An environmental species who’ve only recently decided to join the galactic community in the stars, the Hurshuka constantly strive to balance their devotion to their homeworld with their need co protect it from potential opportunists,
Example Hurshuk
Rarrak’lk’lk (“Second Hatched of the Second Moon”) is a 200-year-old Hurshuk who was compelled by his grand village leader to become an off-world scholar and diplomat. He hates his job, but he does it for the greater glory and honor of Alm-Hure. Rarrak’lk’lk is in the middle of the mating phase of his life, so he often feels the urge to return to Ala’k and pass on his genetic information to another generation; this makes him fairly edgy and irritable. Nevertheless, he’s good at his job and travels from world to world maintaining cordial but distant relations with many other species.
Agility 2D
Mechanical 2D: sensors 3D
Strength 2D
Knowledge 3D+2: aliens 4D+2, bureaucracy 4D, cultures 4D, languages 4D, scholar 4D+2
Perception 4D+l : bargain 5D, command 4D+2
Technical 2D
Metaphysics 2D: sense 3D
Strength Damage: 1D
Move: 2 (walking)/4 {swimming)
Fate Points: 1
Body Points: 16
Character Points: 3
Wound levels: 3
Disadvantages: Achilles’ Heel: Metabolic Difference (R3), must eat twice as much vegetation as normal and gets ill when eating meat – the more meat, the more ill; Employed (R2), to the Hurshuka; Enemy (R2), enemies of those he has made treaties with; Hindrance: Atypical Move (R3), swimming Move of 4, walking and climbing Move of 2, and no jumping; Quirk (R1), homesick, -1 to social rolls when reminded of home; Quirk (R3), cold-blooded, so changes in temperature affect mood and health
Advantages: Authority (R2), able to make binding contracts and treaties for Hurshuka; Contacts (R2), friends on various worlds; Size: Large (R1), scale value 3
Special Abilities: Longevity (R1); Natural Armor: Shell (R2), +2D to damage resistance total
Equipment: peratolk’alm’ola hand scanner (+1D to sensors and +1D to sense rolls to gain information only); cred-key on chain
Hurshuk Package
Total creation point cost: 2
Total defined limit cost: 2 skill dice
Minimums and Maximums: Minimum of 1D in Metaphysics. Maximum of 5D in all attributes (including Metaphysics, at character creation only)
Disadvantages: Achilles’ Heel: Metabolic Difference (R3), must eat twice as much vegetation as normal and gets ill when eating meat- the more meat, the more ill; Hindrance: Atypical Move (R2), swimming Move of 6, walking and climbing Move of 3, and no jumping; Quirk (R3), cold-blooded, so changes in temperature affect mood and health
Advantages: Size: Large (R1), scale value 3
Special Abilities: Longevity (R1, cost 3); Natural Armor: Shell (R2, cost 6), +2D to damage resistance total
Notes: Hurshuka armor continues growing throughout their lives. As such, it’s possible to purchase additional ranks of Natural Armor; it’s not uncommon for elders to have six ranks in rigid plating. Likewise the Atypical Movement varies across individual Hurshuka; although two ranks is average, 1t can be as restrictive as four ranks (swimming Move of 2 and walking and climbing Move of 1) or even nonexistent altogether (normal move) … although such a speed demon would be an anomaly.
Physical Appearance
The Hurshuka (as they are known collectively – a singular member is a “Hurshuk”) are large bipedal humanoids, standing at about three meters tall and weighing around 250 kilograms. Being cold-blooded, they have no hair or fur, and the gender differences are subtle. Their most noteworthy feature is the large spiky protective shell that provides much of their weight and density.
Hurshuka come in a variety of colors, and the coloration of an individual Hurshuk differs widely throughout its life cycle. At birth, a Hurshuk is covered in muted greens, grays, and browns; biologists assume this is to provide a newly hatched Hurshuk some camouflage and protection in the wild from the few predators of Ala’k. Once a Hurshuk reaches maturity, it undergoes radical alterations in its pigmentation, with bright reds, blues, and yellows appearing all over its body in stunning patterns of stripes, circles, or spots. Males at this stage tend to be more brightly colored, while females have more elaborate and intricate patterns. This is how Hurshuka know that they are capable of having offspring. and it’s still primarily how they judge beauty among themselves (despite their protestations about having evolved beyond such nonsense). Finally, in the final half-century of a Hurshuk’s life, those colors fade and the patterns subsume into the larger whole; at chis stage, one or two colors dominate, and the once-vivid patterns are only discernible upon close examination.
