All posts by Winston

Lonthyn Assassin-Spy Template

Species: Lonthyn (Outer-World)

Occupation: Assassin-Spy

Agility 4D+1

Mechanical 2D

Strength 2D

Knowledge 3D

Perception 3D

Technical 2D+2

Funds 3D

Credits 525

Fate Points 1

Character Points 5

Strength Damage 1D

Move 10

Body Points 30

Wound Level / Body Points Range

Stunned / 18-24

Wounded / 12-17

Severely Wounded / 6-11

Incapacitated / 3-5

Mortally Wounded / 1-2

Dead / 0

Equipment:  dagger (damage+ 1 D) in hidden sheath; light protective armor (Armor Value + 2); extra doses of Lewa’aln; cred-key

Disadvantages: Nutritional Requirement (R3), chemical and nanotechnical “cocktail” with failure to take daily resulting in -5 to damage resistance totals plus 1D damage total cumulative daily; Quirk (R2), paranoid – (-2) to all social interaction totals in situations involving not distrusting another.

Advantages: none

Special Abilities: Fast Reactions (R1), + 1D to initiative rolls and one extra action per round thrice per adventure; Hypermovement (R2), +4 to base Move; Natural Hand-to-Hand Weapon: Nanotech Enhanced Skeleton (R2), +2D to Strength Damage when using fists, with Additional Effect (R1) can also use with any weapons able to support great strength, and Flaw (R1), all brawling and melee combat difficulties are increased by +2 when using this Special Ability.

Description: It’s difficult to keep your repugnance toward aliens in check, but you need to: You’re gathering data on these vials creatures, which your superiors will use to determine how best to exterminate them.

Hurshuk Ecoscientist Template

Species: Hurshuk

Occupation: Ecoscientist

Agility 2D+1

Mechanical 3D

Strength 3D+1

Knowledge 3D+2

Perception 3D+2

Technical 2D

Metaphysics 1D

Funds 3D

Credits 525

Fate Points 1

Character Points 5

Strength Damage 2D

Move 3 walking, 6 swimming

Body Points 36

Wound Level / Body Points Range

Stunned / 22-29

Wounded / 15-21

Severely Wounded / 8-14

Incapacitated / 4-7

Mortally Wounded / 1-2

Dead / 0

Equipment: peratolk’alm’ola hand scanner ( + lD to sensors and +ID to sense rolls to gain information only); hand comp with burlap cover and spare scholarchips; knife with wooden handle (damage+ 2); cred-key on chain.

Disadvantages: Achilles’ Heel: Metabolic Difference (R3 ), must eat twice as much vegetation as normal and gets ill when eating meat – the more meat, the more ill; Hindrance: Low Self-Esteem (R4), +4 to command, persuasion, and intimidation difficulties; Hindrance: Atypical Move (R2), swimming Move of 6, walking and climbing Move of 3, and no jumping; Quirk (R3 ), cold-blooded, so changes in temperature affect mood and health.

Advantages: Equipment (R2), peratolk’alm’ola hand scanner; Size: Large (Rl), scale value 3.

Special Abilities: Longevity (Rl); Natural Armor: Shell (R2), +2D to damage resistance total.

Description: With your dull coloration and patterns at such a young age, you’re certain you’ll never have a mate. So you decided to rake your passion for ecology off world, helping others survey new planets and determine how best to use them without destroying them.

Gruemor Planetary Surveyor Template

Species: Gruemor

Occupation: Planetary Surveyor

Agility 2D

Mechanical 4D

Strength 2D+1

Knowledge 3D+1

Perception 3D+1

Technical 3D

Funds 1D

Credits 175

Fate Points 1

Character Points 5

Strength Damage 2D

Move 10

Body Points 40

Wound Level / Body Points Range

Stunned / 24-32

Wounded / 16-23

Severely Wounded / 8-15

Incapacitated / 4-7

Mortally Wounded / 1-2

Dead / 0

Equipment: hand comp with integrated camera; personal blaster (damage 30; range 4/ 8/ 12; shots 6).

Disadvantages: Hindrance (R2), uncoordinated: +2 to difficulties for acrobatics, melee combat, and sleight of hand; Quirk (R2), must make Difficult willpower or Knowledge roll to resist the urge to wander off to explore interesting areas; Poverty (Rl).

Advantages: none.

Special Abilities: Endurance (Rl ), + 30 to Strength or stamina checks when performing taxing physical casks; Omnivorous (Rl); Sense of Direction (Rl) +l D to navigation and search rolls.

Description: Your wanderlust kicked in before you found a mate. Now you’ve traveled so far from the home of your childhood, you’re not sure you’ll ever meet another Gruemor. No matter: You’ve been able to find enough people who want a talented planetary surveyor on their exploration trips. There’s plenty of work to keep you occupied. For now.

Gilvahn Prospector Template

Species: Gilvahn

Occupation: Prospector

Agility 2D

Mechanical 3D

Strength 3D+2

Knowledge 2D+2

Perception 3D

Technical 3D+2

Funds 3D

Credits 525

Fate Points 1

Character Points 5

Strength Damage 2D

Move 10

Body Points 37

Wound Level / Body Points Range

Stunned / 22-29

Wounded / 14-21

Severely Wounded / 7-13

Incapacitated / 3-6

Mortally Wounded / 1-2

Dead / 0

Equipment: handy spanner ( + 1D bonus o relevant repair rolls; reduces darkness modifiers by 30 (9) in flashlight mode); mining laser (damage 4D; range 5/10/- ; shots 30); spare energy cell (50 shots); enviro-suit.

