dressed in the most expensive of clothes. They are rarely alone and rely upon their bodyguards for their protection from physical harm. Thus, they carry no sort of firearms or weapons, unless they know an attack is coming.

Godfathers head their crime syndicates with an iron hand and a certain code of rules. They are honorable men, for being thieves and murderers, and their code is absolute.

The code includes no killing of cops, no breaking of vows, no unnecessary}’ killing of innocents, and keeping quiet about “family business.” Any undeR1ings chat break these simple rules can expect swift and often deadly retribution.

They have divided territories with borders that occasionally come into dispute. There may be several godfathers over a single large city or one godfather may control an entire region of the country. Many godfathers refuse to gee into the illegal drug business and leave that marker to the gangs.

Godfathers rend to dress conservatively and always in the finest of clothes. They speak in whispers so that only the person that they wish to receive a message hears it. They usually only speak with one of there top capitanos, who then relays the message or answer to the individual. It’s rare char a godfather will sit down with anyone other than another godfather, unless the potential consequences are catastrophic. Thus, while they may have large organizations that work for them, they have personal contact with few people. Godfathers control their quirks and their emotions to a point where a casual observer may chink char everything is business with them. Thar’s exactly what they wish to portray, even though it may be far from the truth in many cases. Godfathers rarely carry firearms, and then only if absolutely necessary. They prefer to use their personal protection as a test for their capitanos and other “family” members.

Gang lords do anything to meet their needs and desires. They tend to use the gun and ask questions later. They are, for the most pare, ac war with both the cops and other gangsters. Quite often, gang lords cake part in hits themselves if they think a point needs to be made.

They dress a little more causal and trendy, though still with expensive tastes. They tend to bellow their commands to whoever happens to be around them, expecting the orders to be immediately carried out. They don’t care who hears, because if there’s any backtalk, the gang lord would have the offending party eliminated.

Gang lords always have a number of their lieutenants and thugs around chem. Everyone, including the gang lord, is always armed.


Each capitano (“captain” in Italian) is given a portion of the crime lord’s empire to run, either a territory in streets or a vice (gambling, theft, protection, prostitution, illegal booze, etc.).

Capitanos dress either in expensive imported suits, shires, and shoes, or in costly designer jogging suits. Either outfit allows chem to conceal a pistol. The capitano runs a crew or group of thugs who do all the day-to-day operations of the syndicate. The crew may consist of as few as four or five to as many as 30 thugs, depending on the type of racket the capitano has control over and if there’s a threat to chat person’s control of it.

Although most capitanos are appointed by their lords, some are replaced when a position comes open through a death Hit men are professional killers. They come in all shapes, sizes, and sexes. It’s the one really integrated pare of the crime lord’s syndicate. They dress to blend in, nothing fancy or noticeable. The typical hit man wears a long coat and dress gloves all the time, so that others don’t find it unusual when he needs chem for work.

They work alone, except for the rare occasion when they use a driver they use for a time-sensitive mission. More times than not, unless the crime lord is a megalomaniac, the hit man is an independent contractor that comes into do a job and beyond chat has no loyalty to any person or organization.

The hit man leaves the drive-by and hit-and-run shootings for chugs and gang members. They are paid to kill an individual and chose chat get in their way directly with as little mess as possible. They prefer more intimate methods of disposal, such as sniper rifles, handguns, knives, and poisons.

The hit man is the one area in crime families and gangs in which women are accepted almost as equals into this primarily male-driven establishment.

Thugs are the muscle of the crime lord’s organization. Most times they are hired because they can make money, through stealing, intimidation, or a host of other illegal means. Many rimes they are also chosen for their loyalty and their lack of ambition, at least at the start.

They generally dress in the most expensive knockoff suits that they can afford, using the jacket to conceal a favored gun, knife, or other weapon. They often conceal a baseball bat or tire iron in their cars.

Typical Crime Lord

Reflexes 2D: brawling 2D+2, dodge 3D, melee combat 2D+2

Coordination 2D: marksmanship 3D, piloting 3D

Physique 2D: lifting 3D

Knowledge 3D: business 5D, forgery4D, languages 3D+1, scholar 3D+1

Perception 3D: gambling 5D, investigation 4D+2, streetwise 3D+1

Presence 4D: charm 4D+1, command 5D, con 4D+1, intimidation 5D, willpower 4D+2

Strength Damage: 2D

Move: 10

Fate Points: 1

Body Points: 16

Character Points: 3

Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Devotion (R3), to code of honor or gaining power or wealth; Employed (R1), running syndicate or gang; Infamy (R2)

Advantages: Authority (R2), over syndicate or gang; Equipment (R2), variety of illegal weapons; Wealth (R3)

Special Abilities: none

Equipment: fine clothes; handgun 3D+2; range 10/20/30; ammo 6)

Typical Lackey

Reflexes 3D: brawling 4D+2, dodge 3D+2, melee combat 4D+2

Coordination 3D: marksmanship 4D, piloting 3D+2

Physique 3D: lifting 4D+2, running 3D+2

Knowledge 2D: business 3D, forgery 3D, security 4D+1

Perception 2D: hide 3D, search 4D+1, Streetwise 4D, tracking 3D+2

Presence 2D: con 3D+2, intimidation 3D+2

Strength Damage: 2D

Move: 10

Fate Points: 0

Body Points: 19

Character Points: 2

Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Employed (R1), part of syndicate or gang; Infamy (R2)

Advantages: Contact (R1), other members of syndicate or gang; Patron (R2), crime lord

Special Abilities: none

Equipment: suit coat or long overcoat (+1 to hide when concealing things); handgun (damage 3D+2; range 10/20/30; ammo 6); knife (damage +1D); other equipment as needed by the job

Note: Capitanos also have gambling and command of 4D. Hit men also have +1D to marksmanship and hide and demolitions, Lock picking, and sneak of 4D.


Often used as messengers and harbingers of doom, the crow and its slightly larger cousin the raven are famous for their connections to the occult. These black birds, averaging around 50 centimeters from tip to tail, live all across the globe in one form or another. Best known for their dramatic penchant of eating eyeballs, crows are actually omnivores and will eat just about anything. Cunning in the extreme, crows are known to be master thieves, pilfering food from trash, picnic baskets, and the nests of other birds.

Historically understood as bearers of misfortune the crow’s mystical ties cover the realms of death discord, divination, hard luck, harmony, mystery’. and resourcefulness. In the modern era, many mystics summon crows to serve as their familiars, using the creature’s commonplace features to avoid suspicion. For those who see signs in the natural world, the appearance of a crow has great meaning, often sending the viewer down a new or different path.