These colorations are very important to Hurshuka culture, and they incorporate them into many aspects of their life. For example, a cowardly Hurshuk might be said co “still have his hide-hues;’ while an elder who has a spark of passion or quickness about him might be said to have “donned his mate-stripes.”
The Hurshuka homeworld – called Ala’k (or “Paradise”) – is a swamp world consisting of 65% water, mostly in the form of lakes and rivers. Its three moons are named Crika, Rarrak, and Er-Crik, which correspond to what the Hurshuka perceive as the three stages of life: youth, maturity, and old age. Ala’k is a mildly tropical world, with little variance to its temperature except at the poles, which are too cold to support Hurshuka life. The H urshuka speak passionately about their homeworld, even more so than most other sentients; to them, it’s the pinnacle of existence, and the rest of the wonders of the cosmos pale in comparison. (Any comments akin to, “But it’s just a swamp!” are likely to have an enraged Hurshuk lumbering coward the speaker.) Hurshuka have preserved a remarkable amount of their land and resources, and historians can research large swaths that have been kept virtually the same for millennia.
Although most of Ala’ kis undeveloped or underdeveloped, there are patches that are too far removed from natural water to be utilized as it is; these areas are called “Ekalatapono’ala’k” – literally, “the patches of death and despair that allow us to recognize the rest as paradise:’ These areas alone are the closest that Hurshuka have to “cities,” although, incorporating as much biological material into the construction as possible, they wouldn’t be recognizable as such to most off-worlders. A Hurshuka research building might consist of a gargantuan tree, around which various other pods have been attached at different levels to provide offices; the tops might be cut off and woven mesh placed over the top, allowing natural light to come through but not insects or birds.
Of course, there are still situations when bio-technology doesn’t accomplish the job, and the Hurshuka’s knowledge of metalworking and electronics have enabled them to build starports and other necessities of a small space empire. To the outside world, these facilities seem antiquated and quaint; to the Hurshuka, other civilizations’ glittering skylines and neon- encrusted streets are an affront co the beauty of nature.
The Hurshuka mindset places devotion to the land – and Ala’k especially- above almost any other aspect of life, stopping just short of self-preservation (although there have been many Hurshuka martyrs who have died for environmental duties). To a Hurshuk, there is literally nothing better than Aiak.
This attraction seems to be more than social pressure; Hurshuka have a genetic – or perhaps metaphysical – attachment co their area of hatching. Although they have free will co leave this “Ala’kale” (“Personal Paradise”), their desire for progeny becomes a longing at about the mid-point of the middle “Rarrak” stage of life; if ignored, this feeling becomes a deep ennui, which stays with them until well into their final “Er-Crik” stage. If this call is heeded, they are most satisfied co find a mare within 50 kilometers of their hatching. During this process, they may need co fight and incapacitate others of their own gender; males and females alike struggle for superior maces, especially if they themselves are superficially less than desirable. Afterwards, the female lays between three and 10 eggs several weeks later – in a warm area of mud she chooses – and most of them hatch within a year (which lasts 306.5 days). The female and the male remain in the broad area until the eggs have hatched, fending off predators or threats as necessary, although there isn’t a constant watching over the nest as in some species. Since the female and male can move on after their union but before eggs are laid, it is possible for offspring to have a different homeland than their parents. In fact, it’s even possible for them to have a different homeworld; in recent generations, some females have gone off-world to other planets, resulting in Hurshuka who feel the Ala’kale attachment for some world other than Ala’k. The existence of Hursbuka who do not feel as strongly about Alak as the rest is a cause of some concern, and may prove divisive within a generation or two.
This compulsion to pass on the genes strikes some as unusual, because Hurshuka have almost no attachment to family otherwise. They do not have a concept of marriage, although two Hurshuka who enjoy each others’ company might opt to remain around each other for decades or even life. They do not stay with their offspring after birch, and they find the concept curious when pressed. “If Ala’k wanted others to care for us after hatching, she would not have given our new bodies an impenetrable shell and surrounded us with an abundance to eat. What can we as individuals do for a new life that Paradise cannot?” This abandonment (as other races call it) results in a species with a very strong self-sufficient streak.
