Whether created by sorcery, weird sci-
ence, or some other sort of supernatural
occurrence, human-appearing insecroids
have begun to spread out. The primary
human-Insect Hybrid that are known to
exist are the hive-oriented Antians and
the more solitary Mantins and Wespefrau
The Antians consist of three castes:
queen, warrior, and worker. The Antian
queens can appear almost completely
human except for their eyes, which, iflooked
at closely, can be seen to be faceted. Their
“pupils” never dilate, nordoAntian queens
blink. TheAntian queen further has a mass
of what seems to be freshly healed scar tissue
covering the small of their back from the
base of their spine up. This is where they
join with the thorax and abdomen of their
“ant-body” when they return from their
excursions into the human world.
Antian queens infiltrate the local power
structure, using their charm and sexual
favors to secure a safe place for their nest.
They are expercs at seduction, both to gain
advantage and genetic material for the next
generation of Antians.
An Antian queen can lay up to 20 eggs in
a day. The eggs hatch within a week, and the
Ancians chat emerge quickly reach physical
maturity (rwo weeks for workers, a month
for warriors, and a year for a new queen).
AnAntianqueencanliveforup to 50 years,
but the warriors and workers usually only
last for five or six years at best.
Antian warriors look like tall and slender
humanoids with compound eyes and too
smooth skin. They are stronger than their
build would indicate. Their role is to guard
the nest and the queen. At least one or two
will always be nearby to assist their queen as
needed. The warriors are usually limited in
their mental outlook and can be confused
by actions outside of the norm.
Antian workers seem to be shore, thin
humans; most are hairless and possess com-
pound eyes. They are unassuming and dili-
gently work on their assigned tasks. Those
chat appear sufficiently human often take
illicit and unskilled jobs to provide income
and information for their nest. The workers
are natural builders, using whatever materi-
als come to hand to expand and improve
the nest.
Mancin are usually lone hunters, rarely operating in more than small, loose groups. Mantin males are usually killed by the stronger females, who do not need them beyond a brief reproduction period. Manrins are humanoid in appearance but their skin (actually chitin) is dark with a weathered, tanned appearance. They have “false eyes”; their faceted eye have adapred to appear human-like bur can be seen to be faceted and unchangingarclosequarters. They have false hair (a rough spinelike grown) on their head, which is almost always black.
Mantin are very strong and their hands
are tough and make excellent weapons.
While they can eat almost anything and
survive, they are hunters by nature. Usu-
ally they are content to survive on rats and
stray animals, only killing hwnans when
they have to. Occasionally, a Mantin will
develop a taste for hunting humans; some
of these even find employment in some of
the stranger underworld organizations.
Female Mantins lay a dutch of three to
five eggs once a year, rhe eggs can be fer-
tilized by either human or Mantin males.
The eggs hatch in rwo months ,and the
immature Mantins rapidly grows to full
size, reaching adult siz.e in 18 months. The
immature Mantins require a great deal of
food, which causes their mother to have to
do additional hunting.
Wespefrau seem to have been created to
serve as guardians and bodyguards. They
appear as slender humans, hairless except
for their heads and their second set of arms;
their skin is semirigid and cool. From their
neck down along their spine, they have
black wasp stripe patterns on their skin.
Wespefrau are adept at blending into their
surroundings and concealing their second
pair of arms and their antennae.
All Wespefrau are female and need
hum ans to fenilize their eggs, of which chey
produce one to three each year, but fertiliza-
tion may be done technologically. Wespefrau
reproduce by inserting parasitic eggs into
living mammals of ar least 25 kilograms in
size. The larva consumes her host and must
be fed a large amount of food for the next
three to four weeks. She then goes into a
chrysalis for two weeks; when it emerges,
it appears as a four-year-old child with an
extra pair of arms. From chen on, she matures
about C\vice as fast as a human, reaching
reproductive age at six (looking 16). She can
live for up to 20 years. When a Wespefrau
emerges from her chrysalis, she will imprinr
on the first person she sees, creating him or
her as her mate to be guarded and protected.
There are rumors of a colony of Wespefrau
that are all imprinted upon their “mother,”
but the truth of the rumor, and aim of the
colony if it’s true, is unknown.
