
The encroachment of civilization has driven bears from much of their natural habitat. Today, these ursine creatures dwell in remote mountain ranges and unexploited lands. It’s here that they make their final stand for survival.

A bear’s head and neck conveys its mood because their torsos and shore tails are not suited for this purpose. Agitated bears walk with their heads below their shoulders, salivating or showing teeth. They may also growl, stare with their ears laid back, or turn sideways to display size. If these tactics fail, a bear might pop his jaws, swat, bluff a charge, or, in rare cases, attack. The bears may scoop up victims in their claws and crush them in a massive hug.

Black bears dwell in the northern Rockies, western Canada, and Alaska. These voracious omnivores usually lead solitary lives. Forests with prominent undergrowth are their ideal habitat. They hibernate for five to seven months in small caves or crevasses. Preferably, a deadfall hides their winter home.

The creature’s sense of smell and hearing are highly developed. Their fur color runs from black to chocolate brown bur on rare occasion, could be silver-grey or off-white. Black bears are more agile than their larger cousins and average 60 to 160 kilograms in weight with some specimens reaching 270 kilograms. Many beg from the roadsides of national parks because they have grown accustomed to humans and do not fear them.

Grizzly bears live in the same regions as black bears and run faster than Olympic sprinters for short distances. These intelligent, inquisitive creatures have phenomenal memories, excellent eyesight, and superb hearing. Males typically weigh 160 kilograms bur may reach 680 kilograms. Females average 12S kilograms in weight. Mature adults stand 1.3 meters tall at the shoulders when on all fours and 2.3 meters in height on their hind legs. Grizzlies rear up to better utilize their senses.

These omnivores can consume 40 kilograms of food in a day, which helps prepare them for their pseudo-hibernation period. Their name comes from the grizzled look of their outer guard hairs. Typically, they have blond, brown, or black fur, or a mixture of the three. They tend to Bee from people unless their cubs, food, or territory are threatened.

Polar bears are marine animals chat dwell near the Arctic Circle. The world’s largest land predators are not territorial and prefer to fill their stomachs with 70 kilograms of meat. An adult bear’s fore paws, which can measure 30 centimeters across, can pull a mature seal from beneath the ice. Polar bears can reach speeds of 40 kilometers per hour for short distances and have white to yellow fur. Their well-insulated bodies make them invisible to infravision. Males can weigh one metric con but typically fall between 500 to 600 kilograms. Females average 300 kilograms in weight. Males never hibernate, though pregnant females will hole up in a den until they give birth to their young.

Typical Black Bear

Reflexes 3D: brawling 5D, climbing 4D, dodge 4D

Coordination 1D+2

Physique 4D: lifting 5D, running 5D, swimming 4D+2

Knowledge 1D: navigation 2D

Perception 2D: search 3D, survival 3D

Presence 3D: intimidation 3D+2, willpower 3D+1

Strength Damage: 3D

Move: 15

Fate Points: 0

Character Points: 0

Body Points: 23

Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: bite (damage +1D; +5 to combat difficulty); claws (damage + 1D + 1); highly developed sense of hearing (+2 to related skills); highly developed sense of smell (+3 to related skills); thick fur (Armor Value +l); large size (scale value 1)

Typical Grizzly Bear

Reflexes 3D: brawling 6D, climbing 3D+2

Coordination lD+2

Physique 5D: lifting 6D, running 5D+2, swimming 5D+l

Knowledge lD: navigation 2D

Perception 2D: search 4D, survival 3D

Presence 3D+1: intimidation 5D, willpower 4D

Strength Damage: 3D

Move: 18

Fate Points: 0

Body Points: 25

Character Points: 0

Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: bite (damage + 1D; +5 to combat difficulry); claws (damage + 1D+1); highly developed sense of hearing (+2 to related skills); exceptional eyesight (+1 to related skills); thick fur(Armor Value +2); large size (scale value 3)

Typical Polar Bear

Reflexes 2D+2: brawling 7D, stealth 3D

Coordination 1D+2

Physique 6D: lifting6D+2, running 6D+2, swimming 5D

Knowledge 2D: navigation 4D

Perception 2D: search 4D, survival 4D

Presence 2D: intimidation 6D, willpower 5D

Strength Damage: 3D

Move: 19

Fate Points: 0

Body Points: 28

Character Points: 0

Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: bite (damage +1D; +5 to combat difficulty); claws (damage +1D+2); well insulated (+2D to Physique and stamina when resisting the ill effects of a cold environment); thick fur (Armor Value +1D); large size (scale value 3)

D6 Adventure Creatures (WEG 51021), © 2005 Purgatory Publishing Inc.
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