Although Hurshuka do not have families, they still know the value and import of friendship; in fact, given their centuries-long lifespan, they can have thousands of people char they consider “friends” with a hundred or so that they call “mud-friends” (as in, “friends with whom you would be content to spend the rest of your days wallowing in the mud”).
The Hurshuka followed a somewhat atypical evolutionary timeline, emerging from the waters ages ago, quickly evolving to sentience, and then staying more or less the same. Some believe this is based in part on their natural metaphysical abilities; why develop, say, a telecommunications grid – which will have an ecological impact and could disrupt Ala’k – when you can reach your mind out to anyone you would want to talk with.
The Hurshuka expanded off-world about two centuries ago, after a disastrous first contact. A landing party from an expansionistic megacorporation found Ala’ k, and they believed the unclothed, slow-moving lifeforms who didn’t show any inclination in talking to be unintelligent. So when they starred chopping down random trees and setting encampment fires, the Hurshuka’s rage was as unexpected as it was fierce. Standing over the invaders’ corpses, the Hurshuka decided that they needed to adapt and move outward to t he stars. They did so grudgingly and not without great regret. Their logic was that, if they did not become involved in the interplanetary community now, on their terms, then they may need to deal with others who would come to Alik later.
The Hurshuka elevated themselves technologically-using the captured vessel as a springboard – from spears to spaceships over the next five decades. Their metaphysical abilities helped, since much of the research had been done previously on a theoretical level centuries past. Even so, the Hurshuka are rare in both the speed of their ascension and by the fact that members of their species are still alive from their pre-industrial era.
For the most part, the Hurshuka are fairly peaceful and content to leave others alone. However, they have a curious biological trait – one that wasn’t discovered until they traveled to other worlds. The Hurshuka are cold-blooded and remarkably sensitive to changes in temperature. In cold climes – those below 20 degrees Celsius – Hurshuka become remarkably morose, sluggish, and almost suicidally depressive. In environments above 32 degrees, they become manic and much more prone to anger and violence; they also move around much more rapidly (at lease, for a Hurshuka), because they are trying co “fan” away excess heat. Outside their temperature ranges, their metaphysical abilities also become much more difficult to harness, probably because of the increased difficulty in concentrating.
Hurshuka are vegans, and they require twice as much food as most other species … ideally the tasty fruits and foliage plentiful on Ala’k. Although they can eat most other types of food, they derive no nutrition from the non-vegetable portions; in fact, it wreaks havoc on a Hurshuk’s digestive system, to the point that some alien spacefarers use the phrase “Has someone been giving steak to the Hurshuk?” to refer to any incredibly noisome aroma.
Although Hutshuka do have a written language, it’s a very recent development, devised as a means of transferring information among others during their technological ascent. Prior to this, their culture and history was almost entirely oral, with the exception of some topiary gardens or tended pools built in honor of some of their past heroes. They also do not have a strong concept of money; although they can grasp the concept, and have had to deal with money to be part of interstellar society, any notion beyond simple barter seems silly to them: “If I trade this hurft’alm’ola to you for these shiny metal discs, does that mean I can only turn the discs back into something useful if I can trade them for something with someone as stupid as I need to be right now to accept them?” This is also exasperated somewhat because Hurshuka use a base-eight numbering system (probably because of their eight fingers), so dealing with off-worlders numbering systems is a constant pain.
A Chilly Mood
Colchuk pivoted his wrinkled neck around the top of his shell, emitting several light skeletal cracks and pops; his outstretched head – almost as large as my torso – looked akin to a control stick rotating an entire circle. We sat in silence; I recognized his contemplative mood. He looked out the viewscreen as stars streaked by.
“What’s the point? Of all this, I mean. How does what we do change the cycle? Do we all not close our eyes and die someday? Are we all not hatched from the same eggs?” I didn’t correct him, and he continued. “What’s the best we can find out there? Another swamp? A better one? I was born in a swamp; I can’t do any better than that.”
He closed his eyes and quivered slightly. As I left his cabin, I noted that his thermostat had been bumped to 15 degrees Celsius; I adjusted it back to 30 and left; I knew he’d probably be less gloomy soon.