Typical Antian Queen
Reflexes 3D (+1): brawling 4D+1, dodge 4D+1, melee combat 4D+1, sneak 4D+1
Coordination 3D(+1): marksmanship 3D+2
Physique 3D (+2): stamina 4D+2
Knowledge 3D (+l): business 4D+l, navigation 3D
Perception 3D (+l): investigarion 3D+1, search 4D+1, streetwise 4D+1, survival 3D+2
Presence 3D (+5): charm 6D+1, command 6D+1, con 5D+1, disguise 5D+1 , persuasion 5D+1, willpower 6D
Strength Damage: 2D (+2)
Move: 10
Fate Points: 1
Character Points: 4
Body Points: 19
Wound levels: 3
Disadvantages: Devotion (R1), to next
Advantages: Contacts (R1 or greater)
Special Abilities: Endurance (R1),
+3D to Physique or stamina checks when
performing taxing physical tasks; Hardiness
(R2), +2 to all damage resistance totals;
Immunity (R1), +1D to resist illness and
ingested poisons; lncrcasedAttribute: Phy-
sique (R2), +2 to related totals; Increased
Attribute: Presence (R5), +5 to related
rotals; Increased Attribute: Reflexes, Coor-
dination, Knowledge, Perception (R1 each),
+1 to related rotals; Omnivorous (R1),
can eat anything organic for nourishment;
Ultravision (R1), negates up to 2 points of
modifiers for dim or dark conditions
Note: When connected to her “ant
body,” the queen has Reduced Attribute:
Reflexes, Coordination (R4 each), -lD to
related attributes; Hindrance: Movement
(R2), -4 meters to running, swimming,
and jumping Moves; Increased Amibure:
Physique (R6), +6 to related totals (replaces
nacural Increased Attribute: Physique),
and Natural Armor: Chiron (R1), +1D to
related damage resistance rolls.
Equipment: trench coat; club (damage
+1D+1 ); other equipment as required by
Typical Antian Warrior
Reffexes 2D+1: brawling 3D+2, dodge 3D, melee combat 3D+2, sneak 3D+1
Coordination 2D+1: marksmanship 2D+2, throwing 3D
Physique 3D+2: lifting 4D+2, running 4D, stamina 4D+2
Knowledge 1D+2: navigation 3D
Perception 2D: search 3D, survival 4D, tracking 3D
Presence 2D+1: disguise 2D+2, intimidation 3D+1, willpower 4D
Strength Damage:
Move: 10
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 3
Body Points: 2
Wound levels: 3
Disadvantages: Cultural Unfamiliarity
(R1), does not fully understand the world
outside the nest; Devotion (R3), to queen;
Employed (R2), by nest; Quirk (R3), has
difficulty being creative
Advantages: none
Special Abilities: Endurance (R1),
+3D to Physique or stamina checks when
performing taxing physical tasks; Immunity
(R1), +10 to resist illness and ingested poi-
sons; Natural Armor: Chiton (R1), +1D to
damage resistance rolls; Omnivorous (R1),
can eat anything organic for nourishment;
Ultravision (R1), negates up to 2 points of
modifiers for dim or dark conditions
Typical Mantin
Reflexes 4D: brawling 6D+1, dodge 6D+1, sneak 6D+1
Coordination 3D+2: marksmanship 5D, throwing 5D
Physique 3D: lifting 5D, running 4D, stamina 4D
Knowledge 1D+2
Perception 2D+2: search 3D+2, survival 4D+2
Presence 3D: disguise 3D+2, intimidation 4D, willpower 4D
Strength Damage: 3D
Move: 12
Fate Points: 1
Character Points: 4
Wound levels: 3
Body Points: 19
Disadvantages: Quirk (R2), prefer being alone
Advantages: none
Special Abilities: Ambidextrous (R1),
+1 to relevant two-handed actions; Combat
Sense (R1), surprise penalties reduced by
2; Natural Armor: Chiron (R1), +1D to
damage resistance rolls; Natural Hand to
Hand Weapon: Tough Hands (R1), damage
+1D; Omnivorous (R1), can eat anything
organic for nourishment; Ultravision (R1),
negates up to 2 points of modifiers for dim
or dark conditions
Equipment: an outfit to pass as a
Note: Male Mantin only have a Physique
and Presence of 2D+1 with skills underneath
reduced by 1D.
Typical Wespefrau
Reflexes 4D+1: brawling 6D+1, contortion 5D+1, dodge 6D+1, jumping 5D+1, melee combat 6D+1, sneak 6D+1
Coordination 3D+2: marksmanship 5D, throwing 6D
Physique 3D: lifting 4D, stamina 4D
Knowledge 2D
Perception 2D: search 3D+1
Presence 2D+2: disguise 4D+2, intimidation 30+2, willpower 3D+2
Strength Damage: 2D
Move: 12
Fate Points: 1
Character Points: 4
Body Points: 19
Wound levels: 3
Disadvantages: Cultural Unfamiliarity
(R1), does not fully understand the outside
world; Devotion (R1), to “mate”; Infamy
(R1); Quirk (R2), secret identity
Advantages: Patron (Rl), chosen mate
Special Abilities: Arnbidextrous (R1,
per set of arms), +1 to relevant two-handed
actions; Combat Sense (Rl), surprise penal-
ties reduced by 2; Extra Body Parts (R1),
second pair of arms with Additional Effect
(R2), functional; Hardiness (R2), +2 to
damage resistance totals; Hypermovement
(R1), bonus ro Move; Omnivorous (R1),
can eat anything organic for nourishment;
Ultravision (R1), negates up to 2 points of
modifiers for dim or dark conditions
Equipment: clothes and items as appro-
priate for duties and companion’s status