In combat, a lone crow fights to escape. A typical tactic is to take one swipe at an opponent, putting it on the defensive while the crow flies away. Once it gains enough distance, the crow will land and reconsider its options, tending to shy away from any threats. In mass, a murder of crows earns its name quickly and brutally. A group of 10 or more crows will often attack by diving from the sky and pecking with their beaks (attacking as one and adding an additional +2 to the damage total for the group). On the following round, the murder will rake to the air again, preparing for another dive. While no single crow can take out a larger opponent on its own, the massed attack assures that one or two get in a critical lucky shot.

A crow is quite trainable, and it can use its beak to perform complicated maneuvers, such as picking up objects and putting them in open containers. A typical crow can fly for hundreds of kilometers without rest, or longer if the thermals help them.

Crows make excellent foreshadowing devices, providing subtle clues to the direction a group of characters may need to take. Consider having a crow appear as a harbinger just before the beginning of a large battle. Use the image of the crow in an ancient text or series of hieroglyphs to provide a warning of what it to come. When an adventure provides two paths, the appearance of a crow tactfully supporting one or the other can be taken as a sign.

Typical Crow

Reflexes 3D+1: brawling 4D, flying 4D+1, sneak 3D+2

Coordination 1D

Physique 1D+2

Knowledge 1D

Perception 2D+2: search 4D, survival 3D+2

Presence 2D+1: intimidation 2D+2, willpower 3D+1

Strength Damage: 1D

Move: 20 (flying)/12 (gliding)

Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 0

Body Points: 15

Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: beak (damage +2); wings; small size (scale value 7)

Note: When a crow becomes a familiar, the bond between master and bird gives the pair the following supernatural abilities: The master may hear or see anything the crow hears by concentrating on their bond.

The crow’s Perception becomes 3D+2, and it gains the following increased skills: search 5D+2, survival 3D+2, and tracking 4D+2.

Additionally, the crow now has an “evil eye,” increasing its intimidation 3D+2. It can look directly at any one creature within 15 meters and make an intimidation check opposed by the target’s willpower check. For a number of round equal to the result point gained, the target cannot use its Character Points to modify its rolls. Additionally, the target cannot use Fate Points to modify its rolls for a number of rounds equal to the result points divided by 2 (round up).

Deadly Plants

Most plants are quite innocent and harmless, going about their business of turning sun, water, and nutrients into more cells. A few have developed means of protecting themselves from possible “predators” through thorns or irritating poisons. Others, through magic or science, have gone a step further and begun attacking any animals or people around them. This section deals with those that don’t grow much larger than their original plant size.

Bloodthorns are one type of evil plants infused with the weakest of corrupt souls. The seeds are about five centimeters in diameter, blood red in color.

As the planes develop, they at first appear similar to immature rose bushes but grow terribly fast. As they get bigger, their blood hunger increases and they begin to consume small animals, and later, people. Eventually they reach a height of about two meters. They appear as thorny vines, but a sickly white in color, and very thin, as if they were dying. After feeding they turn pink and bloated. They feed by draining blood through their hollow thorns. As soon as someone approaches this curious-looking plant, the vines lash out and attack.

If they go longer than two weeks without feeding, they seem to go into dormancy, producing two seeds two weeks after that. After the seeds are finished developing, the plane dies.

The reaper’s blossom is a gorgeous multichromatic flower, with dozens of petals and designs. It has a very sweet fragrance. However, when an unsuspecting person leans forward to sniff the sweet fragrance, the reaper’s blossom strikes. It shoots a toxic cloud of spores into the victim’s face, sending her into a coughing fit and allergic reaction. If the victim fails to expel the spores by the coughing, they are ingested. Within 72 hours of ingestion, the spores begin to grow.

Painful parasitic growths then begin to sprout from the victim’s face and chest, burrowing through flesh and bone, feeding off of the body it now infests. From that time on, each day the victim lives, she suffers as the infection spreads through the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, lacing the skeleton and finally piercing the heart. When the victim’s body finally dies, the remaining cadaver is now fully manipulated by the plane itself, which guides it back to the main Rower. The plant may use the body to attack or defend itself. The host body is often forced to bury itself, from which a new plane will grow.

A reaper’s blossom host body is a sickly pale white in pallor, gradually turning grey. Rapid weight and hair loss is also symptomatic

The only known way to counter the effects of the reaper’s blossom spore is to be blessed by a priest and drink holy water. This systematically destroys the spores’ presence in the infested body, and a slow recuperation is now possible.

Typical Bloodthorns

Reflexes 4D: brawling 6D+2

Coordination 1D

Physique 40+1

Knowledge 1D

Perception 2D+1

Presence 3D: intimidation 9D, willpower 5D

Strength Damage: 20

Move: 0

Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 0

Body Points: 23

Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: fibrous body (Armor Value +2D); thorns (damage +1D); multiple vines (attack up to 4 times without penalty)

Typical Reaper’s Blossom Host Body

Reflexes 3D: brawling 3D+2, dodge 3D+1, melee combat 3D+1, sneak 3D+2

Coordination 1D+2

Physique 3D+1

Knowledge 2D

Perception 3D: search 3D+1, cracking 3D+1

Presence 1D: intimidation 3D, willpower 3D+1

Strength Damage: 2D

Move: 10

Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 0

Body Points: 2

Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: fibrous body (Armor Value +1D)

Note: The plant ejects spores at its victim, who must make a Physique or stamina roll of 24 or more to expel the spores. Failing to do so means that the victim is infected. She gets one Wound or loses 6 Body Points per day, which cannot be recovered. If she drinks holy water before dying, the infecting plant is killed and she may begin recovery.


The term “demon” is an evocative one that summons up images of realms filled with fire and brimstone, populated by twisted, serpentine entities that long to corrupt the souls of humans, leading them to _ ruin and death and then consuming them. While this image is somewhat dramatic and overly simplified, there’s a kernel of truth in it. Demon-kind originated in a distant realm very similar to the one chat most uneducated people imagine, but they have evolved just as humanity has evolved and thus are very different creatures today.

Most of the creatures humanity classifies as demons are, in essence, extra-dimensional spiritual parasites. Their home realm borders closely on the prime dimension, and contact between people and demons first took place very early in history. While demons are easily as varied as humans, there are certain innate qualities that all posses that can be used to gain a better understanding of their enigmatic race.

First and foremost, demons appear to be immortal. Occult lore indicates that demons contacted centuries ago can still be reached in their home realm by conducting the proper rituals. Some paranormal experts have theorized that the laws of physics are radically different in the demons’ home realm and that the passage of time simply does not exist.

In addition to immortality, demons are immune to poison and disease, as well as many sources of physical injury. If somehow killed while in another realm, demons reform in their home realm, weakened but alive. The only apparent means of destroying a demon is to kill it in its home realm, a task that might well be impossible.