Laws and Customs
The Hurshuka have evolved a theory of law called the “Shuka-Alm” – literally, “the Hard Shell:’ The Shuka-Alm states that any transgression from which one can walk away from without permanent harm will be, for the most part, ignored; Hurshuka are trained to have a “hard shell” about most issues. This principle works in reverse, so that a Hurshuk who seeks proportional revenge on someone he believes has wronged him will be equally ignored by authorities.
For the incredibly rare violations of laws that grossly exceed Shuka-Alm, the matter is brought before a tribal council by either the wronged or a friend of the wronged if the original victim is unable to accuse. The accused is presumed guilty, although the Hurshuka use all means to discern what really happened (including metaphysical mind-probing or compulsions to tell the truth). The outcome of all such charges is death by beheading to either the accuser or the accused, depending on what is believed. The harsh punishments on all crimes helps to ensure that most wrongdoing is of an accidental or non-serious nature, since the punishment on all other crimes is so severe. Fortunately, a species with a protective shell seldom has to worry about manslaughter or most other permanent crimes.
Beyond the keeping of order, Hurshuka society is fairly loose. Regions are divided into villages, villages form grand villages, and grand villages make up continents (of which there are four on Ala’k. The leader of a village is basically whoever wants the hassle; if more than one candidate wants the position, then a winner is sorted out using ritualized combat akin to the clashes during the urge to mare but with less hormones. If there is no one who desires to be leader, then others may assign someone the job. The unlucky Hurshuk has the option of accepting the position or fighting all those who would foist it off on him. This process extends up the ladder; the village leaders decide among themselves who will rule grand villages, the grand village leaders decide who will preside over the continents, and the continental leaders decide who will be the planetary leader. This ruler is called the “Ola’we” which translates to “the Slowest” – literally, the person who couldn’t run fast enough to get away from the job.
This ironic title gives a good general idea about how the Hurshuka view leadership; it’s not an honor but rather a burden. Of course, since most of the usual duties of leadership – collecting taxes, amassing an army, deciding who to invade – don’t really apply to Hurshuka, it’s also a fairly cushy job. Leaders are primarily required to decide what the community focus for the region will be (research, production, or the like). Howeve1; and most disadvantageously, being a leader means possibly being away from one’s beloved swampy homeland. One thing that Hurshuka do nor do is spend much rime attacking each other. One word the Hurshuka have is “doak” which translates to “a stupid thing to do.” Another of their words, “doak’alm” means literally “the stupidest thing to do”; this is their word for war. In the ages that Hurshuka have been relaying lore orally among their people, there are only notes of two wars: “Doak’ahn’lk” and “Doak’alm’lklk” (“the First Stupid Thing We Did” and “the Second Stupid Thing We Did”).
Hurshuka believe strongly in privacy, which xenobiologists consider as a natural extension of their metaphysical abilities. Since it’s theoretically possible for anyone to read anyone else’s thoughts, the polite thing to do is not to read anyone’s thoughts without a good reason. Given their limited exposure to other races and ideas, they find most other cultures slightly confusing; this doesn’t affect their interactions, since they are fast learners, but nuances such as clothes, flirting. or calling one’s mother on weekends are all foreign to Hurshuka.
Ever since the Hurshuka took to the stars, there has been much soul-searching. They are torn by their need as a people to participate in galactic affairs, yet they are biologically pulled to remain on their homeworld. Some Hurshuka have made the adjustment well, primarily those whose colorations or abilities made them less than successful on Ala’k. Some have even become renowned scientists, security guards, and diplomats. However, most are much happier with the idea of remaining on Ala’k rather than traveling the stars. On their first encounter, a friendly alien race taught them a saying. which has since found widespread usage among saddened Hurshuka: “You can’t go home again.”
The creation myth of the Hurshuka revolves around a goddess named Alm-Hure (or “the Great Female Being”). They believe that she was basking in the goodness of the cosmos when she grew lonely and sought to mate. She came across Alm-Huro (“the Great Male Being”) and as a result laid four eggs. Only one reached maturity and hatched, forming Ala’k. The three still-born eggs orbit Ala’k, becoming the moons that serve as a reminder of how precious life is.
