Tag Archives: supernatural encounter

Modern Wizards

Through years of study and practice, some people have learned to harness the powers of the universe that are outside of normal human perception.

The most secretive and devoted wizards are always thin to the point of being almost skeleton-like by the end of their life. The primary reason is that the magic they practice sucks huge amount of energy out of chem. Thus, no matter how much they ear and drink, their bodies are being constantly consumed by the magic. Furthermore, the wizard’s pupil and iris of the eye turns completely black. Many wizards use cosmetic contact lenses to cover this fact.

Wizards and even their journeymen never go any place without their spell books, be it in a written and bound format or on an electronic POA device. The wizards have found however that PDAs or other electronic devices containing spells crash after a period as short as a month. So all wizards maintain a library of books to back up any electronic devices.

Wizards are a secretive bunch, having their own society outside of the normal mainstream culture. They are still very rooted in the guild structure. One wizard, the mentor, leads a nucleus of up to three journeyman wizards and up to nine apprentices. Each mentor is knows the two other mentor-level wizards that make up her cell, as well as the syndic of the larger cluster of cells. Each syndic controls seven cells. In addition, the syndic knows about two other syndics that form his branch and the grand master of the tree (which is composed of an unknown number of branches).

Wizards live a celibate lifestyle, never marrying or having outside relationships that would distract from their studies. This is one of the major reasons that most apprentices leave the brotherhood. All apprentices, upon entering the brotherhood for training have a spell cast upon them: Should they break the vow of secrecy they will die a horrible death. This keeps even the dropouts and chose rejected for advancement from speaking openly about their experiences and knowledge.

Apprentices have no usable magical ability but they have the innate ability to feel the magic’s power. This draws them to the society and keeps them going through the long years of training. While they are learning the rudimentary basics, they are mostly used to fulfill the wizard’s needs. Journeymen have the ability to harness some magic; they work on putting together and learning their spellbooks. According to guild rules, they are not allowed to use this magical power unless they are in the presence of their mentor wizard. A breach of etiquette about the use of magic can have the student expelled from the society. While apprentices and journeymen only know their specific mentor, the society feels the revealing of its presence to be a deadly affair.

Typical Modern Wizard

Reflexes 2D: melee combat 2D+2, sneak 3D
Coordination 2D+1: sleight of hand 4D
Physique 2D: lifting 2D+2
Knowledge 3D: business 3D+1, medicine 4D, scholar: occult 4D+2, tech 3D+1
Perception 3D: know-how 3D+2, investigation 5D , search 4D
Presence 3D: persuasion 3D, willpower 4D+2
Magic 2D+2: alteration 3D, apportation 3D, conjuration 3D, divination 3D
Strength Damage: 2D
Move: 10
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 3
Body Points: 16
Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Advantage Flaw (R3), must cat 100 calories’ worth of food per 10 points of spell’s effect value within 1 hour after casting the spell or suffer -1 to damage resistance total, increasing by 1 per hour that goes without this food; Devotion (R1), to celibacy; Employed (R1), member of guild; Price (R1), speaking about the guild results in a painful death

Advantages: Equipment (R1), spellbook

Special Abilities: none

Equipment: spellbook (paper or electronic); spell components in a fashionable bag


When one mentions of vampires, Braham Stoker’s Dracula often comes to mind. As time passed, the genre has grown as other authors have developed the vampire’s nocturnal world, added myths of their malicious nature. This has caused great angst for the undead who stalk the world’s streets because they would prefer such things to be left in the past as it would make their existence much easier.

Like many legendary creatures, vampiric lore reflects the deeds of only a small portion of their population. A few of their kind were indeed ravenous £ends who ran with wild abandon across the midnight countryside to feast off any warm neck that could be found. After all, the undead lords had near limitless power and were immortal. Why should they fear their human cattle? The world was theirs for the taking! Fortunately for the species, some of their kind had clearer heads and dodged the wrath of mortals. It’s these survivors and their spawn that now threaten the modern world.

A wide variety of vampires populate the planet. There are those who gladly walk among the masses. Such creatures risk everything to feed their vanity and use a high profile lifestyle to throw off suspicion. What would normally raise eyebrows is merely written off as eccentricity. Thus, they skate the edge of discovery, which only feeds their emotional rush.

Socialite vampires usually surround themselves with an entourage. After all, why order out for food when it can travel with you! They may keep several groups of willing sheep for this purpose and cake great pains to ensure the marks of their feedings go unnoticed. Artists, rock stars, supermodels, and (to be cliche) Goth personalities are apt firs for this type of vainglorious creature. Socialite vampires often nearly flaunt their undead status. These creatures may try to encourage preposterous rumors of their vampiric nature and treat such things as an inside joke. After all, everyone knows there are no such things as vampires.

