
The rhino (as it’s colloquially known) is a family of large armored mammalian herbivores native to Africa and Asia. The name rhinoceros means “horn-nose” in Greek, which is a reference to the most distinctive aspect of the creature: the large horn on the front of its head.

There are five species of rhinoceros still living. The Javan and Indian rhinoceros both have a single horn, while the white, black, and Sumatran rhinoceros have two horns- a larger one in front and a smaller one right behind.

It’s an endangered species; the least threatened white rhino has just over 10,000 members left while the most-endangered Javan and Sumatran rhinos have fewer than a few hundred.

Rhinos are the second-largest land animal, exceeded only by the elephant. Despite their large size, they are actually quite agile; the black rhino can reach speeds of 45 kilometers per hour. Given the intense heat and sun of their natural habitat, rhinos are generally active at dusk, night, or early morning, resting throughout the day. They generally live in savannas and grasslands, eating the foliage of trees or bushes or grazing on grass.

Although its massive body, armored appearance, and threatening horn make rhinos look dangerous, they are actually quite gentle. They make up for their poor eyesight with keen senses of smell and hearing. Its “armor” is actually thick folded skin, which provides it some protection, especially from other rhinos during the mating season (it uses its horn to attack rivals). Rhinos are almost always naturally gray or brown, although their tendency to wallow in mud can change their color depending on local soil conditions. They range in weight from 350 to 3,500 kilograms, stand between 1.5 to 2 meters tall, and are between 2 to 4.25 meters long. Having no natural enemies, they will not usually a track other creatures or humans, but they may charge if startled or if a mother’s young is threatened. Outside of the several years a mother stays with its children, they are generally solitary creatures, although white rhinos occasionally dwell in small herds.

The Sumatran rhinoceros, which has the most obvious fur of the living rhino family, is the last surviving member of the same group as the extinct woolly rhinoceros. The woolly rhinoceros was presumably hunted to extinction by early humans, who depicted the creature in cave drawings. Given its role to prehistoric humanity, many scholars would jump at the chance to learn more about the woolly rhino … or even to get a chance co study one first-hand.

Given the unique nature of the rhinoceros horn, many cultures have used this appendage for a variety of purposes, including Asian medicine and dagger handles in the Arabian Peninsula; it is especially prized as an aphrodisiac, and is a very rare component for magical rituals. Despite worldwide laws against hunting rhinos, the trade in horns continues, and a group seeking co investigate or research the giants could very well find themselves dealing with ruthless poachers.

Typical Rhinoceros

Reflexes 3D+1: brawling 4D: charging +1D, dodge 3D+2
Coordination 1D
Physique 5D: lifting 6D, running 5D+1
Knowledge 1D
Perception 2D: search 2D+1, tracking 3D
Presence 2D: intimidation 3D: charging +1D, willpower 3D
Strength Damage: 3D
Move: 16
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 2
Body Points: 25
Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: horn (damage +1D+2); bite (damage +1D+1; +5 to combat difficulty); tough hide (Armor Value +1D); different senses (-3 to all sight-related rolls, +2 to all smell- and hearing-related rolls); large size (scale value 6)

D6 Adventure Creatures (WEG 51021), © 2005 Purgatory Publishing Inc.
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