Demons also possess at least some degree of mystical power. Again, this appears to be a manifestation of the radically different laws of physics that govern their dimension. In the case of some lesser imps, these powers are limited to minor prestidigitation, whereas the so-called demon lords possess powers far in excess of any human mystic. The varying degrees of power suggest chat demons are either classified by species or possibly a caste system, though neither of these can be confirmed.

Finally, demons appear to be at least partially parasitic. While they do not require it to survive, they can feed on the life essence, or soul, of intelligent beings. They are patient creatures, willing to impart portions of their power to humans in exchange for harvesting their souls upon death. While the creatures will gleefully manipulate events to hasten the death of one with whom they have made a bargain, they can neither violate the terms of their agreement, nor harvest the souls of humans who do not willingly surrender them. This parasitic feeding appears to increase a demon’s power, and it may be possible for lower demons to ascend to demon lord status by feasting on a sufficient number of souls. It’s theorized that demons are capable of feeding upon one another, but this has not been proven and would seem to imply chat very few would still exist.

Quantifying the many different types of demons encountered to date would be an exhaustive task. Instead, they have been grouped into broad categories based on approximate power level and average abilities.


Imps are minor demons, with few physical or mystical powers to their name. Ironically, they seem to have a much easier time crossing the barriers that separate their home realm from the mortal world. Some occultists believe that this is a result of a natural filter that prevents large amounts of infernal power from leaking into other worlds. Imps, then, have so little power that the filter does not affect them.

In any event, imps tend tD be physically small, no more than a meter in height when standing. They almost always have wings, and they flit about like malicious hummingbirds. The rest of their physical form varies wildly, but they tend to have minor magical abilities that are limited to causing devices to malfunction, bringing bad fortune to intelligent beings, and concealing themselves from detection by the senses or machines. s~ I~

These demons are significantly more powerful and sinister than the annoying yet dangerous imps. The gender of a Succubus or incubus appears to be mutable, as they can rake either form as they wish. These creatures cannot access the mortal realm without direct assistance from some mortal source, whether intentional or accidental. Dark rituals, dimensional science accidents, and even attempting to translate ancient texts have allowed these creatures access to the world in the past, and pain and suffering inevitably follow.

Succubi and incubi appear as extremely attractive humans, usually the opposite gender of their intended target. They win their prizes through manipulation, temptation, and seduction. While they draw power from chose who forfeit their souls just as other demons do, these insidious creatures also relish in the effects of causing others to sin against their personal belief system. It’s as if these beasts feed on corruption and immorality, making them a threat not only to individuals, but to society as a whole as well.

Demon Lords

The term “demon lords” is used to refer collectively to an assortment of demons that have achieved power unlike anything that can be comprehended by mortal minds.

These beings are incredibly potent, so much so that they cannot manifest outside their home realm without assistance from outside parties, and even then only for very short periods of time. Other realms seem to abhor these creatures and attempt to force chem out or destroy chem, much as a germ is overrun with antibodies upon entering a human’s system. Demon lords can bestow incredible powers and abilities to those with whom they enter into compacts, but the risk for such an agreement is considerable.

Demon lords are deceitful, manipulative, and intelligent beyond measure, and they will take any means necessary to betray those they interact with while still abiding by the terms of their mutual agreement.

There’s no way to accurately sum up the appearance of demon lords save to use the term hideous. They are monstrous, twisted things made from the stuff of nightmares, and more than one hopeful adherent has been driven mad at the sight of their dark lord’s manifestation in the physical realm.

Their mystical powers are easy to describe in brief, however: vase. There’s little that a demon lord wishes that it cannot accomplish with the incredible array of infernal powers at its disposal.

Typical Imp

Reflexes 3D: brawling 3D+1, dodge 5D, flying 5D+1, sneak 6D

Coordination 2D: sleight of hand 4D

Physique 3D: running 3D+1

Knowledge 2D: languages 5D+2

Perception 3D: hide 4D+2, search 5D

Presence 2D: con 4D, intimidation 3D+2

Magic 3D: alteration 3D+2, conjuration 3D+2

Strength Damage: 2D

Move: 10

Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 2

Body Points: 19

Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Devotion (R2), to causing mischief; Infamy (R1), demonic nature; Quirk (R1), giggle incessantly

Advantages: Size: Small (R1), scale value 3

Special Abilities: Flight (R2), flying Move 4D; Immortality (R1), may not be destroyed, only banished to their home realm; Invisibility (R4), +4 to all dodge, sneak, and hide rolls and +4 to relevant difficulties while invisible

Typical Succubus/Incubus

Reflexes 3D: brawling 4D, dodge 5D+2, melee combat SD

Coordination 2D: sleight of hand 4D

Physique 3D+2: stamina SD

Knowledge2D: forgery3D+2, languages 5D+1

Perception 3D: hide 4D, streetwise 6D

Presence 4D+1: charm 7D, con 6D+1, disguise 6D, persuasion 6D+2

Magic 4D: alteration 5D+2, conjuration 5D, divination 6D

Strength Damage: 2D

Move: 10

Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 3

Body Points: 21

Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Devotion (R2), to sex; Infamy (R1), demonic nature; Quirk (R3), irrepressible lecher

Advantages: none

Special Abilities: Immortality (R1), may not be destroyed, only banished to their home realm

Equipment: exquisite clothing and accessories

Typical Demon Lord

Reflexes 3D (+4): brawling 6D, melee combat 5D

Coordination 3D (+4)

Physique 3D (+8): lifting 5D, stamina 5D

Knowledge 3D (+4): business 5D, languages 7D, scholar 7D+2

Perception 3D (+4): gambling 4D+1, investigation 4D, streetwise 5D, cracking 4D+1

Presence 3D (+4): command 5D, con 4D+2, intimidation 5D +2, willpower 6D

Magic6D: alteration 7D, apportation 7D, conjuration 7D+2, divination 8D

Strength Damage: 3D (+8)

Move: 10

Fate Points: 5

Character Points: 15

Body Points: 19

Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Achilles’ Heel (R4), incapable of leaving home realm without assistance from an outside source; Infamy (R3), demonic nature; Quirk (R2), have difficulty telling the truth

Advantages:Authority (R4), over lesser demons

Special Abilities: Immortality (R1), may not be destroyed, only banished to their home realm; Increased Attribute: Reflexes, Coordination, Knowledge, Perception, Presence (R4 each), +4 to related totals; Increased Attribute: Physique (R8), +8 to related totals

Den Mothers

Den mothers appear as normal women, usually middle-aged or older. They are seemingly kind and gentle, but this is merely a facade for their true evil.