At the other end of the spectrum lies subtle, calculating creatures that are not nearly so foolish. These vampires have withdrawn to the shadowy depths of civilization and prefer to avoid unnecessary attention. It’s no accident that they have avoided the vampire hunter’s stake. Secret Swiss bank accounts, subterfuge, and layers of mystery are the common tools of their trade. The ancient creatures of the night have cloaked their true origins in mystery and slowly built their power as the years slid by. The acquired might allows the parasites greater ease in feeding off humanity. If one finds them at all, they might see these lords of the night manipulating a small nation from behind the scenes or directing vast financial empires. Vampires of this ilk are accustomed to wielding vase power and prefer to solve their problems with maneuvering instead of resorting to needless violence. Their connections allow them to do more than merely crush their foes. Those foolish enough to earn their anger may find themselves left with their credit declined, bank accounts frozen, and no where to turn.

Somewhere between the financial wizards and slaves of ego lie monsters that only exist to feed. They prey upon the nameless fringes of society by targeting the homeless or others who would not readily be missed. Unlike their more affluent brethren, they are forced to rely on wit and circumstance. Their typical lairs include catacombs, forgotten sewer tunnels, and ruined buildings. Hunting these creatures can be quite difficult due to their ability to blend in with their surroundings. What one might think to be a vampire could merely be an addict or other denizen that hails from the dregs of humanity. The predators also do their best to covertly discourage drug pushers from entering their domain. After all, why would they want to their next meal tainted?

Vampires could be the major antagonist or serve as crucial cogs that drive the gears of larger plans. Theirs is the ability to draw upon vast cultural experiences gained from their extended lifespan. Western settings might feature an apparent alcoholic gunslinger who shuns the daylight hours while sleeping off hangovers.

Heroes may incur the wrath of undead masters after unwittingly disrupting their financial manipulation plans. They could spend some time traveling through a web of mystery before finally cutting the puppetmaster’s strings.

Typical Calculating Vampire

Reflexes 4D: brawling 4D+1, riding 4D+1
Coordination 2D: throwing 2D+1, sleight of hand 2D+1
Physique 3D (+3): infection 5D, lifting 4D, stamina 4D
Knowledge 2D: business 6D, scholar 6D
Perception 4D: hide 4D+1, know-how 4D+1
Presence 3D: charm 4D, con 3D+2, intimidation 5D, persuasion 5D, willpower 4D
Strength Damage: 2D (+3)
Move: 10
Fate Points: 2
Character Points: 5
Body Points: 19
Wound Levels: 3

Disadvantages: Achilles’ Heel (R3), nutritional requirements: blood; Achilles’ Heel (R4), unable to make any actions except to flee while in the presence of a holy symbol or garlic; Achilles’ Heel (R4), 2D damage per round of exposure to sunlight; Advantage Flaw: Infection (R3), passes on all Special Abilities and Disadvantages to target after having used Life Drain to bring the target to Mortally Wounded or less than 10% of Body Points

Advantages: Authority (R3), CEO of a large corporation; Contacts (R3), member of the illuminati; Wealth (R4)

Special Abilities: Attack Resistance: Non-enchanted (R1), +1D to damage resistance rolls against related attacks; Blur (R1), + 1 to dodge, sneak, and hide totals of character and all related difficulties against character; Increased Attribute: Physique (R3), +3 to related totals; Life Drain: Body Points/Wounds (R2), drains 6 Body Points/ 1 Wound level per successful biting attack; immortality (R1), a stake through the heart causes permanent death

Typical Predatory Vampire

Reflexes 3D (+3): brawling 7D, climbing 5D, flying 5D, melee combat 5D
Coordination 2D+2: throwing3D, missile weapons 3D; throwing 3D
Physique 4D (+3): infection 6D, lifting 5D, running SD, stamina 5D
Knowledge 2D: demolitions 3D, security 3D
Perception 3D+l: hide 7D, know-how 5D, streetwise 7D, survival 6D
Presence 3D: command 4D, disguise 4D, intimidation 4D
Strength Damage: 3D (+3)
Move: 10
Fate Points: 2
Character Points: 5
Body Points: 22
Wound Levels: 3

Disadvantages: Achilles’ Heel (R3), nutritional requirements: blood; Achilles’ Heel (R4), unable to make any actions except to flee while in the presence of a holy symbol or garlic; Achilles’ Heel (R4), 2D damage per round of exposure to sunlight; Advantage Flaw: Infection (R3), passes on all Special Abilities and Disadvantages to target after having used Life Drain to bring the target to Mortally Wounded or less than 10% of Body Points; Infamy (R2)

Advantages: Authority (R1), influential with street people; Cultures (R1), bonus when dealing with ghetto environments

Special Abilities: Attack Resistance: Non-enchanted (R1), +1D to damage resistance rolls against related attacks; Blur (R1), +1 to dodge, sneak, and hide totals of character and all related difficulties against character; Combat Sense (R1), surprise penalties reduced by 2; Flight (R2), flying move of 40; Increased Attribute: Physique, Reflexes (R3 each), +3 to related totals; Life Drain: Body Points/Wounds (R2), drains 6 Body Points/1 Wound level per successful biting attack; Immortality (R1), a stake through the heart causes permanent death

