Nation: Germany
Vehicle stats: Length: 5.69 meters, Width: 2.81 meters, Height: 2.34 meters, Weight: 15.4 tons
Scale: 7 (Vehicular)
Skill: Tracked Vehicle Driving
Crew: 5
Range: 175 km
PL: 1
Armor: Hull Front = 2D+2, Hull Side/Rear = 2D, Hull Top = +2, Turret Front = 2D+1, Turret Side/Rear = 2D, Turret Top = +2
Toughness: 3D+1
Hull Hits: 10
Speed: 40 km/h
Move: 13
Maneuver: 1D
1 x 37mm KwK L/46.5 gun: Scale: 7 (Vehicular), PL: 3, Arc: Turret Stabilized: -1D, Fire Control: +1, Rate of Fire: 1 / 2, Ammunition: 37mm – 120 rounds, Range: 1-250 / 500 / 1000, Damage: 4D+2, Penetration: 1D+1
3 x 7.92mm MG34 Machine Guns: Scale: 0 (Character), Arc: 2 coaxial, 1 forward (hull), Stabilized: -2D, Fire Control: none, Rate of Fire: 10, Ammunition: 7.92 x 57mm – 2,250 rounds, Range: 1-150 / 450 / 1200, Damage: 6D+2