Den mothers seem to be in charge of small groups of other monsters, especially “the Children.” They organize and direct the unholy activities of their broods. The most terrible aspect of a den mother is the sickly sweet devotion it shows to its charges, giving the monsters praise and treats for especially hideous aces, as if they were lovable children.

The creatures have also been known to hire themselves out as nannies and housekeepers. They will serve their victims faithfully until trust is gained. Then, the den mother will strike, murdering the entire family while everyone sleeps.

While they are not especially powerful, den mothers possess a high degree of intelligence and cunning. Rather than fight, den mothers, once discovered, prefer to flee and set up shop in some other community. They only fight if cornered.

The Children look like orphans, about six to ten years old and seeking love and kindness. They exhibit same the mode of operation as den mothers: They convince families to welcome them into their homes and then kill their foster families in their sleep.

Typical Den Mother

Physique 3D

Knowledge 3D+1: business 3D+2, languages 4D, medicine 3D+2, scholar 4D

Perception 4D: investigation 4D+2, search 4D+1, streetwise 4D+1

Presence 3D: charm 6D, con 4D+2, persuasion 6D, intimidation 3D+2

Strength Damage: 2D

Move: 1D

Fate Points: 1

Character Points: 3

Body Points: 19

Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Quirk (R3), lust for killing

Advantages: none

Special Abilities: Immortality (R1), anointing with the tears of an infant will kill it permanently

Typical Den Mother’s Child

Reffexes2D: brawling2D+2,dimbing3D+2,dodge 3D, melee combat 2D+2, sneak 3D+2

Coordination 2D: sleight of hand 4D

Physique 2D+1: running 2D+2

Knowledge 2D+2

Perception 3D: hide 4D, search 4D

Presence 4D: charm 6D, con 4D+1, persuasion 5D+2

Reflexes 2D+2: brawling 3D, dodge 3D, melee

Strength Damage: 1 D combat 3D, sneak 3D+2

Move: 1D

Coordination 2D: lock picking 3D+ 1

Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 3

Body Points: 17

Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Quirk (R3), lust for killing

Advantages: none

Special Abilities: Immortality (R1), baptism in a consecrated church will kill it permanently


The Indian tribes of the Southwestern United States have many legends. One is that the spirits, or manitous, of shaman who abused their great powers during life walk the earth in death. These manitous, the diableros, are doomed to an eternal quest to accumulate that which they covered in life.

A diablero’s power is in its eyes. With them, it can work its magic on others. However, its eyes are also its weakness. If blinded, it can only shapechange to make its escape. If the power of its gaze is reflected back on it, it is destroyed

The creatures aren’t shy about being seen. If a diableros cannot kill a targeted individual in a raid, it will find her and use its hypnotic powers to force the person to commit suicide. Diableros seem to enjoy taunting people; in the course of a raid, it will often wait until it encounters armed resistance and either slaughter the people or lead its pursuers on a wild chase, using its shapeshifting powers to ultimately escape. Within the city or area they are residing in, they will dwell in the highest location possible.

Typical Diablero

Reflexes 4D: acrobatics 4D+ 1, brawling 5D+1, climbing 6D+2, dodge 4D+1, melee combat 4D+ 1, sneak 5D+1

Coordination 2D

Physique 3D+1: running 5D, stamina 5D

Knowledge 2D+2

Perception 3D: investigation 4D, search 4D+1, survival 4D, tracking 4D+2

Presence 3D: con 4D+2, persuasion 6D, intimidation 5D, willpower 5D+1

Magic 3D: apportation 3D+1, alteration 5D+1, conjuration 4D

Strength Damage: 2D

Move: 10

Fate Points: 2

Character Points: 5

Body Points: 2D

Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Advantage Flaw (R1), spells only work on targets that can see it this does not modify the spell difficulty; Achilles’ Heel (R4), sensitive to bright light +1 to all difficulties modifiers, increasing by + 1 per minute, and blinded for 1D rounds in initial exposure; Quirk (R3), obsessed with accumulating one thing (powers, riches, jewels, magical items, ere.)

Advantages: none

Special Abilities: Attack Resistance: Non-echanted Weapons (R5), +5D to damage resistance rolls against relevant attacks; Immortality (R1), having the power of its gaze directed back at its eyes will kill it permanently; Shapechanging (R2), crow or coyote with Additional Effect (R1), can alter size; Ultravision (R3), negates up to 6 points of modifiers for dim or dark conditions

Lightning Storm Spell

Skill Used: Conjuration

Difficulty: 13

Effect: 15 (damage 5D)

Range: 15 meters (+6)

Speed: +6

Duration: 3 rounds ( +6)

Casting Time: l. 5 seconds (-1)

Other Aspects: I round (-4)

Countenance (-1): Hair raises from static electricity

Gesture (-2): Make quick, jagged motions with arms (fairly simple)

Making quick.,jagged motions with his arms begins the lightning storm spell. If successful, powerful electricity charges up within the caster, doing no harm to him save the raising of his hair. He may then cast a lightning bolt once in each of the next three rounds. To hit the target, he must make a separate apportation roll against a standard combat difficulty number. The mage may add the result points bonus of the spell total to the damage.

Weakness Spell

Skill Used: Alteration

Difficulty: 15

Effect: 12 (-2D to Physique)

Range: 10 meters (+5)

Speed: +5

Duration: 1.5 minutes (+1D)

Casting Time: 1 round (-4)

Other Aspects:

Gesture (-2): Point at target then let arm fall limp (fairly simple)

Focused ( +4)

The mage points at the target and lets his arm fall limp as he finishes the spell. The victim’s strength is sapped (and her Physique reduced by 2D) for the duration of the spell.


Although modern people might prefer to presume otherwise, humans were not the original masters of the planet. Long before the first pyramid, before the invention of the wheel, and before the first human word was spoken, the Mesozoic Era (248 to 65 million years ago) was known as the age of reptiles. Earth was quite different when dinosaurs dominated the planer. Its climate was warmer, and mild seasons promoted the growth of lush foliage. There was no polar ice, the sea level was higher, and the continents were still joined to form Pangaea, the supercontinent.

The Mesozoic era followed the great Permian extinction, which ended after the world’s ecosystem became depleted and Earth saw its largest mass extinction. Fortunately for modern people, many new life forms appeared in the vacuum left by those who were ill-suited to survive.

The age of reptiles is divided into three periods. Dinosaurs and mammals first appeared during the Triassic period (248 to 2D6 million years ago). A global extinction heralded the end of this period, bur it paled in comparison to the Permian. Marine reptiles hunted the ocean depths.