Typical Socialite Vampire

Reflexes 3D: acrobatics 4D, brawling 3D+2, dodge 3D+l, flying 3D+2
Coordination 2D: piloting 5D; throwing 5D
Physique 2D: infection 4D, lifting 4D, running 3D
Knowledge 3D+1: forgery 5D, languages 4D, navigation 4D
Perception 3D+2: artist 6D, gambling 5D, hide4D
Presence 4D (+3): disguise 4D+2, charm 5D, con 4D+2, intimidation 4D+2, persuasion 4D+2
Strength Damage: 2D
Move: 10
Fate Points: 2
Character Points: 5
Body Points: 16
Wound Levels: 3

Disadvantages: Achilles’ Heel (R3), nutritional requirements: blood; Achilles’ Heel (R4), unable to make any actions except to flee while in the presence of a holy symbol or garlic; Achilles’ Heel (R4), 2D damage per round of exposure to sunlight; Advantage Flaw: Infection (R3), passes on all Special Abilities and Disadvantages to target after having used Life Drain to bring the target to Mortally Wounded or less than 10% of Body Points

Advantages: Contacts (R2), large fanatical fan base; Fame (R3), achieved icon status

Special Abilities: Attack Resistance: Non-enchanted (R1), +1D to damage resistance rolls against related attacks; Blur (R 1), +1 to dodge, sneak, and hide totals of character and all related difficulties against character; Flight (R2), flying move of 40; Increased Attribute: Presence (R3), +3 to related totals; Life Drain: Body Points/ Wounds (R2), drains 6 Body Points/1 Wound level per successful biting attack; Immortality (R1), a stake through the heart causes permanent death

Two-Legged Terrors

Superstition and legend tell of strange creatures that prowl dismal, desolate areas. Outsiders may scoff at the superstitious fools who believe in these tales, but there are those know the truth: They’ve seen these creatures with their own two eyes! Heroes might face a mythical minion of a voodoo priest. A backwater village could choose a bride (sacrifice) to offer up in exchange for their safety. One might even help a legendary creature protect its domain from poachers.

Sasquatch, or Bigfoot as it’s more commonly known, haunted the Pacific Northwest long before it was civilized. In October 20, 1967 the creature fascinated the nation when it was caught on camera. Bigfoot is known for having foul breath and big feet (hence its nickname). It stands three meters tall and has long arms and a flat nose. Matted fur covers the creature’s body. The jury is out as to whether Bigfoot is a menace or is merely protecting its turf.

The Jersey Devil first appeared nearly 300 years ago. The beast has hooves, bat wings, a forked tail, the head of a horse, and incredible resilience. The devil stands nearly 1.5 meters tall and has a wingspan of two meters. It’s rumored to dwell in the New Jersey Pinelands but has also been seen in New York, Pennsylvania, and other parts of New Jersey. This creature has survived exorcism and attempts to slay it. Fear of the creature has caused schools and factories to close.

The Mothman surfaced in Point Pleasant, Virginia, in the mid 1960s and terrorized the area for 13 months before fading away from the limelight. It has a humanoid, shadowy, birdlike appearance and glowing, red eyes. The Mothman has a wingspan of over three meters, stands two meters tall, and may be a visitor from another world.

A creature of the swamps, the legend of the pelemafait is used to frighten children, particularly Cajun children of the southern United States.

A pelemafait is commonly found acting as the “guardian” of a swamp, chough some wander into a city’s sewer system, especially if its swamp is being threatened. ln cities, the creature makes its lair in the heart of the system, and uses the pipes to move about the city.

Sometimes, the pelemafait attaches itself to one person. It can sense that person’s enemies, hunts the enemy down, and crushes them to death. Its calling card is a body enshrouded in moss and muck.

The unwitting person has no idea what is going on, but may soon find himself being sought as the primary suspect in the series of ghastly murders. It’s usually clear that the individual does not have the strength to crush anyone, but mass hysteria often results in the suspect being killed by a mob. The pelemafait then picks another individual, and the cycle begins again.


Reflexes 3D: acrobatics 3D+2, brawling 4D, climbing 4D, jumping 4D, sneak 3D+2
Coordination 3D: throwing 3D+1
Physique 5D: lifting 6D, running 5D+1
Knowledge 2D: navigation: own territory 3D+1
Perception 3D: hide 4D, search 3D+2, survival 5D
Presence 2D: intimidation 4D
Strength Bonus: 3D
Move: 12
Fate Points: 2
Character Points: 8
Body Points: 25
Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Learning Problems (R2)

Advantages: Size: Large (R1), scale value 1

Special Abilities: Endurance (R1), +3D to Physique or stamina checks when performing taxing physical tasks; Enhanced Sense: Hearing (R1), +2 to related skill totals; Enhanced Sense: Smell (R1), +3 to related skill totals; Hardiness (R1), +1 to damage resistance totals; Hyper movement (R1), bonus to Move; Immunity (R1), +1D to Physique or stamina checks against contracting illnesses or ingested poisons; Luck: Good (R1); Sense of Direction (R1), +1D to navigation and tracking rolls