The Hurshuka almost universally praise Alm-Hure as the creator, and worship her as the source of all that is good: life, health, Ala’k, their metaphysical abilities (which they call “Kol’ak” – “the Touch”), and so on. They do not have an organized religion in the way many other alien species have it – there are no churches, no hierarchy, no rules – but rather an ever-constant appreciation of Alm-Hure. Philosophy is underdeveloped by the Hurshuka, because they are fairly laid back; most attempts to discern the deeper meaning of the universe end with, “It’s all good; praise to Alm-Hure.” When asked whatever happened to Alm-Huro after the mating, Hurshuka generally agree that he wandered off, presumably to sleep or get something to eat; they speak of either possibility with envy.
Xenotheologians have some difficulty with the Hurshuka, because they are more able than most to back up their claims. While most races believe themselves to have been divinely touched or created, the Hurshuka point to their near-idyllic life on Ala’k as proof of their goddess’ blessing. Their homeworld is almost universally comfortable for Hurshuka, there are no noteworthy predators (at least, none that have much success with a half-inch shell), there is no disease among Hurshuka on Ala’k, and so on. However, some of these events have changed with the tepid steps of Hurshuka off Ala’ k to other worlds. For example, Hurshuka are being exposed to illness for the first time, resulting in their bodies’ previously dormant immune systems struggling to cure them; Hurshuka live in communal terror at the thought of bringing germs back to Ala’k. Most civilizations’ creation myths involve an explanation as to why their lives are harsh even if their deities favor them; these myths often involve an expulsion from or destruction of paradise. The same xenotheologians who are fascinated by the Hurshuka are also worried that they may be witnessing such a destruction or expulsion, in slow motion.
Hurshuka enjoy a wide variety of activities, although few of them are terribly active. Basking outside in the sun or mud, eating foliage in different combinations (the closest the Hurshuka have to cooking), and walking outside. They like socializing with each other, although they tend to rely on metaphysical impulses to discern when others would prefer to be alone. Hurshuka also enjoy artistic endeavors, although they tend toward mediums that are either impermanent or have no impact on the environment. Thus giant statues horrify the Hurshuka sensibilities, since they see them as unnecessary desecration of perfectly beautiful stone, while a song or poem dedicated to the memory of a Hurshuka hero might be universally praised.
Some Hurshuka who have left Ala’k seem more willing to adapt to new technology and equipment than others; they embrace the use of new and non-living devices. Others of the race have a name for such Hurshuka: “Elk’kol’ak’elassa.” This phrase translates to “those who have been touched by the flickering fire” (singular is “Elk’kol’ak’elass”, and it is how Hurshuka perceive those who they view as having been hypnotized by holovids, shiny metal toys, and the like.
The Hurshuka are rare in that they had a final destination in mind for their technological journey when they began their rapid ascension just over a century ago: the development of spaceships with the express purpose of mingling among the stars. As such, they could pick and choose their developments, eschewing many advances (such as most entertainment inventions) in favor of those that advanced their ultimate goal.
The technology of the Hurshuka has three broad classifications: alm, alm’ola, and ola. These translate to “the great,” “the fair (or middle of the pack),” and “the least.” The classification refers to the means used to make the device. Alm devices are those that are entirely natural, biological, or organic in nature. Alm’ola equipment comprises of a mixture of organic and inorganic material, and ola technology is entirely inorganic or unnatural.
For example, the Hurshuka word for “spear” is “hurft.” A hurft’alm is a spear that is little more than sharpened wood, perhaps fire-forged, with hard shells, bark, or a small sharpened stone serving as the tip. A hurft’alm’ola might have the same wooden shaft, but with a forged metal tip; conversely, it might have a sharp stone tip that’s attached on a metal pole. A hurft’ola is entirely unnatural, perhaps consisting of a reinforced nylon pole and a ceramic tip.
As the names imply, the Httrshuka vastly prefer to work with aim or alm’ola as much as they can, with ola technology reserved when there is no other way. Even preexisting technology that’s entirely ola might be converted by an uncomfortable Hurshuka into alm’ola, such as adding a leather cover to a metal-and-plastic hand computer.
Most devices in Space are “ola” by default. Devices that are fully aim (or devised as fully aim) are somewhat more fragile (and thus more likely to break on a Critical Failure) and usually more expensive (+5 to price difficulty – or double the credits – anywhere except Ala’k) but are much more difficult to detect mechanically (+ 10 to any sensors rolls to find the device). Devices that are alm’ola are slightly more expensive than ola (+3 to price difficulty – 75% more credits – anywhere except Ala’k) but are easier to detect than alm equipment (+5 to any sensors rolls to find the device).