Dinosaurs mastered the planet during the Jurassic period (2D6 to 144 million years ago). Huge sauropods, flowering plants, and primitive birds made their first appearance during this age. Pterosaurs rook to the skies and soared over the prehistoric world. Tectonic pressure tore Pangaea apart, and the Laurasia and Gondwana land masses emerged from the seismic struggle. The early portion of this period is referred to as the Lias (206 to 180 million years ago), the middle is the Dogger (180 to 154 million years ago), and the remainder is known as the Malm (154 to 144 million years ago).

The planet’s reptile-like masters reached their peak during the Cretaceous period (144 to 65 million years ago) and became extinct by its conclusion. The remnants of Pangaea fractured further to form the present-day continents, oceans receded and polar ice began to form as they grew colder. Forty percent of the known dinosaurs lived in the last 15 million years of this period. The beginning of the Cretaceous is known as the Nerocoian (144 to 127 million years ago), the mi0Dle is the Gallic (127 to 89 million years ago), and the latter part is called the Senonian (89 to 65 million years ago).

Allosauruses had vertebrae that were different from other dinosaurs. These beasts had powerful $-shaped necks and lived in the Malm {late Jurassic) period. They were carnivores chat could grow up to 11 meters in length, and they stood five meters tall on powerful hind legs. The skull of an adult was nearly a meter in length. Bony ridges sat above the eyes and on the tip of its head. Mature specimens weighed in at two metric cons, depending on the species. This creature had a bulky body, a massive rail, and heavy bones. Its front arms were short and ended in three-fingered hands that sported sharp claws.

Ankylosaurids traveled ·on all fours and dined on low-lying planes during the Cretaceous period. The majority of their back was fused together to form heavy armored plates. These creatures wore a tough, reptilian hide and used a flexible, club-like tail made of large, bony clumps of tissue to drive off persistent predators There were more than 2D species of ankylosaurids, which ranged from 5. 5 to 1D meters in length. The skull of these creatures was broad and thick. They were slow-witted, ponderous beasts who relied on their armor for survival. An Apatosaurus was a gigantic creature that grazed during the Malm period. This particular dinosaur species had a small head, long neck, and pillar-like legs. Their nostrils are on the top of their heads.

The herbivore’s massive body capered. Full-grown adult specimens could reach 27 meters in length, stood nearly five meters tall at the hips, and weighed 24 metric tons. This creature was a member of the diplodocid family and swallowed stones to help it grind up tough plant matter. The Apatosaurus is absent from many older books of dinosaur lore because it was mistakenly labeled as a brontosaurus.

A coelacanth is a bizarre fish that, unlike its primordial neighbors, managed to survive the Cretaceous extinction. Their large eyes detect light at great depths, but the creatures are virtually colorblind. Unlike ocher most fish, their fins are mounted on maneuverable stalks instead of being attached to their body. Full-grown specimens can weigh 6D kilograms and reach 1.5 meters in length. Its scales arc rough to the touch and protect the coelacanth from predators.

The deinonychus was a swift carnivore that lived during the Gallic portion of the Cretaceous period. It was a Light-weight predator that used its large eyes to spot potential prey. Their long, deft feet each wielded a devastating, swiveling toe claw. These weapons were attached to specially developed toe joints that allowed them to be raised upward while running and Hexed forward when on the attack. The deinonychus’s tail was a balancing tool that kept it stable when it kicked. Unlike other dinosaurs, these creatures had a cunning intellect.

An iguanodon was a large herbivore that lived during the Nerocoian (!are Cretaceous) period. It reached nearly I D meters in length when full grown. It used a turtlelike, horny beak to harvest vegetation and was one of the first known dinosaurs with the ability to chew their food from side to side. This was unusual for reptiles because they generally lack the proper muscles to accomplish this task. lguanodons had massive hind legs and lighter front ones. They usually traveled on all fours but could rear up and run on their back leg~ to escape predators. The front limbs of iguanodons were useful for both gathering food and defense, as the thumbs had viscous spikes.

The pteranodon was a large-crested member of the pterosaur (wing lizard) family. It was a fish eater that lived during the Cretaceous period. These creatures shared a common ancestor with both dinosaurs and birds. Ar first glance, one might chink they were top-heavy, aerodynamic nightmares. Appearances however can be quite deceiving because the pteranodon had hollow bones whose walls were bur a millimeter thick. Some parts of their skeletons were perforated and connected to the respiratory system. This allowed their blood to cool during long £lights. Adults weighed l l to 12 kilograms when full grown, had wingspans of up to seven meters in length, and were nearly two meters long.

The stegosaurus wore triangular, bony plates along their spines that were nearly 76 centimeters wide in full-grown specimens. These protective plates were well nourished by blood vessels which were embe0Ded in them and may have helped regulate the dinosaur’s temperature. The herbivore leviathans walked the earth during the Malm period and had minute brains. A mature stegosaurus could grow to 1D meters in length, stand nine feet tall, and weigh a metric ton. They defended themselves with the huge spikes ac the end of their flexible rails that could reach 1.3 meters in length. The quantity of tail spikes varied depending on the species of stegosaurus. Stegosaurus stenops defended itself with four spikes, while Stegosaurus ungulates wielded eight.

A triceratops was a huge herbivore (almost three meters tall and eight meters long) that walked the earth on all fours. Its name means “Three-horned face.” This moniker came from the horns that adorned the beast’s head: A short horn rested above its parrot-like beak, and two longer horns, which in full-grown animals could get to over a meter in length, sat above their eyes. The creature’s defense system was completed by a bony plate (known as a frill) that projected backwards from its meter long skull. Triceratops could reach nine meters in length when full grown and grazed during the Senonian (lace Cretaceous) period.

Tyrannosaurs dominated their world during the mid-Senonian portion of the Cretaceous period. Full-grown specimens could weigh up to six metric tons and stood 12 meters tall. These prehistoric terrors walked the earth on two long hind legs that ended in birdlike feet. Each roe sported a wicked, flesh-ripping claw. The jaws of this scavenger-carnivore reached to 1.2 meters in length in mature specimens and Tyrannosaurs ripped into their victims with 5D t~ 6D conical, bone-snapping teeth. These implements of destruction could grow as large as 18 centimeters. The beast’s skin had a light, pebble texture that was bumpy like an alligator’s.

People have come in contact with the ancient inhabitants of Earth in all manner of bizarre ways. Heroes could wash ashore on a isle where Mesozoic lords still reign supreme and view people as a food source. Scientists could use their generic knowledge to resurrect extinct predators. Reality might stun even the most stalwart souls when a creature who was presumed to have left the face of the earth long ago su0Denly reappears. Such was the case with the rime-lose coelacanths, which preceded the dinosaurs and were thought robe extinct. However, the rumors of its demise appeared to be greatly exaggerated when a living specimen was caught in 1938!