The Jersey Devil

Reflexes 5D: brawling 4D, contortion 5D+1, £lying 8D
Coordination 2D
Physique 4D: stamina 6D
Knowledge 2D: navigation 3D
Perception 2D: hide 3D, search 4D, survival 2D+2
Presence 2D: intimidation 4D+2
Strength Bonus: 2D
Move: 10
Fate Points: 4
Character Points: 12
Body Points: 22
Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Infamy (R2)

Advantages: none

Special Abilities: Accelerated Healing (R1), +1D to natural healing attempts; Attack Resistance: Non-enchanted (R2), +1D to damage resistance rolls against related attacks; Flight (R1), flying Move of 20; Immortality (R1), destroyed if immersed in holy water; Ultravision (R1), negates up to 2 points of modifiers for dim or dark conditions; Natural Armor: Tough Skin (R2), + 2D to damage resistance totals against physical attacks; Natural Hand-to-Hand Weapon: Bite (R2}. damage +2D; Natural Hand-to-Hand Weapon: Claws (R1), damage+ 1D

The Mothman

Reflexes 3D: brawling 4D , flying 6D, sneak 5D
Coordination 2D
Physique 3D: stamina 4D
Knowledge 2D
Perception 3D: hide 3D+2, repair 3D+1,
search SD, cracking 3D+2
Presence 3D: intimidation 4D
Strength Bonus: 2D
Move: 10
Fate Points: 2
Character Points: 8
Body Points: 19
Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Infamy (R1)

Advantages: none

Special Abilities: Attack Resistance: Energy (R2}, +2D to damage resistance rolls against related attacks; Blur (R1), +1 to dodge, sneak, and hide totals of character and all related difficulties against character; Darkness (R1 ),+5 difficulty modifier to opponent’s sight-based skill attempts; Flight (R2), flying Move 40; Immunity (R2), +2D to Physique or stamina checks against contracting illnesses or ingested poisons; Ultravision (R2), negates up to 4 points of modifiers for dim or dark conditions; Natural Armor: Tough Skin (R1), +1D to damage resistance against physical attacks; Natural Hand-to-Hand Weapon: Claws (R1) damage +1D; Silence (R2), +4D to sneak checks and +2D when attacking from behind

Typical Pelemafait

Reflexes 3D: brawling 5D, climbing 7D, jumping 3D+2, sneak 4D
Coordination 2D: throwing 3D+2
Physique 5D: lifting 7D+2, running 5D+1, stamina 6D
Knowledge 2D: navigation: own territory 4D
Perception 3D: hide 2D, search 3D, survival 4D, tracking 4D+2
Presence 2D+1: con 3D+1, intimidation 5D+1, willpower 5D
Strength Bonus 4D
Move: 12
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 3
Body Points: 25
Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Achilles’ Heel (R3) takes 3D damage per round exposed to a flower from its swamp of origination or may only flee before this flower; Devotion (R3), to protecting its territory or killing its charges enemies

Advantages: none

Special Abilities: Natural Armor: Plant Skin (R2), +2D to damage resistance rolls; Natural Hand-to-Hand Weapon: Crushing Grip (R1), damage +1D; Immorality (R1), being scabbed with a spear made from a rare tree of the swamp it originated in will kill it permanently; Ultravision (R1), negates up to 2 points of modifiers for dim or dark conditions


Tauntors resemble dwarfish humans, with large heads and spindly bodies. Their eyes have a yellowish cast to them, and their finger nails are long and clawlike. They appear in groups, the number of which is always a multiple of three or five.

Tauntors are cruel, petty, and mean. They stalk lone victims, luring them into deserted areas, and then slowly torture them to death. They are accomplished mimics and ventriloquists, and they delight in using these skills to cause fights among others.

A favorite way of luring people is to taunt their victim into chasing after them. The chase ends in a prepared area.

Tauntors are cowards and will rarely attack unless they outnumber their foes by at least three to one. The exception to this is when they are taunted by others, and due to their inability to resists such mental attacks, they are often driven into a blind fury and attack.

All tauntors carry wickedly sharp daggers, and some even arm themselves with pistols and other firearms.

Typical Tauntor

Reflexes 4D: brawling 4D+1, climbing 4D+2, dodge 4D+1, melee combat 5D, sneak 5D
Coordination 3D: marksmanship 4D+1 Physique 2D+1: running 4D+1
Knowledge 2D+2
Perception 2D+2: search 3D+1, tracking 3D+1
Presence 2D+2: con 6D, persuasion 6D, intimidation 6D
Strength Damage: 1D
Move: 10
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 3
Body Points: 17
Wound levels:: 3

Disadvantages: Achilles’ Heel (R3), runs away from polite people if fails an interaction resistance roll against their charm roll

Advantages: Size: Small (Rl), scale value 3

Special Abilities: Immortality (R1), trapping it in a cage lined with flowers will kill it permanently within a day; Natural Armor: Tough Body (R1), +1D to damage resistance rolls against physical attacks; Natural Hand-to-Hand Weapon: Fingernails (R1), damage +1D

Screaming Blue Murders

Screaming blue murders, around one-third to two-thirds of a meter long, resemble human babies, the only discernible difference from normal babies being a pallid blue hue to their skin that gives them a sickly complexion, as well as a knowing look in their eyes that goes beyond their apparent infancy.

