
Apes come as close to humans (genetically speaking)
as any creature on Earth. Despite their large
size and threatening appearance, apes are generally
shy creatures that rarely pick a fight. Most prefer to
hoot, holler, andchesr-beat their enemies into fearful
submission, only resorting to blows in dire need. Their
keen intelligence and gende nature make apes easy
prey for hunters, mad scientists, and even aliens.

In combat, gorillas prefer to scare opponents
away. If this fails, the male moves to engage while
the females escape with the young. Should the
young be attacked, the mother quickly joins the
fray. Female gorillas attack by going on the offensive
with no thought to their own safety. They will trade
their own blood for the defeat of their enemy and
the safety of their young.

Apes also can be dangerous or confounding when
not in the wild. For example, one curious case file
details an ape who had escaped from the zoo; the
investigators charged with tracking the creature
were led to a scientist’s laboratory, who had been
experimenting on the primate during zoo hours with
a regimen of intelligence-enhancing drugs. The gorilla
had maimed several of the scientist’s assistants before
being calmed by the agents. When the scientist asked
if the drugs had any effect, the ape merely shook her
head and used the keys she had snatched from the
investigators to unlock the backseat of their car, where
she waited to be taken back to the zoo.

However, although that case ended amusingly,
the notes stolen from the scientist painted a more
chilling scenario. Among various ptans listed there
was one involving the augmentation of the ape’s
might with radiation and chemicals, resulting in a
of faster, stronger creature. Another scheme posited
the effect of infecting che ape with a super-virus
and releasing it back into the city; the infection
rare possible from a fevered crazed ape attacking
others gave the investigators pause. Of course, the
most chilling possibility utilized both these plans;
how many thousands – or millions – might die
because of a super-strong ape with the power to
infect those it can’t kill outright?

Typical Gorilla

Refiexes 2D+2: brawling 3D+2, climbing 4D, jumping 3D
Coordination 2D
Physique 4D+ 1: lifring 5D+ 1, stamina 5D+l
Knowledge 1D+2
Perception 1D+2: search 2D+2, survival 3D
Presence 1D+2: intimidation 3D+2, willpower 3D
Strength Damage: 3D
Move: 12
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 0
Body Points: 23 Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: thick fur (Armor Value +1);
bite (damage +1; +5 to combat difficulty); powerful
arms (damage +2)

Note: Enhanced gorillas have the following
adjustments: Reflexes 4D, jumping 4D+ 1, Physique
5D+1, lifting 7D, stamina 6D+1, Knowledge 2D,
Strength Damage 4D. Additionally, the enhanced
gorilla must make an occasional willpower check
against a difficulty of 6 or it becomes racked with
pain and it unable to act. After a round of pain,
the enhanced gorilla becomes enraged with pain,
gaining a +2 bonus to all damage totals in the following round.

D6 Adventure Creatures (WEG 51021), © 2005 Purgatory Publishing Inc.
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