Tag Archives: Brick

Smash and Build

In a world made of bricks and studs, pretty much everything can be smashed, grabbed, and rebuilt. It’s basically the foundational principle of Brick reality! Though written expressly for Brick games, the rules for Smashing and Building are easily applied to any setting.

When a target takes enough Smash damage to break it, it explodes into pieces. Those pieces may then be recombined to form new objects. There are two steps in a proper smash and grab.

A target must be Smashed.

Smashing for bricks and studs is more than just damaging a target until it breaks. Smashing a target breaks it down into its component parts and ensures those parts can still be used to build things. No matter what tool is actually used against the target (blaster, wrench, Jawa…), the Smash skill is rolled in place of the damage die code. The difficulty to Smash a target is equal to the ordinary Damage Resistance total.

Smash damage is tracked separately from ordinary damage. When a target takes enough Smash damage to destroy it, it explodes into a shower of bricks and studs. Depending on the target and on the circumstances, it may provide a set number of bricks, a specialized piece, or a randomly determined number of bricks. Until a target takes enough Smash damage to destroy it, it will continue to function properly – though it may smoke, shoot off sparks and shake alarmingly.

The new device must be Built.

Even Master Builders need bricks with which to build. Building a new device is basically Smashing it in reverse. The Master Builder describes the device he wants to build and the GM sets a difficulty based the on the complexity of the device. The Build skill is then rolled against this difficulty.

Every result point yields 1 pip with which to build the new device and consumes 1 brick/stud from the stock. Pips are assigned to the new device in the regular manner and on a one-for-one basis. One pip may be spent for: 1 pip of a skill or attribute, 1 body point, 1 ability point, etc. When enough bricks have been spent to pay for all of the required attributes (plus body points, etc.), the device is complete and may be used.

No device may be used until it has been completely Built and paid for with bricks. After that, it may be used normally or Smashed and built into something completely new!

Building as a group check.

Any device may be Built using the regular rules for Related Skills. Each builder makes their skill roll independently, and the Master Builder then applies the result points and spends the bricks/pips. The final device has one stat block and is considered a single device.

When more than one character wants to act as the Master Builder on a device, they each make their Build rolls separately and apply their result points separately. When both characters are finished with their builds, the finished device is considered to consist of two separate but connected parts. Each part operates independently, but if either part is destroyed, the entire device comes apart.

Devices built under the direction of a single Master Builder are sturdier and more cohesive, but slower to complete. A multi-part device can be completed more quickly, but is more fragile and potentially contains duplicate systems.

Normal Attribute: Tech

Tech – Tech is an important part of the Space Bricks universe. Buildings, gear, and vehicles need to be put together and reinvented as well as smashed into bricks and studs. Characters need to be able to use their creations as well. Tech-based characters will be able to operate vehicles, computers, and complex systems as well as create new things from component parts.

Tech Skills

Pilot – A good pilot can fly anything, from landspeeders to tramp freighters and every snub fighter in between. Skilled pilots learn to maneuver for best advantage in combat, dodge obstacles, and slip past blockades. Pilot is the action skill used to maneuver vehicles in and out of combat and through obstacle courses. Pilot is opposed by Pilot.

Build – Building new things out of basic bricks and studs is a foundational part of Lego stories. Master Builders know how to take the pieces of their world and transform them into something weird and wonderful. Build is the effect skill used to make gear, vehicles, and scenery. Build resists Smash.

Systems – Starships and space stations both use complex information handling systems to provide security and keep order. Systems is the action skill used to change the way something works without smashing and rebuilding it, and it is the skill used to run scanners and hack into computers. Systems is opposed by Systems.

Operations – Putting things together is one thing. Making it all work together is something else entirely. Master Builders need to be adept not only at using their own creations but in puzzling out the workings of mysterious objects. Operations is the effect skill used with a vehicle to resist damage and in the usage or disabling of a machine. Operations resists vehicle damage.

Anakin Skywalker is a character with a high Tech score. Anakin has been known to build droids and podracers from scraps and misfit parts. He’s never met an engine he couldn’t tinker with, and even though Master Obi-Wan hates flying, even he acknowledges that Anakin is the best starfighter pilot in the galaxy.

Normal Attribute: Wit

Wit – Wit describes a character’s charisma, attention to detail, and people skills. Most interactions with animals and other characters will depend on how they use their wits. Witty characters understand not only the relationships between others but how all things are connected.

Wit Skills

Bluster – Characters employ bluster to talk their way into and out of trouble, bluff their way through a blockade or a card game, and convince others that things aren’t quite the way they might seem to be. These characters are able to keep their cool under pressure and answer every question in a cool and collected manner. Bluster is the action skill used when two characters attempt to influence each other’s decisions and actions, or when one character attempts to influence a crowd. Bluster is opposed by Bluster.

Charm – Smooth operators seem to blend into any surrounding with ease and comfort. Charming characters have a strong personality and are able to more effectively exert their will on both crowds and individuals. Charm is the effect skill used when drawing a reaction from another character, either charming or frightening. Charm is resisted by Courage.

Courage – Heroes know what they believe and why they believe it. They have the courage of their convictions and the self-confidence that comes from a secure knowledge of their place in the world. Courage is the effect skill used to resist attempts to charm or frighten a character’s actions. Courage resists Charm.

