Small Predatory Mammals

Ferrets are a domesticated animal raised originally to hunt rabbits and mice. They are small, quick, and immensely curious creatures. They weigh about one kilogram and are around half a meter in length.

Popular as pets, ferrets have a tendency to get everywhere and into everything. Ferrets have a distinctive scent from their musk gland (which remains, though lessened, even if the gland is removed). Ferrets can be trained to perform tricks and accomplish simple tasks bur they are easily distracted. Foxes are omnivores, renown as being sly and cunning. Experts on avoiding being caught, the fox is an adaptable animal and a clever hunter. Most foxes are primarily active at dusk and night, and while foxes are usually solitary, they occasionally group together in a pack.

Foxes are widely dispersed across the world, having species native to every continent but Australia, from the tiny fennec fox of Arabia (one to 1.5 kilograms) and the North American kit fox (about the same size as a domestic cat, two to three kilograms) to the European red fox (the “classic” fox, six to 10 kilograms), which has replaced the grey wolf as the most common wild canine, and the endangered Simien fox (largest of the foxes at 15 kilograms) of Ethiopia.

Weasels are the world’s smallest carnivore. They live anywhere that they can obtain cover and prey, including but not limited to sand dunes, grasslands, woodlands, and mountains. Weasels mostly eat rodents, such as mice, supplemented by birds or eggs when available. Due to their extremely high metabolism, they must eat every 24 hours to avoid starvation. Weasels are active during both day and night, alternating periods of activity with a few hours of rest. They range from 20 to 40 centimeters in length and weigh up to nearly 200 grams.

Wolverines are dangerous, but the level of their violence may be exaggerated by rumor and legend. Wolverines weigh up to 20 kilograms, making them the largest member of the weasel family. A wolverine eats anything it can find or kill; being poor hunters, they tend to follow wolves and bears, feeding off the leftovers from the other animals’ kills. Rodents, fish, reptiles, and birds are favorite prey when hunting, but wolverines usually prefer carrion. In general, the most severe winters when hoofed mammals (such as deer) fare poorly are the winters when wolverines thrive.

Wolverines can travel at a fast lope (up to 45 kilometers per hour) with great endurance, sometimes traveling as much as 15 kilometers without a break. Wolverines are largely nocturnal, bur in areas of extended daylight or darkness, they will often switch to a cycle that consists of a four hours awake four hours sleeping. Wolverines are solitary, aggressive animals and extremely territorial. They do not allow other members of the same sex inside their territory. Wolverines mark their territory with scent glands and often mark food caches with scent as well. Though solitary play has been observed among family members.

Typical Ferret / Weasel

Reflexes 4D: brawling 4D+1, climbing 5D+1, contortion 4D+1, dodge 6D, jumping 5D, sneak 6D
Coordination 1D+2
Physique 1D: lifting 2D, running 3D+1, swimming 3D
Knowledge 1D+1
Perception 2D: hide: self-only 2D+2, search 3D+1, survival 30+2, tracking 4D
Presence 1D+1
Strength Damage: 1D
Move: 15
Fate Points: 0
Bocly Points: 13
Character Points: 0
Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: bite(damage+2; +5 to combat difficulty); high metabolism (must eat half body weight per day or begin to starve); fur (provides protection against cold); small size (scale value 6)

Typical Fox

Reflexes 4D+ l: brawling 4D+l, dodge 5D+1, jumping 4D+2, sneak 5D+2
Coordination 1D+2
Physique 1D+1: running 3D+1
Knowledge 1D
Perception 2D: hide: self-only 3D, search 3D, survival 3D+2, tracking 3D
Presence 2D: intimidation 2D+2
Strength Damage: 1D
Move: 18
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 0
Body Points: 14
Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: fur (Armor Value +1; provides protection against cold); bite (damage +2; +5 to combat difficulty); small size (scale value 6)

Typical Wolverine

Reflexes 3D+1 : brawling 4D+1, climbing 4D+1, dodge 4D+1, jumping 4D, sneak 4D+1
Coordination 1D+2
Physique 3D+1: running 4D+1, swimming 4D
Knowledge 1D
Perception 2D: hide: self-only 2D+2, search 3D, survival 4D
Presence 2D: intimidate 5D, willpower 3D+2
Strength Damage: 2D
Move: 13
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 0
Bocly Points: 20
Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: thick fur (Armor Value +2; provides protection against cold); bite (damage +1D; +5 to combat difficulty); claws (damage +2); small size (scale value 6)

D6 Adventure Creatures (WEG 51021), © 2005 Purgatory Publishing Inc.
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