Typical Allosaurus

Reflexes 4D: brawling 6D, dodge 5D

Coordination 2D

Physique 18D: lifting 18D+1, running 18D+1

Knowledge 1D

Perception 3D: search 5D, survival 3D+ 2, tracking 5D

Presence 2D: intimidation 6D

Strength Damage: 9D


Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 0

Body Points: 64

Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: bite (damage +3D; +5 to combat difficulty); thick hide (Armor Value +2); large size (scale value 12)

Typical Ankylosaurid

Reflexes 2D+2: brawling 4D

Coordination 1D

Physique 10D

Knowledge 1D

Perception 2D: survival 3D

Presence2D: intimidation 4D, willpower 4D+1

Strength Damage: 5D

Move: 22

Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 0

Body Points: 4D

Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: tail (damage +2D); thick hide (Armor Value +1D+1); spiky body (damage of 6 to anything that tries to grab it); large size (scale value 10)

Typical Apatosaurus

Reflexes 3D: brawling 5D

Coordination 1D

Physique 25D

Knowledge 1D

Perception 1D: hide: self-only 2D, search 2D, survival 3D

Presence 3D: intimidation 4D

Strength Damage: 13D

Move: 2D

Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 0

Body Points: 85

Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: stomp (damage +1D); tail (damage +10); thick hide (Armor Value +1); water hiding (submerge body while keeping nostrils above the water; +1D to hide attempts); large size (scale value 24)

Typical Coelacanth

Reflexes 2D: brawling 2D+ 1

Coordination 1D

Physique 5D: swimming 5D+1

Knowledge 1D

Perception 3D : search 3D , survival 4D

Presence 1D

Strength Damage: 3D

Move: 14 (swimming)

Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 0

Body Points: 25

Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: bite (damage +10; +5 to combat difficulty); tough, overlapping scales (Armor Value +1; protects against pressure and temperatures extremes)

Typical Deinonychus

Reflexes 4D: brawling 7D, dodge 8D

Coordination 2D

Physique 8D: lifting 8D+1 , running 10D

Knowledge 2D

Perception 4D: search 5D, survival 4D, tracking 5D

Presence 3D: intimidation 3D+1, willpower 3D+2

Strength Damage: 4D

Move: 2D

Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 0

Body Points: 34

Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: bite (damage +1; +5 to combat difficulty); claws (damage +2); highly developed sense of hearing (+2 to related skills); quick reactions (-2 to any surprise combat modifier, + 1D to Perception when determining initiative); thick hide (Armor Value +1); large size (scale value 1)

Typical Iguanodon

Reflexes 4D+2: brawling 7D

Coordination 1D

Physique 8D: lifting 8D+1, running 8D+1, stamina 10D

Knowledge 1D

Perception 3D: search 3D, survival 4D

Presence 2D: intimidation 1D

Strength Damage: 4D

Move: 14

Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 0

Body Points: 34

Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: thumb claws (damage +1); thick hide (Armor Value+2); large size (scale value 12)

Typical Pteranodon

Reflexes 3D: flying 5D

Coordination 1D+2

Physique 2D: lifting 3D+2, stamina 4D

Knowledge 2D

Perception 2D: search 6D, survival 2D+2, tracking 4D

Presence 2D

Strength Damage: 1D

Move: 4 (ground)/25 (flight)

Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 0

Body Points: 16

Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: highly developed sense of sight ( +3 to related skill totals); watchful ( +1 to investigation, search, and tracking totals); wings (can fly or glide for several hundred kilometers or as long as there are thermals to keep them aloft)

Typical Stegosaurus

Reflexes 2D+2: brawling 6D

Coordination 2D

Physique 12D: lifting 14D

Knowledge 1D

Perception 3D: search 2D, survival 4D

Presence 2D: intimidation 2D

Strength Damage: 7D

Move: 12

Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 0

Body Points: 46

Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: tail spikes (damage +2D ); thick hide (Armor Value +2); large size (scale value 13)

Typical Triceratops

Reflexes 4D+ 1: brawling 8D

Coordination 1D

Physique 15D: lifting 15D+1

Knowledge 1D+2

Perception 2D: survival 3D

Presence 4D: intimidation 4D

Strength Damage: 8D

Move: 12

Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 0

Body Points: 5 5

Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: bite (damage+ 1O;+5 to combat difficulty); horns (+2 damage); thick hide (Armor Value +2); bony frill (damage resistance +3D against frontal attacks); large size (scale value 1D)

Typical Tyrannosaurus

Reflexes 8D: brawling 10D, dodge 3D

Coordination 2D

Physique 20D

Knowledge 1D

Perception 3D: search 4D, survival 4D, tracking 3D+1

Presence 7D: intimidation 8D

Strength Damage: 10D

Move: 18

Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 0

Body Points: 7D

Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: bite (damage +4D; + 5 to combat difficulty); highly developed sense of hearing (+2 to related skill totals); highly developed sense of sight ( + 1 to related skill totals); highly developed sense of smell ( +3 to related skill totals); thick hide (Armor Value +2); large size (scale value 12)

Disembodied Parts

One of the most curious obsessions that necromancy has is the fascination with animating individual body parts without some kind of unifying structure, namely, a torso, to connect chem. While a floating head may not be a combat effective as an axe-wielding skeleton or as good at manual labor as a zombie, these “spare parts” given life have uses all their own.

The disembodied pan typically serves some ghost or a practitioner of magic, but it can also be found in areas where mass risings of the dead occur; since not all corpses that rise from their graves are intact, a horde of the walking dead may be accompanied by a slew of disembodied parts. Additionally, a persistent zombie or skeleton that’s chopped up may still have limbs that can yet function, even if the body or skull is destroyed. Nonetheless, these examples are not as intelligent or purposeful as those under the control of a necromancer or spirit: They simply attack anything living they can find.

A hand, foot, arm, leg, or head that can move on its own through some mystical force generally must use its natural cools, such as fingers or toes, to actually gee anywhere by crawling or hopping. In some cases, these disembodied parts may have the ability to levitate; thus they can fly at low altitudes of a few feet. This often happens when some kind of poltergeist possesses the extremity, bur a talented spellcaster may give his creations this power as well.

Aside from the floating or “hopping” head, all disembodied parts have one fundamental drawback: a lack of senses. The common animated hand, a favorite lab assistant to the necromancer, has no sense of sight, hearing, smell, or taste. Instead, they have a rudimentary sense that allows them to understand spatial differences so that they can navigate, detect threats, and distinguish the nature of many objects. This ability does have limitations; for instance, a painting may be unique to the disembodied hand due to texture and brush stroke, but a photograph is basically just a glossy piece of paper. Moreover, most disembodied hands can follow the orders of their masters but not understand conversation. Thus, they makes good thieves but poor spies.

