The carrier is a huge military vessel used to ferry sublight fighters via interstellar travel and to launch them into combat. The carrier’s flight compliment includes six squadrons of six fighters each. The carrier usually also holds four shuttlecraft for administrative duties or ship-to-shore travel (as carriers are too huge to operate within the atmosphere of a planet). Most carriers are not as heavily armed as their massive size would imply, instead devoting more space to hangar and launch facilities and entrusting their defense to the fighters they carry, as well as to the escort vessels that usually accompany the carrier in fleet operations.
Crew: 114
Passengers: 4
Life-Supporting Modules: 2 airlocks (4 tons, 0.8 eu, 600 cr), bridge (7 stations, 14 tons, 2.8 eu, 700 cr) with +2D comm, gunnery, navigation, piloting, sensors, and shields upgrades (12 eu, 10,800 cr) and ship identifier upgrade (1,000 cr); 2 ship engineering duty stations (4 tons, 0.8 eu, 200 cr) each with +1D flight systems repair upgrade (2 eu, 1,800 cr); computer engineering station (2 tons, 0.4 eu, 100 cr) with +1D computer interface/repair upgrade (1 eu, 900 cr); 12 gunnery duty stations (located with weapons, 28 eu, 25,200 cr) each with +2D gunnery upgrade (24 eu, 21,600 cr); brig (8 tons, 1.6 eu, 2,000 cr); 24 bunks (240 tons, 48 eu, 21,600 cr); hydroponics (10 tons, 2 eu, 2,000 cr); infirmary (54 tons, 10.8 eu, 9,000 cr) with +2D medicine upgrade (2 eu, 1,800 cr); leisure room (120 tons, 24 eu, 12,000 cr); mess lounge (120 tons, 24 eu, 12,000 cr) with 5 food processor upgrades (125 cr); 4 one- person rooms (20 tons, 4 eu, 2,000 cr); 9 two-person rooms (63 tons, 12.6 eu, 6,300 cr); 2 workrooms (laundry and kitchen, 8 tons, 1.6 eu, 6,000 cr); hallways (corridors, access tubes, and lifts, 159 tons, 31.8 eu, 7,950 cr)
Cargo Modules: bulk (50 tons, 5 eu, 1,250 cr); hangars (1 for 36 fighters, 1 for 4 shuttles, 4,752 tons, 475.2 eu, 704,000 cr) with +1D flight systems repair, gunnery repair, and armor repair upgrades (3 eu, 2,700 cr); launch bay (launch 6 ships or 3 shuttles, 288 tons, 57.6 eu, 84,000 cr); 118 escape pod bays (236 tons, 47.2 eu, 129,800 cr)
Life-Support Supplies: food storage (35.5 tons, 35.5 eu, 710 cr); standard food (118 people/3 months, 35.4 tons, 335,400 cr); atmosphere (1,454 person-areas/3 months, 436,200 cr)
Weapons: 6 laser cannons (18 tons, 72 eu, 96,000 cr, one each arc, range 5/16/33, damage 6D each); 6 point-defense guns (12 tons, 12 eu, 24,000 cr, 3 port arc, 3 starboard arc, range 1/2/3, damage 5D each) with 2 sets of 3 guns fire-linked (+22 damage bonus each set, 600 cr); 2 sensor probe launchers (6 tons, 4 eu, 20,000 cr, 1 port arc, 1 starboard arc, ammo 1 each, range 2/3/7, damage 9D each) with 20 replacement sensor probes (200,000 cr) in 20 ammo bays (40 tons, 4 eu, 2,000 cr); 2 torpedo launchers (6 tons, 4 eu, 10,000 cr, 1 port arc, 1 starboard arc, ammo 1 each, range 2/3/7, damage 9D each) with 20 replacement torpedoes (20,000 cr) in 20 ammo bays (40 tons, 4 eu, 2,000 cr)
In-System Drive (9 tons, 21 eu, 7,500 cr)
Move: 7 (space)
Maneuverability: 0
Interstellar Drive: 1.0 (36 tons, 100 eu, 51,000 cr); backup: 0.1 (9 tons, 10 eu, 6,000 cr)
Total Energy Requirements: 1,061
Power Plant: 1105 energy units generated (147 tons, 148,500 cr)
Hull Toughness: 4D+1 (3,927 tons, 1,963,500 cr)
Atmosphere Capability: None
Armor: 0
Shields: +3D (338 tons, 9 eu, 3,375,000 cr)
Total Tonnage: 10,825
Scale: 26
Total Area Units: 5,413
Length (6 meters tall): 1,354 meters (cylinder), 903 meters (ellipsoid), 677 meters (wedge)
Total Cost (new): 7,339,985 credits/Price Difficulty: 240