Wild Die

The Wild Die is an extranormal ability. A character must be a Dynamic character in order to have the Wild Die ability. All player characters are automatically Dynamic. Normal: a Stock character does not have the Wild Die ability.

A character with the Wild Die ability designates one of his dice as a Wild Die. This die should be a different color or design than the regular skill dice.

Whenever he makes a skill check, a character with the Wild Die ability rolls the Wild Die in place of a skill die. If the Wild Die rolls a 6, the die explodes and another Wild Die is rolled to add to the total of the skill check. If that Wild Die explodes, another is rolled, until a Wild Die rolls a number other than 6.

If the skill check succeeds, and the Wild Die rolled a 6, the result is a critical success. A fortunate narrative event occurs in addition to the success of the skill check.

If the skill check fails, and the Wild Die rolled a 1, the result is a critical failure. An unfortunate narrative event occurs in addition to the failure of the skill check.

Using Other Dice

A standard set of role-playing dice includes four-sided, six-sided, eight-sided, ten-sided, twelve-sided, and twenty-sided dice. If an effect causes another type of die to be substituted for the Wild Die, the die only explodes on a roll of 7 or greater. For example, if an effect changes the Wild Die to an eight-sided die (WD8), the die would only explode if it rolled a 7 or 8; a WD10 would explode on a roll of 7, 8, 9, or 10.

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© December 25, 2023 Winston

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