The horrors lurk on the outskirts of settlements, because they must be “discovered” by someone for their abilities to work. It lies near a secluded house or area, where either it crawled to or a den mother placed it. There, it cries like a distressed child. Its wailing carries itself un naturally into areas of 1 civilization, and anyone who hears it finds herself irrevocably drawn to the “baby.” Thus, the screaming blue murder finds its victim.

Now in the arms of its comforter, the horror refuses to settle and instead seems to get more agitated. The victim feels compelled to cry and calm the baby down co the exclusion of everything else, including eating and sleeping. After several days of sleep depravation and malnutrition, the screaming blue murder’s victim will be unnaturally close to death.

Sensing this, the monster begins to scream at such an intensity that the unfortunate person’s eardrums burst and the blood vessels around the brain rupture. Death is often instantaneous. When the body is found, the screaming blue murder is nowhere. Also, no one seems to have heard the scream that becomes the unfortunate victim’s death knell.

Typical Screaming Blue Murder

Reflexes 2D+2: dodge 3D, sneak 3D+2
Coordination 1D+2
Physique 2D+1: running 3D
Knowledge 3D
Perception 4D+1 : search 4D+1, survival 4D+2
Presence 4D: con 6D+1
Strength Damage: 1D
Move: 10
Fate Points: 2
Character Points: 5
Body Points: 17
Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Achilles’ Heel (R3}, needs to eat sentient blood

Advantages: Size: Small (R2}, scale value 5 to 6

Special Abilities: Natural Ranged Weapon: Scream (R2), damage 6D with Restricted (R3), limited to one person within a few meters of it; and Additional Effect (R5), see note.

Note: The scream is heard by everyone for kilometers around but it stops when one person fails a con test against that person’s willpower roll by at least 10 points (Game Masters may reduce this threshold for mothers, sensitive men and women, and others that feel drawn to help children) If the character fails the test, she feels compelled to find the baby and try to comfort it. She will take hostile action against anyone who tries to stop her.

Once in the sway of the screaming blue murder, affected characters may attempt to break free of the monster’s influence by succeeding against another willpower check against the creature’s con (this may be attempted once per day). For each day the monster affects the character, the difficulty increases by +2, and after three days, the screaming blue murder will make its scream attack.

Reanimated Killers

Many proponents of science and religion agree that death is the final exit from the mortal plane, though they disagree on what happens next. There are some phenomenon, however, that neither can explain and that flies utterly in the face of both their beliefs.

Murderers are a gruesome breed at best. What drives a person to murder another for pleasure or profit has never been quantified, and likely never will be. Although this is a heinous act, there are degrees even in murder. For many years, the most despicable creature was the serial killer, someone with so little regard for life that they deliberately crushed it whenever possible, ending dozens of lives during their rampage. Many religious pundits hold that such individuals must be punished for their actions and face judgment in the next world, while science minded individuals believe that such behaviors cannot be conditioned and must be ended. Often, the killing of murders is accepted as a necessary evil. Occasionally, however, it’s unsuccessful.

In the past 50 years, there have been several cases of murderers dying under various circumstances, then returning from beyond the grave to continue their killing sprees. In every case, the individual in question was killed through means that could not be disputed, and in every case, their death did not stop them. While this phenomenon cannot be explained, there have been several common traits between documented cases.

Reanimated killers seem to manifest only in the most vile and murderous individuals, those that can rightfully be labeled with descriptors such as evil or unholy. Indeed, in at least one case, a reanimated killer was a devout Satanist with experience in a number of dark rituals. Reanimated killers must suffer a gruesome, graphic demise, one chat typically mutilates the body in some specific, unique manner. Upon revivification, these individuals possess numerous supernatural abilities, not the least of which is extraordinary strength and stamina, and the ability to resist or heal virtually any kind of injury. Needless to say, killing these individuals is a difficult prospect at best, and subsequent reanimations have been documented.

Typical Reanimated Killer

Reflexes 3D: brawling 4D+2, dodge 4D, melee combat 6D
Coordination 2D: marksmanship 4D
Physique 4D(+3)
Knowledge 2D
Perception 3D: search 4D+2, tracking 5D
Presence 2D: intimidation 5D
Strength Damage: 2D(+3)
Move: 10
Fate Points: l
Character Points: 3
Body Points: 22
Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Infamy (R3), feared and reviled; Quirk (R3). compulsive, lethal violence

Advantages: Trademark Specialization (R1), +2D bonus to melee combat when using favorite weapon

Special Abilities: Accelerated Healing (R3), +1D to Physique rolls for all healing attempts; immortality 1 (R1), cannot die until have had his fill of vengeance; Increased Attribute: Physique (R3), +3 to related rolls

Equipment: tattered clothing; weapon of choice (unpowered – such as bladed gloves or baseball bat with spikes – with damage +1D to +2D or powered – such as a chainsaw – with damage 4D)

Possessed Artifacts

Consciousness is not a property reserved only to flesh-and-blood creatures; it can be found trapped within seemingly mundane objects. Once a person or beast, misplaced souls can give life to inanimate vessels of stone, metal, or even plastic. Potentially, any harmless-looking toy, statuette, or tool could become a lethal predator of its own master, or perhaps the master of its owner.

