Superstition and legend tell of strange creatures that prowl dismal, desolate areas. Outsiders may scoff at the superstitious fools who believe in these tales, but there are those know the truth: They’ve seen these creatures with their own two eyes! Heroes might face a mythical minion of a voodoo priest. A backwater village could choose a bride (sacrifice) to offer up in exchange for their safety. One might even help a legendary creature protect its domain from poachers.
Sasquatch, or Bigfoot as it’s more commonly known, haunted the Pacific Northwest long before it was civilized. In October 20, 1967 the creature fascinated the nation when it was caught on camera. Bigfoot is known for having foul breath and big feet (hence its nickname). It stands three meters tall and has long arms and a flat nose. Matted fur covers the creature’s body. The jury is out as to whether Bigfoot is a menace or is merely protecting its turf.
The Jersey Devil first appeared nearly 300 years ago. The beast has hooves, bat wings, a forked tail, the head of a horse, and incredible resilience. The devil stands nearly 1.5 meters tall and has a wingspan of two meters. It’s rumored to dwell in the New Jersey Pinelands but has also been seen in New York, Pennsylvania, and other parts of New Jersey. This creature has survived exorcism and attempts to slay it. Fear of the creature has caused schools and factories to close.
The Mothman surfaced in Point Pleasant, Virginia, in the mid 1960s and terrorized the area for 13 months before fading away from the limelight. It has a humanoid, shadowy, birdlike appearance and glowing, red eyes. The Mothman has a wingspan of over three meters, stands two meters tall, and may be a visitor from another world.
A creature of the swamps, the legend of the pelemafait is used to frighten children, particularly Cajun children of the southern United States.
A pelemafait is commonly found acting as the “guardian” of a swamp, chough some wander into a city’s sewer system, especially if its swamp is being threatened. ln cities, the creature makes its lair in the heart of the system, and uses the pipes to move about the city.
Sometimes, the pelemafait attaches itself to one person. It can sense that person’s enemies, hunts the enemy down, and crushes them to death. Its calling card is a body enshrouded in moss and muck.
The unwitting person has no idea what is going on, but may soon find himself being sought as the primary suspect in the series of ghastly murders. It’s usually clear that the individual does not have the strength to crush anyone, but mass hysteria often results in the suspect being killed by a mob. The pelemafait then picks another individual, and the cycle begins again.
Reflexes 3D: acrobatics 3D+2, brawling 4D, climbing 4D, jumping 4D, sneak 3D+2
Coordination 3D: throwing 3D+1
Physique 5D: lifting 6D, running 5D+1
Knowledge 2D: navigation: own territory 3D+1
Perception 3D: hide 4D, search 3D+2, survival 5D
Presence 2D: intimidation 4D
Strength Bonus: 3D
Move: 12
Fate Points: 2
Character Points: 8
Body Points: 25
Wound levels: 3
Disadvantages: Learning Problems (R2)
Advantages: Size: Large (R1), scale value 1
Special Abilities: Endurance (R1), +3D to Physique or stamina checks when performing taxing physical tasks; Enhanced Sense: Hearing (R1), +2 to related skill totals; Enhanced Sense: Smell (R1), +3 to related skill totals; Hardiness (R1), +1 to damage resistance totals; Hyper movement (R1), bonus to Move; Immunity (R1), +1D to Physique or stamina checks against contracting illnesses or ingested poisons; Luck: Good (R1); Sense of Direction (R1), +1D to navigation and tracking rolls
The Jersey Devil
Reflexes 5D: brawling 4D, contortion 5D+1, £lying 8D
Coordination 2D
Physique 4D: stamina 6D
Knowledge 2D: navigation 3D
Perception 2D: hide 3D, search 4D, survival 2D+2
Presence 2D: intimidation 4D+2
Strength Bonus: 2D
Move: 10
Fate Points: 4
Character Points: 12
Body Points: 22
Wound levels: 3
Disadvantages: Infamy (R2)
Advantages: none
Special Abilities: Accelerated Healing (R1), +1D to natural healing attempts; Attack Resistance: Non-enchanted (R2), +1D to damage resistance rolls against related attacks; Flight (R1), flying Move of 20; Immortality (R1), destroyed if immersed in holy water; Ultravision (R1), negates up to 2 points of modifiers for dim or dark conditions; Natural Armor: Tough Skin (R2), + 2D to damage resistance totals against physical attacks; Natural Hand-to-Hand Weapon: Bite (R2}. damage +2D; Natural Hand-to-Hand Weapon: Claws (R1), damage+ 1D
The Mothman
Reflexes 3D: brawling 4D , flying 6D, sneak 5D
Coordination 2D
Physique 3D: stamina 4D
Knowledge 2D
Perception 3D: hide 3D+2, repair 3D+1,
search SD, cracking 3D+2
Presence 3D: intimidation 4D
Strength Bonus: 2D
Move: 10
Fate Points: 2
Character Points: 8
Body Points: 19
Wound levels: 3
Disadvantages: Infamy (R1)
Advantages: none
Special Abilities: Attack Resistance: Energy (R2}, +2D to damage resistance rolls against related attacks; Blur (R1), +1 to dodge, sneak, and hide totals of character and all related difficulties against character; Darkness (R1 ),+5 difficulty modifier to opponent’s sight-based skill attempts; Flight (R2), flying Move 40; Immunity (R2), +2D to Physique or stamina checks against contracting illnesses or ingested poisons; Ultravision (R2), negates up to 4 points of modifiers for dim or dark conditions; Natural Armor: Tough Skin (R1), +1D to damage resistance against physical attacks; Natural Hand-to-Hand Weapon: Claws (R1) damage +1D; Silence (R2), +4D to sneak checks and +2D when attacking from behind
Typical Pelemafait
Reflexes 3D: brawling 5D, climbing 7D, jumping 3D+2, sneak 4D
Coordination 2D: throwing 3D+2
Physique 5D: lifting 7D+2, running 5D+1, stamina 6D
Knowledge 2D: navigation: own territory 4D
Perception 3D: hide 2D, search 3D, survival 4D, tracking 4D+2
Presence 2D+1: con 3D+1, intimidation 5D+1, willpower 5D
Strength Bonus 4D
Move: 12
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 3
Body Points: 25
Wound levels: 3
Disadvantages: Achilles’ Heel (R3) takes 3D damage per round exposed to a flower from its swamp of origination or may only flee before this flower; Devotion (R3), to protecting its territory or killing its charges enemies
Advantages: none
Special Abilities: Natural Armor: Plant Skin (R2), +2D to damage resistance rolls; Natural Hand-to-Hand Weapon: Crushing Grip (R1), damage +1D; Immorality (R1), being scabbed with a spear made from a rare tree of the swamp it originated in will kill it permanently; Ultravision (R1), negates up to 2 points of modifiers for dim or dark conditions