Luck Points

Luck is an extranormal ability. A character must be a Dynamic character to have the Luck ability. Luck is a ranked ability; for every rank of Luck, the character begins a play session with one luck point. Normal: a Stock character does not have the luck ability.

Before making a skill check, a character may spend a luck point to double the number of dice in the die code rolled for the skill check. If the character has Wild Dice, they replace normal dice after the luck point doubles the die code. Only skill and ability dice may be doubled by a luck point. Only one luck point may be spent to affect dice during a single turn, regardless of the number of characters with the Luck ability participating in the action.

When a character spends a luck point, it is used up for the session.

Game Masters may award bonus luck points to players who engage in memorable role-playing that entertains the entire table. Trash talking opponents and witty banter between allies are two ways to earn bonus luck points.

The Game Master has the option of vetoing a player’s use of a luck point and narrative influence if he feels it is not justified.

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© December 25, 2023 Winston

This game build for the OpenD6 Project is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International