This is a Hurshuk net, composed of a type of vine that reacts with body heat. When thrown on a warm-blooded opponent, the vines constrict, binding the victim tighter and possibly causing damage. A noruk’alm has a damage rating of 4D but does not actually deal any damage normally (see the “Entangling” rules). This is a weapon that favors the skilled, such that any excess in a Hurshuka’s throwing roll is added to this damage (a Critical Failure on a failure prob- ably means the Hurshuka entangled herself).
If a noruk’alm has a damage total greater than 16, then any amount greater than 16 is applied as actual damage if the victim has been struggling or is exceptionally warm. This damage is dealt with the same as any other weapon. When the victim calms down or lowers its temperature, the vines relax, allowing it to be unentangled and reused. Noruk’alm are notoriously difficult to weave and as such are fairly rare. Cost: Difficult (2,873 credits}.
A peratolk’alm’ola is a Hurshuk hand scanner, made from organic and inorganic parts. It requires the user to have metaphysical abilities, off which it draws its power and provides feedback; it doesn’t have a viewscreen, but rather pulses its findings back through the metaphysical channel. It adds +1D to sensors and +1D to sense rolls (the latter only to gain information, not to change or influence). Cost: Difficult (2,542 credits).
Those Hurshuka that must spend any amount of time on chilly or steamy worlds prefer to wear a specially designed climate-control suit, called akale’shuk’alm’ola (“personal hybrid shell”), This suit filters the air outside the suit, purifying it slightly and warming or cooling it to a more breathable temperature. The garment also keeps the occupant ac a more comfortable temperature. Although it allows the Hurshuk to easily overcome its cold-blood nature, it restricts finger dexterity (increasing the difficulties of tasks requiring fingers by + 3) and limits hearing (increasing difficulties of hearing-related actions by +3). Cost: Easy (110 credits).
Hurshuk Personal Space vessel
Specially climate controlled, this one-person vessel – called a twee’crik’alm’ola (“baby hybrid flyer”) – can transport its passenger to many nearby systems at a leisurely pace. Its bridge and sleeping area are combined with hydroponics gardens to give the passenger the comforts of home. In addition to the hydroponics, it offers enough food to feed one Hurshuk for five months (or a smaller humanoid for 10). All instruments on are the Hurshuk scale, so they can be difficult for smaller beings to operate.
Crew: 1 Hurshuk
Passengers: 0
Life-Supporting Modules: standard bridge (4 areas, 2 tons, 0.4 eu, 100 cr} with +2 comm, medicine, navigation, piloting, and sensors upgrades (5 eu, 3,000 cr) and pilot autofunction program {15 eu, 8,000 cr, 3D each in piloting and sensors), combined with 1 one-person room (IO areas, 5 tons, l eu, 500 cr) and hydroponics (8 areas, 4 tons, 0.8 eu, 800 cr)
Cargo Modules: none
Life-Support Supplies: food storage (2 areas, 1 ton,1 eu, 20 cr); standard food (1 Hurshuk/5 months, 1tons, 1,000 cr); atmosphere {supplied by hydroponics)
Weapons: l laser cannons (3 areas, 4 cons, 11 eu, 9,800 cr, forward/ rear/port/starboard/up arcs, range 3/12/25, damage 4D)
In-System Drive (7 areas, 7 tons, 15 eu, 5,500 cr)
Move: 5 (space), 250 (atmosphere, 750 kph)
Maneuverability; 0
Interstellar Drive: 0.5 (7 areas, 21 tons, 50 eu, 26,000 cr); backup: none
Total Energy Requirements: 85
Power Plant: 100 energy units generated (8 areas, 13 tons, 14,500 cr)
Hull Toughness: lD+ l (18 tons, 7,500 cr)
Atmosphere Capability: streamlining (9 tons, 3,500 cr); landing gear (7 rons, 2,625 cr)
Armor: +3D {23 cons, 22,500 cr)
Shields: 0
Total Tonnage: 130
Scale: 16
Total Area Units: 41
Length: 7 meters (spheroid)
Total Cost {new): 107,345 credits/Price Difficulty: 31