Tag Archives: race


The Verdendrian people are a prime example of just bow diverse intelligent life can be. Evolved from plants, they are simple in motive yet mysteriously complex in reasoning. A star-faring race, they seem to have only a passing interest in colonization, however they are avid explorers. Carousing with a Verdendrian is almost completely devoid of value, but they can be found in starport taverns across the galaxy. Some species find them terribly fascinating; others, completely frustrating.

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Few individuals have ever had a chance to meet a Mareen face to face. Instead, they know Mareens as a robotic or cybernetic race that has done its best to meld into humanoid society. For most, a Mareen is simply a walking hunk of lorica. Near the top of its crablike head are two glowing eyes that change colors as the being tries to express thoughts and emotion. Its voice is a stilted mechanical recording. These two inhuman aspects of the Mareen often make it difficult for it to understand and be understood by other races.

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The Lonthyn are an unusual race, in that they are actually two distinct races. Although sharing a common ancestry- one that diverged very recently, given normal evolutionary time scales – they are separate yet interconnected. Outsiders label Lonthyn as “inner world” or “outer world” members of their species, referring to whether the Lonthyn’s ancestry hails from the homeworld closer or farther from the sun. However, true Lonthyn never make such distinctions. Regardless, as a whole they have a ruthless outlook on life, and they steep themselves as a race in the pursuit of military conquest.

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