A robot is a mechanical construct that’s created to do work; it has no independent thought. An android, on the other hand, is a mechanical construct that can think, learn, and adapt. Thus, mechanical constructs that players may use in the game are, for game system purposes, considered androids.
Total creation point cost: 9 points
Total defined limit cost: 9 skill dice or 2 attribute dice plus 1 skill dice
Advantages: None
Disadvantages: Achilles’ Heel: Metabolic Difference (R3), requires an energy source; Hindrance: Lack Social Graces (R2), +6 to streetwise difficulties; Hindrance: Android Appearance (R5), +5 to command, con, and persuasion difficulties; Quirk (R3), cannot lie
Special Abilities: Atmospheric Tolerance (R1, cost 4), airless environments with Additional Effect (R3), need not breath; Attack Resistance: Mental (R3, cost 6), + 3D to mental harm; Immunity (R5, cost 5), +5D to Strength or stamina checks against illness or poison; Iron Will (R4, cost 8), +4D to all willpower rolls and +6 to standard interaction difficulties
Other Common Advantages: Size (any rank)
Other Common Disadvantages: Age (due to set appearance; any rank); Cultural Unfamiliarity (R1); Devotion (R3), Laws of Robotics; Hindrance: Lacks Mobility (R9), cannot run, swim, or jump; Prejudice (any rank), against androids; Reduced Attribute; Quirk (R2), secretly is an android
Other Common Special Abilities: Ambidextrous; Armor-Defeating Attack; Combat Sense; Endurance; Enhanced Sense; Environmental Resistance; Extra Body Part; Extra Sense; Fast Reactions; Hardiness; Hypermovement; Immortality or Longevity; Increased Attribute; Infravision; Ultravision; Natural Armor: Alternate Body Composition; Natural Hand-to-Hand Weapon; Natural Ranged Weapon, Quick Study; Sense of Direction; Skill Bonus; Skill Minimum; Water Breathing; Youthful Appearance
Like cybernetics, the android form affords players an effortless reason for including Special Abilities in their characters. With few exceptions (including such Special Abilities as Possession and Teleportation), Game Masters should allow the excuse of “android ability” as sufficient explanation for nearly any Special Ability the player could desire for his character.
The basic android has a body with four limbs, a torso, and a head. These parts are made of a light rubber-like resin, with the internal components carefully packed inside. It has as much durability as any ordinary organic body. The player may include Natural Armor or Hardiness to reflect tougher construction materials.
The player may put the limbs anywhere on the torso he desires. However, if the placement is anything other than normal humanoid- shaped, Disadvantages and Special Abilities need to be added to the character to account for the eccentricities.
The android will always have the same appearance, unless he makes changes to it. He needs to keep himself clean and have his systems checked regularly (about once a year) if he wants his components to last more than 100 years.
The android has internal programs that allow him to check himself to see if he needs any repairs. He can also perform minor maintenance on himself (such as cleaning parts or replacing worn pieces).
The robot interface/repair skill is used by and for androids and robots in the same way as the medicine skill is used by and for organic beings.
Game Masters may impose other restrictions on or provide other benefits to android characters, to better represent them in their uni- verse.
Disadvantages gained by taking the android package do not count toward the maximum allowed. To eliminate a Disadvantage or Special Ability that comes in the base package, the player must give his character the opposite Special Ability or Disadvantage.
Example: Hindrance: Android Appearance (R5) may be offset by taking Skill Bonus: Humanoid Appearance (R5).