Of course, from the necromantic point of view, a disembodied limb is a cheap minion as it requires less magic to create and uses up many of the pans that are left over from their other experiments. Parts other than the limbs and head could be animated, but largely they are just created as dirty jokes and have little practical value. Necromancers have a very odd sense of humor.

Typical Disembodied Part

Reflexes 3D: brawling 4D, dodge 5D+2, melee combat 3D+2, sneak 4D+2

Coordination 2D

Physique 2D+2: running 3D, stamina 3D

Knowledge 1D

Perception 2D: hide 5D, search 3D

Presence 1D: intimidation 4D

Strength Damage: 1D

Move: 5

Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 0

Body Points: 18

Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: spatial awareness; immunity to poison, effects of pain, and mental attacks or abilities; slow levitation (generally only in heads); small size (scale value 2 to 4)


Parapsychologists believe doppelgangers to be unique in the parapsychological world because they arc living spirits. In other words, although composed of the same energies as ghosts and poltergeists, they are not the produce of the spirit world, nor do they belong to one who is deceased. Doppelgangers are little known in a “natural” stare, and generally only become known when they impose themselves in the lives of victims. At that point, the damage they can cause is tremendous.

A doppelganger can take the shape of any ocher living being. It seems to have three distinct “phases” of growth, although there may be intermittent scares. The first is the shadow scare, where the doppelganger exists merely as a peripheral spirit. The victim may catch what she thinks is her reflection in the mirror, albeit slightly off, or her shadow might not quite match up with her actions.

The second is the puppet form, although who is the puppet is open to interpretation Here the doppelganger exists as an entity only the victim is aware of, usually offering advice. At this stage, the victim may think the doppelganger-who appears identical to the victim is merely “the man in the mirror” taken to an extreme; the ideas it proposes are seldom so outlandish as to be against some aspect of his personality. This advice can be good or bad, helpful or wicked.

This second scare may be briefer skipped entirely for the third: independence. Ac chis stage the doppelganger exists entirely independent of the victim. Although some doppelgangers are benign or merely mischievous (or occasionally even helpful), once they arc independent they arc usually harmful, duping friends and loved ones … usually for sinister purposes. Depending on the victim’s status or resources, these “evil twins” can destroy scores of lives by their actions. These deeds can be as direct as killing the victim’s loved ones, or as subtle as fostering discord in a community. If the doppelganger is nor stopped, it usually ends the process by disappearing leaving the victim to pick up the pieces of his life-or killing the victim and assuming his place in the world.

Once a doppelganger achieves independence, it can evolve itself beyond the limitations of the victim. For example, a chemist named Dr. Jekyll released his doppelganger, which rapidly evolved into a distinct and lecherous individual one whose powerful body bore little resemblance to the mousy scholar. What motivates or fuels the spirit is unknown. These actions are usually antithetical to the desires of the victim in some fashion, especially in its later stages.

However, this does not necessarily translate to “evil”; an English miser was replaced by his doppelganger and became a paragon of generosity. Although the prevailing theory is chat doppelgangers usually represent dark desires made manifest, there are plenty of ocher theories, such as “time echoes” of alternate people who cross over and assume the new life. There are few reliable accounts of doppelgangers without a victim, although it is at least possible for free-roaming specimens to exist. Such a spirit would be non-distinctly humanoid, comprised of a similar blob by form to more advanced ghosts. Although a typical doppelganger lives our its life with one victim (and moves out of its indistinct form to a specific one quickly), a doppelganger who targeted multiple people would probably have an unfocused form that it periodically cakes. Regardless, a doppelganger never has a shadow or reflects in mirrors.

Some theorize that everybody has a doppelganger, but only in select people are they able to manifest. Others discount this possibility, if only to retain enough comfort for sleep at night.

Typical Doppelganger

Reflexes 3D: brawling 4D, dodge 4D, sneak 4D

Coordination 3D

Physique 3D

Knowledge 3D

Perception 3D

Presence 3D: charm 5D, command 5D, con 5D, disguise 5D, intimidation 5D, persuasion 5D, willpower 6D

Strength Damage: 2D

Move: 10

Fate Points: 0

Body Points: 19

Character Points: 4

Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Quirk (R1), doesn’t cast shadows or appear in mirrors and has no chance to overcome chis; Quirk (R2), strong desire to affect life of victim whose formic is assuming (Difficult willpower roll to avoid doing so)

Advantages: none

Special Abilities: Intangibility (R3), +9D to damage resistance score against physical and energy attacks; Invisibility (R 14), + 14 to dodge, sneak, and hide totals; Longevity (R1); Master of Disguise (R2), +5 bonus to disguise rolls and +2D to all Presence rolls related to a disguised form; Shapeshifting (R6), any humanoid shape with Restriction (R1) prefers to remain in one mimicked form until it fulfills its goals (Moderate willpower roll to change shapes)

Evil Clowns

The transient nature of traveling shows such as carnivals and circuses lure all manner of strange characters and mystical entities. lt’s for good reason that carnie folk are highly superstitious; interlopers carry with them a sort of supernatural baggage that flourishes in the soup of sin and innocence that pervades the big top. One of the many types of paranormal denizens of the traveling show are the evil downs.

While not as common in circuses and carnivals as ghosts and specters these creatures are far more dangerous. Commonly, they serve as minions of a powerful spellcaster and come in bands of five to 12, depending on the size of the traveling show. Once simple performers, these clowns are hosts for minor spirits, summoned by the controlling mage, and are used to fulfill the evil schemes of their master.

Aside from the tendency for sadistic behavior, which can be reigned in by the master, these minions can be detected by runes and occult markings inscribed upon their faces. The heavy make-up char the evil clowns wear obscure the markings, requiring a Difficult sight-based Perception check to detect without a detailed inspection. Killing the master can facilitate the release of the minion clowns, bur in some cases, amnesia, madness, and even death have resulted from sudden release from the enchantment

Another type of rain ted clown that is by a malevolent poltergeist of great strength, one that does nor need the help of a spellcaster. It’s sometimes called a solitaire down or harlequin. When bonded, the union of clown and beast becomes a murderous engine for terror that cannot be stopped by mere force. Killing this down, regardless if how much damage is done to the corporeal body, will only put the creature into a torpor lasting 1 D days. After this time, the evil clown rises again at sunset and seeks its revenge.

The only way to end the existence of the solitaire is to remain it with bonds made from its home ground, generally the remains of the carnival, circus, or amusement park it haunts. These bonds must be sturdy enough to contain the creature, as they have no special ability to neutralize his supernatural strength and cunning. Once restrained, on his territory, the evil spirit must then be exorcised from the person.

