Snakes have played the pan of villains since biblical times, and few creatures have the reptile’s natural ability to evoke primal fear in humans. Snakes can be cast as familiars for occult villains or might become the vessel for a vengeful druid’s spirit. An escaped serpent could adapt to life in the sewers of a large metropolis and dominate the subterranean world of an urban jungle. Heroes might also find themselves searching the jungle for a rare snake to harvest its venom for medicinal purposes.
The cottonmouth water moccasin is the only poisonous water snake that’s native to North American. They are very territorial creatures and often advance upon intruders. These serpents prefer to rest near fallen logs or large clumps of grass near the water’s edge where they stay hidden while waiting for prey to approach. Their jaws are very strong and latch on to their victim during a bite to ensure a full dose of venom is delivered. Cottonmouths can reach nearly two meters in length. They derive their name from the white interior of their mouths. They are pit vipers, and are related to copperheads and rattlesnakes.
The reticulated (regal) python is the largest member of the python family. They are slender snakes whose pale splotches run down their back and small white splotches decorate their sides. A mature adult can weigh in at 136 kilograms and reach 11 meters in length. They typically see the world through orange eyes and have wide heads. These creatures dwell in Burma, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Southeast Asia.
Pythons are extremely powerful and usually suffocate their prey by constricting them. Typically, they feed upon small mammals, but larger specimens can swallow small pigs and, on rare occasion, consume people. Timber rattlesnakes are pit vipers who sit atop of the predatory pecking order in the eastern portion of North America and are not naturally found anywhere else on earth. The largest recorded specimen was just over two meters long, but typically, these snakes average 1.5 meters in length. They are crafty hunters who use their natural camouflage co blend in with their natural habitat.
Timber rattlesnakes are active from late April until mid-October but may not emerge from their den until mid-May. Mammals are their food of choice, but if warm-blooded creatures arc scarce, they have no problem with supplementing their diet with birds, amphibians, or other snakes.
Typical Cottonmouth Water Moccasin
Reflexes 4D: contortion 5D, dodge 4D, sneak 4D
Coordination 1D
Physique 2D: running 3D+1, swimming 4D
Knowledge 1D+1
Perception 3D: hide: self-only 4D, search 3D+1, survival 4D, tracking 4D
Presence 3D: intimidation 4D , willpower 3D+1
Strength Bonus: 1D
Move: 6
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 0
Body Points: 16
Wound levels: 3
Natural Abilities: bite (damage +1D; +5 to combat difficulty; venom injected when fighting success beats difficulty by 5 or more); venom (causes 5 points of damage every 10 minutes until victim dies or is treated; Very Difficult stamina roll to resist); cold-blooded (lethargic in cold; + 7 to difficulties of all actions until warmed up); highly developed sense of taste (+3 to smell- and taste-related skills); small size (scale value 4)
Typical Reticulated Python
Reflexes 3D: contortion 3D+1, climbing 4D, sneak 4D
Coordination 1D+1
Physique 3D: running 4D, swimming 4D+2, stamina 6D
Knowledge 2D
Perception 2D: hide: self-only 3D , search 4D, survival 3D, cracking 3D
Presence 3D: intimidation 3D+2, willpower 3D+1
Strength Bonus: 2D
Move: 10
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 0
Body Points: 19
Wound levels: 3
Natural Abilities: constriction (damage +3D when using a grappling attack); highly developed sense of taste (+3 to smell- and taste-related skills); cold-blooded (lethargic in cold; +7 to difficulties of all actions until warmed up); large size (scale value 2, due to slenderness)
Typical Timber Rattlesnake
Reflexes 4D: contortion 4D, dodge 4D+1, sneak 4D+2
Coordination 1D+ 1
Physique 3D: running 4D
Knowledge 1D+2
Perception 2D: hide: self-only 3D, search 3D, survival 2D, tracking 2D
Presence 3D: intimidation 4D, willpower 3D+2
Strength Bonus: 2D
Fate Points: 0
Move: 8
Character Points: 0
Body Points: 19
Wound levels: 3
Natural Abilities: bite (damage +1D; +5 to combat difficulty; venom injected when fighting success beats difficulty by 5 or more); venom (causes 7 points of damage every 10 minutes until victim dies or is treated; Very Difficult stamina roll to resist); highly developed sense of taste (+3 to smell-and taste-related skills); cold blooded (lethargic in cold; +7 to difficulties of all actions until warmed up); small size (scale value 4