Die Code Simplification

As characters progress, often the number of dice players have to roll and add becomes daunting. With this in mind, this chart provides two ways of reducing the amount of dice needed.

The fast way is to roll five dice, including the Wild Die, add the results, and then add the die code’s pips and a bonus number. To determine the bonus number, find the die code (ignoring the pips) of the original attribute, skill, weapon, or other value in the “Die Code” column. Then read across to the “5D” column to get the bonus number.

Example: A character has a Natural Ranged Weapon that does 30D of damage. Instead of rolling 30 dice, the player rolls five and adds 88 to the total on the dice.

The faster way is to roll only the Wild Die, adding to its result the corresponding bonus listed in the “Wild Die” column of the chart.

Example: A character has a skill with a value of 10D. The Game Master rolls the Wild Die and adds 32 to the result.

When using only the Wild Die, a Critical Failure only indicates a complication or funny thing happening; it does not affect the total rolled.

Because Character Points function similar to a Wild Die, roll any dice gained from Character Point expenditure separately. When using Fate Points on a roll, double the original die code and use that to determine the bonus number.

For bonus numbers beyond the 50D level for the “5D” column, subtract 5 from the die code and multiply the number by 3.5. Round up. To get bonus numbers beyond the 50D level for the “Wild Die” column, subtract 1 from the die code and multiply the number by 3.5. Round up.

Die Code


Wild Die

1D 0 0
2D 0 4
3D 0 7
4D 0 11
5D 0 14
6D 4 18
7D 7 21
8D 11 25
9D 14 28
10D 18 32
11D 21 35
12D 25 39
13D 28 42
14D 32 46
15D 35 49
16D 39 53
17D 42 56
18D 46 60
19D 49 63
20D 53 67
21D 56 70
22D 60 74
23D 63 77
24D 67 81
25D 70 84
26D 74 88
27D 77 91
28D 81 95
29D 84 98
30D 88 102
31D 91 105
32D 95 109
33D 98 112
34D 102 116
35D 105 119
36D 109 123
37D 112 126
38D 116 130
39D 119 133
40D 123 137
41D 126 140
42D 130 144
43D 133 147
44D 137 151
45D 140 154
46D 144 158
47D 147 161
48D 151 165
49D 154 168
50D 158 172

D6 Adventure (WEG51011), Copyright 2004, Purgatory Publishing Inc.
D6 Space (WEG51012), Copyright 2004, Purgatory Publishing Inc.
D6 Fantasy (WEG51013), Copyright 2004, Purgatory Publishing Inc.
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