The most effective way to destroy these possessed items is to banish the spirit within, though this may take a lot of research on the object’s background to find the precise method. It’s possible the spell to neutralize the cursed talisman may be lost to the sands of time. Barring this route, it’s best to destroy the object with excessive force. A possessed object will take double the amount of damage that a similar mundane item could before it becomes physically useless and the spirit residing within is made dormant. Even if destroyed, should the object be reassembled, the supernatural force within awakens from its slumber to wreak havoc once again.

Unfortunately, some possessed items, such as magical weapons, are virtually indestructible. The only way to deal with these things is to find a good vault, tomb, or deep sea and cast it in. While the item is not destroyed, it cakes some time before it becomes a nuisance again. Some items are so cursed that they return to an owner by miraculous circumstances.

In addition to special abilities and increased toughness, the spirit trapped in an inanimate vessel gives it a distinct personality based on the nature of that resident soul. For instance, a demon may be destructive and violent, while an alien might be logical and patient. Mage souls are often obsessed with returning to the mortal coil in order to feel the ecstasy of using magic once again.

The object gains mechanical functions appropriate to the form. For example a possessed car can drive around without need of a pilot, and a doll can walk and manipulate tools. Other objects (like jewelry, idols, weapons and so on) have magical powers to augment their lack of physical usefulness. Typically, these abilities are mind control, alteration of alignment, soul stealing, soul switching, blinding, memory erasure, and telepathy. A rare few can levitate and fly around.

Typical Possessed Doll

Reflexes 4D: brawling 5D, dodge 7D, melee combat 5D+2, sneak 6D+1
Coordination 2D
Physique 1D: lifting 3D
Knowledge 3D: scholar 4D
Perception 3D: hide 3D+2, search 4D, tracking 3D+2
Presence 2D: charm 4D, con 30+1, intimidation 3D, willpower 5D+2
Strength Damage: 2D
Move: 6
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 2
Body Points: 15
Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: mind control (with a successful opposed willpower attempt, can control one opponent’s actions); nerveless body (+2D to damage resistance rolls); feign harmlessness (can appear dormant or dead; +2D to relevant con rolls); small size (scale value 4)

Equipment: toy weapon (knife, sword, or gun; damage +1D close combat or damage 3D if ranged)

Typical Possessed Car

Reflexes 2D: brawling 4D, sneak 3D+2
Coordination 4D: driving: self only 7D+1
Physique 4D+2
Knowledge 2D: navigation: city streets 3D+2
Perception 2D+1: repair: autos 5D+1, search 3D+2
Presence 1D: incimidacion 5D, willpower 6D+1
Strength Damage: 2D
Move: 70
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 2
Body Points: 28
Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: doors, hood, and trunk (damage +20; may attack once with each swinging part); enhanced metal exterior (+40 to damage resistance rorals); tires vulnerable (-20 to damage resistance totals for attacks on wheels; +3 or more to combat difficulty co target wheels); nitrous injectors (use driving skill as running skill); large size (scale value 6)

Equipment: headlights (negates up to 10 points of darkness modifiers or 5 points of smoke/fog modifier for a limited area); radio (can use what sounds on the radio it finds to communicate)

Typical Possessed Lawnmower

Reflexes 2D+1: brawling 3D+1, dodge 3D+1, sneak 2D+2
Coordination 1D
Physique 3D+2: running 4D
Knowledge 1D
Perception 2D+1: hide: self 2D+2, search 3D+1, cracking 3D+1
Presence 2D+2: con 6D, intimidation 4D+1
Strength Damage: 2D
Move: 4
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 2
Body Points: 22
Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: blades (damage +1D+2); enhanced metal exterior (+2D to damage resistance totals); feign harmlessness (can appear harmless; +2D to relevant con rolls); small size (scale value 1)

Example: Evil Stuffed Toy

Sure they look soft and cuddly, but do you trust them with your kids? If the stuffed animal you’re speaking of is possessed, the answer had better be “No!”

With the lights on and Mommy in the room, they are nothing more than ordinary toys found in the bedrooms of children around the world. But, turn out the lights and kiss your baby good night and let the little tikes’ nightmares begin! The plush toys, usually teddy bears, animate when observable only by children and usually only at night, though some more powerful ones can “come alive” even in the daylight.

The creatures usually wait until the child is asleep, climb on top of them, and start to say their name while gently shaking them awake. Then, when the child rouses, the cute little plaything’s eyes glow red, teeth appear in a previously toothless mouth, and an unmistakably evil snarl replaces the warm smile that greeted the child earlier that day.

The toy generally covers the child’s mouth so that it cannot speak or cry our for help. It tells the child that it will kill him and his parents, brothers, sisters, and friends, as well as destroy their house and everything else the child holds dear. Occasionally striking the child, it becomes more and more violent and aggressive as the night goes on.