Search – Adventures can depend on finding lost objects and spotting hidden items. Searching an area lets a character spot anything that is out of place or unusual. Search is the action skill used to locate hidden objects or people. Search is opposed by Sneak or by Thievery.

Han Solo is a character with a high Wit score. Even Princess Leia admits that Han has more courage than common sense. His combination of self-confidence and a winning smile inspires others to believe in his potential. He may or may not be quite as skilled at Sabacc as he thinks he is, but he still manages to talk his way out of trouble … every time.

Normal Attribute: Agility

Agility – Agility describes a character’s ability to move with speed and balance, their hand-eye coordination, and the ability to move smoothly and surely. Agile characters are great at getting into difficult places and manipulating fine components.

Agility Skills

Acrobat – An acrobat can jump higher, run faster, and dodge quicker than unskilled characters. They are light on their feet and use that mobility to their best advantage. A skilled acrobat can leap over obstacles, soar between handholds, and duck under cover. Acrobat is the effect skill used to dodge an attack, cross difficult terrain, and perform athletic feats.

Craftiness – Crafty characters are legendary for their light fingers and ability to undo knots and escape traps. A crafty character can manipulate gaming cards, control the roll of the dice, and pick pockets through misdirection and sleight of hand. Craftiness is the effect skill to determine how well a character performs precision actions of all kinds.

Shoot – Blasters, bowcasters, stunners, and other guns all use the shooting skill. Skilled shooters draw faster and aim better than their opponents. They learn to anticipate a target’s movement and place shots both for best damage and to create other effects. Shoot is the action skill used to fire a weapon of any kind, including ship weapons.

Sneak – Sneaking around, hiding out, and getting into places unseen is the province of sneaky characters. Characters who sneak learn to take advantage of concealment, blend into the environment, and go unnoticed in general. Sneak is the action skill used to move through or into an area without being observed or tripping alarms and sensors.

Darth Maul is a character with a high Agility score. Whether he is leaping from catwalks or ledges, Maul isn’t bothered by heights or treacherous footing. Even on crowded Coruscant, Maul throws on a hood and slips by in the shadows. And why merely cross a room when you can somersault across it?

Normal Attribute: Might

Might – Might describes a character’s physical ability to fight with others, move or destroy heavy objects, resist damage, and hurl things with force and accuracy. Mighty characters tend to be larger than normal.

Might Skills

Scuffle – Space Bricks characters don’t fight so much as scuffle. The whole body is used for leverage as the characters flip, twist, and strike in an effort to knock the studs out of their opponent. Scuffle is the action skill used when two characters fight in personal combat, for both weapon and unarmed combat. Scuffle is opposed by Scuffle.

Smash – The best way to get ahold of bricks and studs is to smash things. Master Builders can then put those bricks and studs to good use. It’s a Brick world, not everything can be smashed, but every target is worth trying! Smash is the effect skill used to destroy things, move heavy objects, and roll for damage in personal combat. Smash is resisted by Stamina.

Stamina – When a hero gets knocked down, they get back up again. Characters with a high stamina are able to perform feats of endurance and athleticism. Tough characters can endure punishment and perform impressive physical feats. Stamina is the effect skill used to resist damage, swim, climb, and resist environmental effects. Stamina resists Smash.

Throwing – Any character can toss things. Characters skilled in throwing things are able to place objects with accuracy and force on their target. Certain weapons may be thrown to cause damage. Ropes and grapnels latch onto things. Buttons, switches, and levers may all be triggered from a distance with a well thrown brick or stud. Throwing is the action skill used to target one object with another in an attempt to create a specific effect. Throwing is opposed by Acrobat.

Chewbacca is a character with a high Might attribute. He lifts heavy cargo crates and smashes his way through walls. He is fearsome in combat, known for pulling arms out of their sockets, which incidentally is why he wins so many games of Dejarik.

Extranormal Attribute: The Force

The Force – The Force is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together, not unlike the locking studs on top of bricks. The Force enhances the connections between a character and the world around them. It is a powerful ally. Star Wars Lego has only one Extranormal attribute – The Force, though different traditions may call it by other names.

The Force Skills

The Force enhances all other attributes and skills by extending a character’s reach and connecting them more strongly with the world around them. The Force enables characters to use their other attributes and skills more effectively.

Reduce Range – The Force enhances the connections between all things. Having The Force enables a character to use skills without being in contact with their subject. Most skills normally have a range of touch. The Force enables touch skills to be used at point blank range with a -1D skill penalty, at short range with a -2D skill penalty, at medium range with a-3D skill penalty, at long range with a -4D skill penalty, and out of visual range with a -5D skill penalty. Every 1D of The Force used to Reduce Range removes 1D of skill penalty.

Augment – The Force can make characters faster, stronger, and more intuitive. The Force is considered a Related Skill for every other skill and attribute. A character may use The Force to augment another skill use or attribute check. If the check is reflexive, such as using Might to resist damage, using The Force causes a multi-action penalty because the rolls are made in the same turn. (Both The Force and Might would be at -1D penalty. This overrules the normal exception of resistance roll to multi-action penalties.)

Yoda is a character who is strong with The Force. The Force enhances everything Yoda does, enabling him to make tremendous leaps and wield his lightsaber with deadly skill. The Force provides Yoda with great insight into the minds of others, allowing him to exert a strong influence on the weak-minded.