The military depends on scout ships for gathering information and transporting important couriers and some supplies. Megacorporations and independent adventurers use these ships for much the same reason. They are designed to be quick and agile, able to get their crews out of trouble as quickly as they got into it. Those with interstellar drives and long-term supplies can patrol the wastes of space for years.
Crew: 2
Passengers: 0
Life-Supporting Modules: standard bridge (2 stations, 8 areas, 4 tons, 0.8 eu, 200 cr) with +1D piloting, comm, sensors, and gunnery upgrades to each station (8 eu, 7,200 cr) and pilot autofunction program (15 eu, 8,000 cr, 3D each in piloting and gunnery); laboratory (4 areas, 2 tons, 0.4 eu, 1,500 cr); 2 coldsleep modules (2 areas, 1 ton, 0.2 eu, 400 credits)
Cargo Modules: bulk (equipment, storage, and weapons lockers, 4 areas, 4 tons, 0.4 eu, 100 cr)
Life-Support Supplies: food storage (3 areas, 1.5 tons, 1.5 eu, 30 cr); standard food supply (2 people/6 months, 1.2 tons, 1,200 cr); atmosphere (3 people-areas/6 months, 1,800 cr)
Weapons: 1 laser cannon (5 areas, 6 tons, 7 eu, 13,000 cr, forward arc, range 3/12/25, 6D damage)
In-System Drive (15 areas, 15 tons, 39 eu, 13,500 cr)
Move: 13 (space), 650 (atmosphere, 1,850 kph)
Maneuverability: +1D (6 eu, 1,800 cr)
Interstellar Drive: 1.1 (13 areas, 39 tons, 110 eu, 56,000 cr)
Total Energy Requirements: 195
Power Plant: 250 energy units generated (18 areas, 35 tons, 37,500 cr)
Hull Toughness: 2D+1 (65 tons, 32,500 cr)
Atmosphere Capability: streamlining (17 tons, 6,500 cr), landing gear (13 tons, 4,875 cr)
Armor: 0
Shields: +2D+1 (4 areas, 7 tons, 7 eu, 63,000 credits)
Total Tonnage: 181
Scale: 17
Total Area Units: 76
Length: 38 meters (cylinder), 26 meters (ellipsoid), 19 meters (wedge)
Total Cost (new): 249,105 credits/Price Difficulty: 45