Finally, as dawn approaches, the plaything lets the child go. When the child yells for help, the parents believe that it’s just another “monster under the bed” story.

Sometimes the creatures tell the children ro do something, like steal an object from their parents, destroy a document, or even try to murder a sibling. If the child does as ordered, the toy promises to leave – of course, it is lying.

If the child insists on getting rid of the toy, it will find a way into someone else’s house and the cycle starts anew. Several unexplained deaths can be attributed to the playthings – it has literally scared the child to death. These types of possessed objects are unable to animate in the presence of anyone over 12 years of age.

Typical Evil Stuffed Toy

Reflexes 1D+2: brawling 3D+1,dodge 2D, melee combat 2D, sneak 3D+1
Coordination 1D+2
Physique 3D+1: lifting 3D+2, running 3D+2
Knowledge 2D
Perception 2D+2: hide 4D
Presence 5D: charm 6D, con 8D+1; intimidation 3D
Strength Damage: 2D
Move: 3
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 2
Body Points: 20
Wound levels: 3

Natural Abilities: bite (damage +2; +5 to combat difficulty); nerveless body (+2D to damage resistance rolls); limited animation (cannot animate in the presence of anyone over 12 years old); small size (scale value 5)


The poltergeist (German for “noisy spirit”) is one of the more advanced types of ghost; spirit-hunters theorize that they are often the result of mass accumulations of psychokinetic energy, brought about by great mental or physical trauma in this world or the next. As such, they can spontaneously generate from this energy and aren’t necessarily linked to departed souls, although they can be, if an individual has died in a particularly horrific or violent way.

Although an oversimplification, it’s generally true that, while most ghosts are seen and not heard, poltergeists are heard but not seen. Almost always invisible, poltergeists are able to channel their ghostly energy into powerful telekinetic effects, moving objects around with great precision and control. These manifestations can be as subtle as a slamming bedroom door or as dramatic as a tempest of plates, cutlery, and furniture in a dining room.

Poltergeists generally attach themselves to a location, although it can be a rather large one (such as “anywhere on Baron Jobe’s 20-acre estate”). They are similar to messenger ghosts in chat they are usually tied to their home by a traumatic event or for a specific purpose. However, poltergeists do not use their powers to deliver messages, instead existing solely to cause havoc and mayhem.

Some poltergeists are relatively harmless, using their powers for pranks; they often have an impish sense of humor, tossing eggs, snapping posteriors with towels, or creating elaborately balanced arrangements of books, playing cards, or coins. There are even reports of benevolent poltergeists, who use their telekinetic abilities to ward off intruders who would do the location (or its inhabitants) harm. People in such houses often learn to live with their co-inhabitant; the peace of mind such a guardian provides makes up for the midnight rattlings in the attic.

However, since poltergeists are born of extreme negative energy, many of them are hostile. These spirits are cruelly creative in the use of their powers to cause harm, by pulling rugs on stairways, leaving wet soap bars in dangerous places, and pushing over shelves in domino-like fashion. Often, though, they choose to remain out of sight, content to cause noise by rattling chains, fluttering shutters, or sending bursts of air through the ductwork of the house.

Poltergeists generally begin their unlife fairly weak and grow in energy by causing extreme reactions from their victims – typically fear. As such, it’s usually against their interests to kill their victims … at least immediately. Poltergeists have enormous patience, and they can toy with victims for weeks or months. There are tales of some individuals and families held as virtual prisoners in their homes, not knowing what horrors the night might bring.

Although the most powerful poltergeists have the energy to pick up and toss victims directly, they usually refrain for doing so; ghost-chasers theorize that the spirits realize they can generate stronger reactions by acting more discreetly. Regardless of how poltergeists react, however, they always do so noisily. They are those things that go bump in the night … and they can do much, much worse.

Typical Poltergeist

Reflexes 2D: brawling 3D+1, sneak 3D
Coordination 3D: sleight of hand 3D+2
Physique 20: lifting 3D
Knowledge 2D
Perception 3D: hide 3D+2, search 3D+1, tracking 3D+2
Presence 3D: intimidation 5D,
willpower 5D+2
Psionics 1D: telekinesis 9D
Strength Damage: 2D
Move: 5 (because of Intangibility)
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 2
Body Points: 23
Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Advantage Flaw(R2), all Psionics have a range no greater than its domain; Quirk (R3), compelled to stay in its domain with no chance to overcome

Advantages: none

Special Abilities: Intangibility (R3), +9D to damage resistance score against physical and energy attacks with Additional Effect (R3), intangible state is the default, and can thus become tangible for one minute per rank, with Restricted (R2) requires Very Difficult willpower roll to become tangible; Invisibility (Rl4), +14 to dodge, sneak, and hide totals, with Additional Effect (R1), always on, and Restricted (R2), requires Very Difficult willpower roll to become visible; Longevity (R1); Uncanny Aptitude (R15), +3 to telekinesis totals per additional similar object moved when manipulating more than 10 objects (maximum bonus of +60)


The odiumus are the flaming angels of vengeance in an obscure religion. They appear as huge wheels of divine flame, with seven golden eyes set into a wheel. They are the holy spirits that destroy those who do not serve the interests of the religion.

