Patrol craft are the “space cops” of a given planetary system. They are meant to find and capture smugglers, customs violators, and independent pirates. If anything bigger comes their way, the patrol craft are supposed to high-tail it for home or help, depending on their orders.
Nonetheless, most patrol craft are deceptively tough and agile, and this version is no different. Though it doesn’t have quite the prisoner capacity as a patrol frigate (see its entry herein), the interceptor is fast and dangerous.
Crew: 2
Passengers: 2 passengers, 4 prisoners in brig
Life-Supporting Modules: group airlock (4 areas, 2 tons, 0.4 eu, 300 cr); standard bridge (2 stations, 8 areas, 4 tons, 0.8, 200 cr) with +1D gunnery, shields, and sensors upgrades (3 eu, 2,700 cr), pilot autofunction program (15 eu, 8,000 cr, 3D each in piloting and gunnery), and ship indentifier (1,000 cr); brig (16 areas, 8 tons, 1.6 eu, 2,000 cr); lounge (6 areas, 3 tons, 0.6 eu, 400 cr) with food processor upgrade (25 cr); medical bed (3 areas, 1.5 tons, 0.3 eu, 400 cr); passenger area with seating for 2 (4 areas, 2 tons, 0.4 eu, 400 cr); two-person room (14 areas, 7 tons, 1.4 eu, 700 cr) with basic entertainment unit (50 cr); hallways to separate and connect rooms (16 areas, 8 tons, 0.8 eu, 375 cr)
Cargo Modules: bulk (weapons and environmental suit lockers, 6 areas, 6 tons, 0.6 eu, 150 cr)
Life-Support Supplies: food storage (8 areas, 4 tons, 4 eu, 80 cr); standard food supply (8 people/5 months, 4 tons, 4,000 cr); atmosphere (20 person-areas/5 months, 10,000 cr)
Weapons: 1 laser cannon (5 areas, 7 tons, 21 eu, 19,800 cr, five arcs, range 7/20/31, damage 6D); 1 missile launcher (3 areas, 4 tons, 3 eu, 5,000 cr, forward arc, ammo 1, range 3/4/8, damage per missile); 4 active homing (3,200 cr, damage 5D) in 4 ammo bays (4 areas, 8 tons, 1.6 eu, 400 cr)
In-System Drive (14 areas, 14 tons, 36 eu, 12,500 cr)
Move: 12 (space)
Maneuverability: 0
Interstellar Drive: None
Total Energy Requirements: 94
Power Plant: 145 energy units generated (11 areas, 19 tons, 20,500 cr)
Hull Toughness: 2D+1 (62 tons, 31,000 cr)
Atmosphere Capability: None
Armor: +2 (18 tons, 18,000 cr)
Shields: +2D (6 areas, 3 tons, 3 eu, 54,000 cr)
Total Tonnage: 185
Scale: 17
Total Area Units: 128
Length: 64 meters (cylinder), 43 meters (ellipsoid), 22 (spheroid), 32 meters (wedge)
Total Cost (new): 69,470 credits/Price Difficulty: 27