Tag Archives: dice mechanisms

Rewarding Play Styles with Different Dice Games

I keep thinking about D6 Legend, how it traded dice totals for counting successes. I find myself wondering if it would be practical and interesting to use both systems within the same game. I want to do this for several reasons: I want more ways to use the dice, I want to differentiate action applications within the dice game, and I want to vary the game experience to reward different types of players. I want every type of role-player to have a dice game that rewards them. Read the Full Article

Luck Points

Luck is an extranormal ability. A character must be a Dynamic character to have the Luck ability. Luck is a ranked ability; for every rank of Luck, the character begins a play session with one luck point, regardless of the number of luck points the character ended the previous session with. Normal: a Stock character does not have the luck ability. Read the Full Article