They may be summoned for the purpose of destroying a heathen artifact or stronghold. In the guise of a holy avenger, they spread their religion’s gospel of violence, aggression, hatred, and war.

The odiumus are spiteful entities that delight in causing misery. In their vengeful “missions,” they tend to destroy more then they were petitioned to do.

The creatures may only be summoned by the religion’s priests (the planar distance has a value of 33 for miracles and spells), who regard them as divine tools from God, though other summoning spells may mistakenly draw the entities to their casters.

Typical Odiumus

Reflexes 3D+2: brawling 5D+1, dodge 4D+2, flying 5D+1, sneak 4D+l
Coordination 2D
Physique 3D+2
Knowledge 20+1: languages 40+2
Perception 3D+1: investigation 4D+2, search 5D, tracking 5D
Presence 3D: con 4D+2, intimidation 4D+2, willpower 4D+2
Strength Damage: 2D
Move: 60 (flying)
Fate Points: 1
Body Points: 21
Character Points: 3
Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Devotion (R3), spreading violence; Hindrance: Atypical Movement (R1), flying only

Advantages: none

Special Abilities: Attack Resistance: Energy Attack, Non-enchanted Weapons (R5 each), +5D to damage resistance rolls against relevant attacks; Flight (R3), base flying Move 6D; Immortality (R1), driving out its eyes with silvered weapons will kill it permanently; Natural Hand-to-Hand Weapon: Divine Touch (R4), damage +4D


The ancient Egyptians were masters of mummification and rook great pains to ensure that their rulers were properly prepared for the afterlife. The passing of ancient kings was heralded by ceremonial sacrifice as the nation wept and massive pyramids rose to house their remains.

While such structures were awe inspiring and laden with deadly traps, they also served as beacons for grave robbers who waited like jackals in the shadows until the time was right for plunder. Thus, the legacy of many of Egypt’s lieges of ancient times has been scattered across the face of the earth. Although some of their trappings eventually surfaced in museums, much of their legacy has been forever lost.

There were a small number of rulers who managed to escape the clutches of the greedy. These lords of the Nile foresaw the future and chose to be entombed in secret while decoys lay in their “official” resting place. Trusted minions spirited their true remains to the forgotten places in the timeless desert where they would lay undisturbed. Their spirits would have been content to await their eternal reward beneath the dunes, but the souls of those who have been violated call out to them. Vengeance must be theirs. What has befallen their brethren is inexcusable, and the craven jackals shall pay for their petty arrogance!

Thus, there should be no surprise in finding one of Egypt’s former protectors rising from the sand to deliver justice. The vengeful undead oft wield formidable power in their quest for divine vengeance; woe be it to those who stand in the way of their righteous wrath. Such fools should consider themselves lucky if they are allowed to merely die instead of being slowly tortured until they expire!

Pulp fiction games might feature undying lords of the desert who have been taken to a foreign land and awaken from a museum exhibit. Such creatures would need minions who are knowledgeable of their surroundings, and they would enthrall curators to serve them. Unlucky heroes could be the target of abduction attempts because they resemble a mummy’s companion or long-lost love. Villages might find themselves overrun with terrible maladies as time-lost minions of the undead liege walk the earth to claim it for their foul lord. Defeating such a horrible being may tax heroes to their limits as the mummy tries to quench its thirst for vengeance. They may be the only thing keeping the vengeful creature from unleashing their awesome arcane power on an unsuspecting world.


Reflexes 2D: brawling 3D
Coordination 1D+2
Physique 4D (+4): lifting 5D, running 4D+1, stamina 5D
Knowledge 4D : languages: Ancient Egyptian 5D; scholar 4D
Perception 2D+1: search 3D, tracking 2D+2
Presence 3D: command 4D, intimidation 7D, persuasion 3D+2, willpower 3D+2
Magic 3D: alteration 4D, apporation 4D, conjuration 5D
Strength Damage: 3D (+4)
Move: 8
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 0
Body Points: 21
Wound Levels: 3

Disadvantages: Achilles’ Heel (R3), suffers additional +2D damage from fire attacks; Age (R2), the mummy receives +1 to the difficulty of physical actions (those that rely on Reflexes, Coordination, and Physique); Hindrance: Movement (R1), base running, jumping, and swimming Move reduced by 2 meters

Advantages: Authority (R1), over followers; Devotion (R3), to vengeance; Wealth (R2)

Special Abilities: Environmental Resistance (R2), +6D to Physique or stamina checks to resist ill effects from environ- mental conditions; Hardiness (R5), +5 to damage resistance totals; Immortality (R1), ceases functioning when smashed to pieces or decapitated, with Additional Effect (R2), does not need to eat or drink; Increased Attribute: Physique (R4), +4 to related totals; Iron Will (R3), +3 to all willpower rolls and +3 to the default difficulty against the mummy; Paralyzing Touch (R1), may choose to paralyze victim with successful brawling attack and victim remains paralyzed until she makes a successful Presence or willpower roll against the brawling skill coral