Primarily used by military or police organizations for patrol and anti-piracy operations, this small vessel has an 18-person crew that usually operates within a given patrol zone for two to three months at a time. Some other common names for this ship include customs frigate or interdictor.
Crew: 18
Passengers: 4 passengers, 12 prisoners in brig
Life-Supporting Modules: group airlock (4 areas, 2 tons, 0.4 eu, 300 cr); boarding tube (6 areas/extends to 12 meters, 6 tons, 1.2 eu, 6,000) with single airlocks on both sides (2 areas, 1 tons, 0.2 eu, 200 cr); standard bridge (6 stations, 24 areas, 12 tons, 2.4 eu, 600 cr) with +1D gunnery, piloting, sensors, shields, and flight systems repair upgrades (5 eu, 4,500 cr); brig (48 areas, 24 tons, 4.8 eu, 6,000 cr); infirmary (36 areas, 18 tons, 3.6 eu, 3,000 cr) with +1D medicine upgrade (1 eu, 900 cr); lounge (90 areas, 45 tons, 9 eu, 4,500 cr) with 2 food processor upgrades (50 cr); 2 one-person rooms (20 areas, 10 tons, 2 eu, 1,000 cr); 10 two-person rooms (140 areas, 70 tons, 14 eu, 7,000 cr); hallways connecting rooms (168 areas, 84 tons, 16.8 eu, 4,200 cr)
Cargo Modules: bulk (equipment and weapons lockers and impound storage, 12 areas, 12 tons, 1.2 eu, 300 cr); 34 escape pod bays (68 areas, 68 tons, 13.6 eu, 37,400 cr)
Life-Support Supplies: food storage (34 areas, 17 tons, 17 eu, 340 cr); standard food (34 people/5 months, 17 tons, 17,000 cr); atmosphere (72 people-areas/5 months, 36,000 cr)
Weapons: 2 blaster cannons (8 areas, 10 tons, 42 eu, 30,000 cr, five arcs each, range 8/25/38, damage 5D each); 2 missile launchers (4 areas, 6 tons, 4 eu, 6,000 cr, forward, ammo 1 each, range 2/3/7, damage per missile); 5 passive-homing missiles (2,500 cr, damage 6D each) in 5 ammo bays (5 areas, 10 tons, 2 eu, 500 cr); 5 active-homing missiles (4,000 cr, damage 5D each) in 5 ammo bays (5 areas, 10 tons, 2 eu, 500 cr); 3 point-defense guns (3 areas, 6 tons, 6 eu, 8,000 cr, 1 forward, 1 port, 1 starboard, range 1/2/3, damage 5D each); 1 tractor beam (7 areas, 15 tons, 10 eu, 8,000, forward arc, range 5/15/30, damage 2D)
In-System Drive (12 areas, 12 tons, 30 eu, 10,500 cr)
Move: 10 (space), 500 (atmosphere, 1,450 kph)
Maneuverability: +1D (6 eu, 1,800 cr)
Interstellar Drive: 1.0 (12 areas, 36 tons, 100 eu, 51,000 cr); backup: 0.1 (3 areas, 9 tons, 10 eu, 6,000 cr)
Total Energy Requirements: 301
Power Plant: 325 energy units generated (23 areas, 46 tons, 44,500 cr); battery backup (30 energy units generated, 3 areas, 3 tons, 2,100 cr)
Hull Toughness: 3D+1 (330 tons, 274,500 cr)
Atmosphere Capability: streamlining (83 tons, 33,000 cr); landing gear (66 tons, 24,750 cr)
Armor: +2D (150 tons, 150,000 cr)
Shields: +3D (17 areas, 34 tons, 9 eu, 337,500 cr)
Total Tonnage: 1,212
Scale: 21
Total Area Units: 754
Length: 377 meters (cylinder), 252 meters (ellipsoid), 126 meters (spheroid), 189 meters (wedge)
Total Cost (new): 1,124,440 credits/Price Difficulty: 122