In most environments, plant life is rarely considered as a factor during threat assessment. Some works of science fiction have portrayed vegetation as an adversary, whether through direct, if involuntary, action, or indirectly through the nature of their unique physiology. In the modern world, such things are considered a source of cinematic entertainment at best, or a ludicrous flight of fancy at worst. Unknown to the masses, however, the threat that can be posed by certain highly specialized forms of plant life is very real.
Ironically, the origin of these enigmatic plants is well documented and public knowledge. In extreme circumstances, it’s not particularly uncommon for plants to develop unique means of acquiring nutrients when the environment cannot supply them with the things they require. By far the most famous of these fascinating plants is the Venus flytrap, a tiny plant that supplements its nutritional intake by occasionally capturing insects in a jawlike leaf structure and then digesting them with a simple corrosive acid produced exclusively for that purpose. These carnivorous tendencies are indulged in only infrequently, perhaps once every few months or so, in order to ensure the tiny plant’s survival in a somewhat inhospitable environment.
Larger versions of plants like the Venus flytrap develop through unknown mean. Botanists have theorized that some form of benevolent mutation within the plants’ genetic structure causes them to keep growing even after reaching the normal maximum size. When this occurs, the plant requires more and more nutrients to fuel its abnormal biological functions. The plant first begins capturing its normal prey at an increased rate, devouring in a single day the same an1ount that a normal specimen might consume in six months. Eventually, plants mar grow large enough abandon insects altogether and begin consuming vermin and other small mammals or reptiles. The plane’s growth is only curtailed by the available food supply; when ample food ls available, such planes theoretically could continue growing until they were unable to support their own weight. In one recorded incident in South America, a logging company penetrated the rainforest far enough to encounter a flytrap-esque plant mat had nearly reached me size of an American redwood tree. Needless to say, this plant had become the dominant predator in its environment Three workers were lost while investigating the plant, and eventually two dozen acres of precious forest were sacrificed in a fire to destroy the monstrosity.
In addition to me capturing-style of carnivorous plant, there are species of vines that can detect subtle changes in temperature, such as those generated by body hear. These plants constrict upon sensing such things and hold prey immobile until the constriction kills it or it dies of starvation. When me creature decays, the nutrients return to the soil and feed me plant. Large-scale versions of these species exist and can cover entire acres of land, killing anything that ventures into them. One case in central Africa resulted in the discovery of a plant that covered more than a square mile and that had consumed animals as large as zebras and giraffes.
Typical Bloodvine
Reflexes 4D: brawling 5D, climbing4D+ 2, contortion 5D
Coordination 2D: throwing 2D+1
Physique 4D: lifting 4D+ 1
Knowledge 1D+2
Perception 2D: disguise 3D, search 4D
Presence 1D
Strength Damage: 2D
Move: 0
Fate Points: 0
Body Points: 22
Character Points: 1
Wound levels: 3
Natural Abilities: entangle (may attempt to seize a prey in one of its vines with a grapple attack; if successful, the prey is held there until he succeeds at two successive contested Physique rolls; trapped opponents suffer -2D to all physical actions, including attempts co break free); constriction (entangled prey suffer 3D+2 damage per round); multiple tendrils (may attack once per round per tendril; have a number of tendrils equal to 2 plus its scale value); rapid growth (for every two or three human-size creatures that the plant consumes, the bloodvine either becomes larger – adding 1 to its scale value – or stronger – adding 1D to its Physique); large size (scale value 1)
Typical Mantrap
Reflexes 1D: brawling 6D+2
Coordination 1D: throwing 1D +2
Physique 6D: lifting 6D+ 1
Knowledge 1D+2
Perception 3D: disguise 3D+ 2, search 5D, survival 6D
Presence 1D
Strength Damage: 3D
Move: 0
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 1
Body Points: 28
Wound levels: 3
Natural Abilities: grapple (may attempt to seize a prey in one of its mouths with a grapple attack; if successful, the prey is held there until he succeeds at two successive contested Physique rolls; trapped opponents suffer -2D to all physical actions, including attempts to break free); acid (damage 4D; inflicted on prey trapped in mourn each round); multiple mouths (may attack once per round per mourn; have a number of mouths equal to its scale value); rapid growth {for every two or three human-size creatures that me plant consumes, the mantrap either becomes larger-adding 1 to its scale value – or stronger – adding 1D to its Physique); large size (scale value 4)