
Zoos became popular in the late nineteenth century as public attractions, even though they have been around in one form or another for centuries. Historically, a number of monarchs have kept private zoos, especially in Rome and the Far East. However, these zoos, as well as most nineteenth- century zoos, were not much more than rows of cages. Mortality rate of the animals, and handlers, was fairly high. Read the Full Article

Weapon Trial Area

Almost every cop movie or secret agent film has a scene on the firing range. Why? Because it’s a chance to show off new weapons, to highlight the character’s skill with firearms – or to show the skill of the bad guys. Weapons trial areas are important for anyone who works with firearms or experimental weapons, and any good cop, field agent, or soldier puts in regular hours at such a place. This gives them the chance to try different weapons, to perfect their aim and ease with their preferred weapon, and to get their weapons repaired if necessary. It’s also a good opportunity to see what other locals use, and how their aim is, which can give people an edge if they ever wind up trading bullets with each other. Read the Full Article

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