If the down has been possessed for some time, the man or woman left behind will generally be an insane shell of a person who would require years, perhaps decades, of therapy to rehabilitate. However, as long as the host lives, there’s a chance the angry spirit will re rum to resurrect the vile clown once more …

All evil clowns share a few common traits. Generally, they have comical names, such as Bonzo, Yucks, or Honker, and they find inflicting pain extremely humorous. It fills them with joy to entertain one moment, then to sadistically torture their audience the next. In combat, they use all manner of modified props to cause their opponents as much pain as possible before dealing a lethal blow. These instruments include pies filled with razor blades, poison-spewing plastic flowers, and over-sized guns that shoot plumes of flame.

There have been recorded instances of evil mimes as well, but in the realm of the underworld they are considered the “near-beer” of henchmen.


One type of evil clown is the killjoy. They wear bright, multi-colored outfits, and their faces appear to be covered with red and white makeup, forming a large smile on their face in truth, this is the “natural” coloration of their skin. Killjoys prey upon solitary people or small groups. They tend to stay in the shadow until they spot a victim. They then use their abilities to root the person to the spot. Once this is accomplished, the killjoy performs bizarre and gruesome “tricks,” while the victim is unable to run away.

Examples of tricks include:

  • Reaching behind the victim’s ear and “finding” a large, live, squirming rat.
  • Performing a card trick in which the cards are decorated with drawings of the people being killed in a variety of ways.
  • Hitting the victim in the face with a pie filled with blood.

Though these cricks are terrifying, they are not dangerous. Killjoys will seldom murder lone victims since it is essential that there be a survivor to spread the word of the killjoy. When more than one person is encountered, however, the killjoy usually picks the victim at random, in a drawn-out process designed to instill terror in all of the people present. Once the victim is dead, the killjoy takes a bite our of the corpse with its long, razor-sharp teeth. At this point, its job done, it abruptly turns its back on its victims and walk away. More than one killjoy has fallen to a sudden, furious assault by the frightened, but enraged friends of the victim.

Killjoys never seem to speak, although whether this is voluntary is unknown. They are generally solitary creatures, though they may work with popweasels or one other killjoy. During the day, they hide in deserted buildings and fight furiously if discovered.


Popweasels are vicious horrors used as a tool by killjoys, who normally choose the victim. The killjoy places the popweasel where it can be found.

Popweasels resemble a jack-in-the-box or similar toy. They are usually not more than a meter on a side, and they are usually light enough that a child can carry one. Popweasels function as normal toys in the presence of adults, and even seem -+normal around children for a while.

When it decides the time is right, it will change its appearance the next time it is opened (if there are no adults present). Its former image of a toy clown is replaced by that of a demonic creature. It will tower on its spring, hovering over the child, and strike the child several times before recreating into its box.

At this point, the child will probably want to stop playing with it. Popweasels get around this in two different ways: First, the popweasel can leave its box for a short period of time to steal small items, which it leaves partially sticking out of its box so as to implicate the child. Second, the popweasel eventually starts working the crank on its box from the inside, thus frustrating the child’s efforts to ignore or avoid it.

Eventually, matters come to a head. The child usually confronts his parents and demands that it be removed. Either the parents open the box to refute the child, or the popweasel open the box itself. Ac this point, it appears in monster form and attacks the entire family with the intention of killing everyone. Should the family try to run away, it jumps out of its box and pursue them on foot.

If the popweasel is successful in slaughtering the family, it crawls back into its box and wait for the deed to be discovered. Often, the popweasel is donated to a needy family or orphanage.

Outside of its box, popweasels appear as ugly, grey creatures, about 4D centimeters tall, and vaguely man-shaped, but soft, doughy, and hairless.

Typical Evil Clown

Reflexes 3D: acrobatics 4D, brawling 4D+2, dodge 4D, melee combat 4D

Coordination 2D: marksmanship 2D+2, missileweapons3D+1, throwing3D+1: juggling +2D

Physique 3D

Knowledge 2D+2: scholar: occult 3D+2

Perception 2D+2: artist: face painting 4D+2, hide 3D, search 4D

Presence 2D: charm: comedy 3D+2, intimidation 4D, willpower 4D

Strength Damage: 2D

Move: 10, despite big shoes

Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 3

Body Points: 19

Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Devotion (R3), to master; Quirk (R3), comically violent and violently comical

Advantages: none

Special Abilities: Iron Will (R3), +3D to willpower rolls; Omnivorous (R1) with Additional Effect (R2), does not need to eat or drink, and Burn-out(R1), disappears when invading spirit is exorcised

Equipment: dubs, knives, chainsaws, bowling pins, pies, beach balls, pool balls, colorful handkerchiefs, over-sized hammers, or similar items (damage +1D; due to the ludicrous nature, the target has a better chance of getting out of the way and the clown’s attack difficulty is increased by +5)

Note: Solitaires have +1D to all physical skills.

Typical Killjoy

Reflexes 3D: acrobatics 3D+1, brawling 4D, climbing 5D, dodge 3D+2, melee combat 3D+2, sneak 4D+1

Coordination 2U: sleight of hand 5D+1

Physique 4D: lifting 5D

Knowledge 2D+ 1

Perception 3D+1: hide 5D+2, search 4D

Presence3D+l:con 5D, intimidation4D, persuasion 4D, willpower 4D

Psionics 1D: telepathy 6D

Strength Damage: 3D

Move: 10

Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 3

Body Points: 22

Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Quirk (R3), comically violent and violently comical

Advantages: none

Special Abilities: Natural Hand-to-Hand Weapon: Teeth (R1), damage+1D; Immortality (R1), ki!Ung it with a prop it used to torture someone else will kill it permanently

Equipment clubs, mallets, bowling pins, blood pies, beach balls, pool balls, colorful handkerchiefs, over-sized hammers, or similar items (damage+ 1 D; due to the ludicrous nature, the target has a better chance of getting out of the way and the clown’s attack difficulty is increased by +5)

Typical Popweasel

Reflexes 3D+ 1: brawling 4D, climbing 3D+2, dodge 4D, jumping 3D+2, melee combat 4D, sneak 4D+2

Coordination 1D+2

Physique 2D: lifting 3D+l

Knowledge 2D

Perception 4D: hide 4D+2, search 4D+2

Presence 3D: con 4D+2, intimidation 4D+l, willpower 4D

Psionics 1D: telepathy 6D

Strength Damage: 2D

Move: 10

Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 0

Body Points: 16

Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: sharp teeth (damage +2); box (Armor Value +1D+1); immortal (can only be killed through a damage dealing ritual involving “Pop Goes the Weasel”); small size (scale value 6 scale value 4 when in box)