
The poltergeist (German for “noisy spirit”) is one of the more advanced types of ghost; spirit-hunters theorize that they are often the result of mass accumulations of psychokinetic energy, brought about by great mental or physical trauma in this world or the next. As such, they can spontaneously generate from this energy and aren’t necessarily linked to departed souls, although they can be, if an individual has died in a particularly horrific or violent way.

Although an oversimplification, it’s generally true that, while most ghosts are seen and not heard, poltergeists are heard but not seen. Almost always invisible, poltergeists are able to channel their ghostly energy into powerful telekinetic effects, moving objects around with great precision and control. These manifestations can be as subtle as a slamming bedroom door or as dramatic as a tempest of plates, cutlery, and furniture in a dining room.

Poltergeists generally attach themselves to a location, although it can be a rather large one (such as “anywhere on Baron Jobe’s 20-acre estate”). They are similar to messenger ghosts in chat they are usually tied to their home by a traumatic event or for a specific purpose. However, poltergeists do not use their powers to deliver messages, instead existing solely to cause havoc and mayhem.

Some poltergeists are relatively harmless, using their powers for pranks; they often have an impish sense of humor, tossing eggs, snapping posteriors with towels, or creating elaborately balanced arrangements of books, playing cards, or coins. There are even reports of benevolent poltergeists, who use their telekinetic abilities to ward off intruders who would do the location (or its inhabitants) harm. People in such houses often learn to live with their co-inhabitant; the peace of mind such a guardian provides makes up for the midnight rattlings in the attic.

However, since poltergeists are born of extreme negative energy, many of them are hostile. These spirits are cruelly creative in the use of their powers to cause harm, by pulling rugs on stairways, leaving wet soap bars in dangerous places, and pushing over shelves in domino-like fashion. Often, though, they choose to remain out of sight, content to cause noise by rattling chains, fluttering shutters, or sending bursts of air through the ductwork of the house.

Poltergeists generally begin their unlife fairly weak and grow in energy by causing extreme reactions from their victims – typically fear. As such, it’s usually against their interests to kill their victims … at least immediately. Poltergeists have enormous patience, and they can toy with victims for weeks or months. There are tales of some individuals and families held as virtual prisoners in their homes, not knowing what horrors the night might bring.

Although the most powerful poltergeists have the energy to pick up and toss victims directly, they usually refrain for doing so; ghost-chasers theorize that the spirits realize they can generate stronger reactions by acting more discreetly. Regardless of how poltergeists react, however, they always do so noisily. They are those things that go bump in the night … and they can do much, much worse.

Typical Poltergeist

Reflexes 2D: brawling 3D+1, sneak 3D
Coordination 3D: sleight of hand 3D+2
Physique 20: lifting 3D
Knowledge 2D
Perception 3D: hide 3D+2, search 3D+1, tracking 3D+2
Presence 3D: intimidation 5D,
willpower 5D+2
Psionics 1D: telekinesis 9D
Strength Damage: 2D
Move: 5 (because of Intangibility)
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 2
Body Points: 23
Wound levels: 3

Disadvantages: Advantage Flaw(R2), all Psionics have a range no greater than its domain; Quirk (R3), compelled to stay in its domain with no chance to overcome

Advantages: none

Special Abilities: Intangibility (R3), +9D to damage resistance score against physical and energy attacks with Additional Effect (R3), intangible state is the default, and can thus become tangible for one minute per rank, with Restricted (R2) requires Very Difficult willpower roll to become tangible; Invisibility (Rl4), +14 to dodge, sneak, and hide totals, with Additional Effect (R1), always on, and Restricted (R2), requires Very Difficult willpower roll to become visible; Longevity (R1); Uncanny Aptitude (R15), +3 to telekinesis totals per additional similar object moved when manipulating more than 10 objects (maximum bonus of +60)

D6 Adventure Creatures (WEG 51021), © 2005 Purgatory Publishing Inc.
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