Disadvantages: Achilles’ Heel: Low Gravity(R3), + 1 to all Agility difficulties in a gravities of 1 g or less; Quirk (R2), must make a Difficult willpower roll to avoid becoming mesmerized by shiny raw minerals or metals.

Advantages: none.

Special Abilities: Hardiness (R4), +4 to damage resistance totals; Skill Bonus: Vehicle Tech (R1 ), + 1 to exoskeleton repair, flight systems repair, and vehicle repair rolls.

Description: You live for the thrill of discovering new metal and mineral deposits. You’ve amassed quite a collection of specimens. You probably would’ve located m:my more by this time, but you sometimes find yourself simply staring at shiny crystals and metals for hours.

Dealer Merchant Template

Species: Dealer

Occupation: Merchant

Agility 2D+1

Mechanical 2D+1

Strength 2D+1

Knowledge 3D+2

Perception 4D+1

Technical 2D

Funds 4D

Credits 700

Fate Points 1

Character Points 5

Strength Damage 1D

Move 10

Body Points 30

Wound Level / Body Points Range

Stunned / 18-24

Wounded / 12-17

Severely Wounded / 6-11

Incapacitated / 3-5

Mortally Wounded / 1-2

Dead / 0

Equipment:  Legal PAD (stores contracts and takes biometric and cellular data of contract signees}; personal blaster (damage 3D; range 4/8/12; shots 6); cred-key.

Disadvantages: Cultural Unfamiliarity (Rl); Debt (R3), owes significant resources to creator; Devotion (R3), to fair trade and interactions; Enemy (R2), an enemy of one of your clients is after you; Hindrance: Limited Regenerative Properties (R8), -8 to damage resistance totals; Hindrance: Uncreative (RS), +6 to all Technical-related difficulties involving improving or inventing technology; Quirk (R3}, always insist on background checks of potential clients, which has caused you to lose contracts.

Advantages: Fame (R3), member of fair and honest merchant race.

Special Abilities: Atmospheric Tolerance (Rl), airless environments, with Additional Effect (R3), need not breathe; Attack Resistance: Mental (R2), +2D to resistance totals against mental harm; Immortality (Rl), will cease to function if back up is erased or cannot be put into new body, with Additional Effect (R3), does not need to rest unless injured, eat, or breathe; and Price (Rl), requires Legendary Funds (posthumously) to activate; Immunity (RS), +5D to Strength or stamina checks against illness or poison; Iron Will (R3), +3D to all willpower rolls and +6 to standard interaction difficulties.

Description: A relatively new Dealer (only a few hundred years old), you inadvertently gained an enemy when you helped broker a deal for food and medical supplies. Now, you studiously check all potential clients to make sure that this doesn’t happen again. You haven’t made friends this way, but you just might live to pay your Life Debt.

Barathax Military Trainer Template

Species: Barathax

Occupation: Military Trainer

Agility 3D+2

Mechanical 2D+2

Strength 2D+2

Knowledge 3D

Perception 3D+2

Technical 2D+1

Funds 3D

Credits 525

Fate Points 1

Character Points 5

Strength Damage 1D

Move 10

Body Points 32

Wound Level / Body Points Range

Stunned / 19-25

Wounded / 12-18

Severely Wounded / 6-11

Incapacitated / 3-5

Mortally Wounded / 1-2

Dead / 0

Equipment: needler pistol (damage 30; range 25/75/150; ammo 50); worn syntheleather mesh long-coat (Armor Value +10); cred-key

Disadvantages: Enemy (R2), wanted dead or alive as a traitor of the Barathax; Hindrance; Arrogance (R2), + 3 to con and persuasion difficulties; Hindrance: Reduced Hardiness (R2), -2 to damage resistance totals; Quirk (Rl), must make a Moderate willpower roll to overcome dislike of cold temperatures or be at +2 to all difficulties until warm again, Quirk (R2), make a Difficult willpower roll to be wet or will do nothing until dry.

Advantages: none

Special Abilities: Enhanced Sense: Sight (Rl), +1 to sight-based skill totals; Enhanced Sense: Hearing (Rl),+l to hearing-based skill totals; Extra Body Part: Tail (Rl); Skill Bonus: Agility (Rl), + 1 to acrobatics, climb /jump, and dodge totals; Natural Hand-to-Hand Weapon: Claws (Rl), + lD damage.

Description: Your parents say that you spent too much time alone as a scout among soft aliens, and that’s why you’ve rejected your own people. You now seek out potential victims of the Barathax in the hopes of training them to defend themselves against possible attacks.


Typical Basilisk

Agility 2D: brawling 3D+ 2, dodge 4D, firearms: paralyzing blast 3D+2, running 6D
Mechanical 0D
Strength 3D+2
Knowledge 1D: survival: desert 3D
Perception 4D: search 4D+1
Technical 0D
Strength Damage: 2D
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 0
Body Points: 21
Wound Levels: 3

Natural Abilities: paralyzing blast (damage 3D and paralyzes victim; victim may attempt to shake off the effects once per round – as an action – by making a Knowledge, Strength, Stamina, or Willpower roll against the attack total; lead and other radiation-thwarting materials reduce or negate this attack); bite (damage +2D; +5 to combat difficulty); claws (damage +2D+2); radiation resistance (+3D to stamina or damage resistance rolls to resist effects of radiation); radiation sense (+5D to search for detecting radioactive materials); large size (scale value 3). Continue reading Basilisks