Coyotes are found all across North and Central America They feed mainly on carrion and small mammals, supplemented by fruit, insects, frogs, snakes, and crustaceans. Coyotes do not always live in packs; they may hunt alone or in pairs. They mark their territories with urine and by howling. Coyotes reside in dens, which they will return to year after year.
Coyotes are small (I 0 to 18 kilograms) but fast runners, and can reach speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour. Coyotes have acute hearing and a good sense of smell. They are also very vocal, communicating with squeaks, yelps, and howls. It’s not unusual to find coyotes in cities and urban areas on the edge of their territories where their small size and skill at scavenging serve them well.
In many Native America legends, Coyote is the trickster spirit, witty and unpredictable, playing pranks and questioning authority. Theirs is much the same role the fox plays in European myth.
Dingoes are small (10 to 20 kilograms) canines native to Australia. Due to extensive interbreeding with domestic dogs, pure dingoes are becoming rare. Dingoes’ diet consists of small mammals, especially rabbits, but also kangaroos, lizards, and carrion (a fondness for human babies is mythical). Dingoes are solitary, but they often live in loosely knit groups. They occasionally engage in group hunting, particularly when in pursuit of larger prey.
Hyenas are doglike animals with a sloping body, as their front legs are longer than their hind legs. Their jaws are powerful and adapted crushing bone to get at the marrow inside.
All hyenas can survive on diets of carrion supplemented by whatever ocher food they can acquire. Hyenas operate in “clans” of up to 80 animals; the sexes are either equal or the females dominate the clan.
Brown hyenas can raise the hair along their spine to intimidate others. Spotted hyenas are larger ( 45 to 82 kilograms) and more aggressive. They’ re capable hunters and, in packs, can take down water buffalo and other large prey.
In some parts of Africa, the hyena is the equivalent of the “black cat,” the animal of witches. Some legends say that all hyenas are controlled by witches and none ace wild. Others say that witches use hyena as riding animals at night or that witches can shape shift into hyenas.
Typical Coyote/Dingo
Reflexes 3D+1: brawling 4D+1, dodge 4D+1, jumping 3D+2, sneak 4D+2
Coordination 1D
Physique 2D+1: running 4D
Knowledge 1D
Perception 2D: search 3D, survival tracking 4D
Presence 2D: intimidation 2D+2, willpower 3D
Strength Damage: 1D
Move: 20
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 0
Body Points: 17
Wound levels: 3
Natural Abilities: bite (damage +1D; +5 to combat difficulty); small size (scale value 4)
Note: Coyotes have +1D in running.
Typical Hyena
Reflexes 3D: brawling 4D+1, dodge 4D, jumping 4D, sneak 4D
Coordination 1D
Physique 3D+1: running 4D+ 1
Knowledge 1D
Perception 2D: search 3D, survival 4D, cracking 3D
Presence 2D: intimidation 3D+1, willpower 3D
Strength Damage: 2D
Move: 20
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 0
Body Points: 20
Wound levels: 3
Natural Abilities: wiry fur (Armor Value +1); bite (damage +1D+1; +5 to combat difficulty); small size (scale value 4)
Note: Brown hyenas have a+ 1 to intimidation. Spotted hyenas have + 1 Physique