Species: Hurshuk
Occupation: Ecoscientist
Agility 2D+1
Mechanical 3D
Strength 3D+1
Knowledge 3D+2
Perception 3D+2
Technical 2D
Metaphysics 1D
Funds 3D
Credits 525
Fate Points 1
Character Points 5
Strength Damage 2D
Move 3 walking, 6 swimming
Body Points 36
Wound Level / Body Points Range
Stunned / 22-29
Wounded / 15-21
Severely Wounded / 8-14
Incapacitated / 4-7
Mortally Wounded / 1-2
Dead / 0
Equipment: peratolk’alm’ola hand scanner ( + lD to sensors and +ID to sense rolls to gain information only); hand comp with burlap cover and spare scholarchips; knife with wooden handle (damage+ 2); cred-key on chain.
Disadvantages: Achilles’ Heel: Metabolic Difference (R3 ), must eat twice as much vegetation as normal and gets ill when eating meat – the more meat, the more ill; Hindrance: Low Self-Esteem (R4), +4 to command, persuasion, and intimidation difficulties; Hindrance: Atypical Move (R2), swimming Move of 6, walking and climbing Move of 3, and no jumping; Quirk (R3 ), cold-blooded, so changes in temperature affect mood and health.
Advantages: Equipment (R2), peratolk’alm’ola hand scanner; Size: Large (Rl), scale value 3.
Special Abilities: Longevity (Rl); Natural Armor: Shell (R2), +2D to damage resistance total.
Description: With your dull coloration and patterns at such a young age, you’re certain you’ll never have a mate. So you decided to rake your passion for ecology off world, helping others survey new planets and determine how best to use them without destroying them.