The pleasure yacht takes its passengers in private comfort from system to system. Some smugglers like to use them as many systems fear inconveniencing an important military or corporate executive by what seems like a meaningless search.
Crew: 5
Passengers: 4 passengers plus 2 servants
Life-Supporting Modules: group airlock (used as boarding area; 4 areas, 2 tons, 0.4 eu, 300 cr); standard bridge (4 stations, 16 areas, 8 tons, 1.6 eu, 400 cr) with +1D gunnery, navigation, piloting, shields, and flight systems repair upgrades (5 eu, 4,500 cr) and pilot autofunction program (15 eu, 8,000 cr, 3D each in piloting and gunnery); hydroponics (6 areas, 3 tons, 0.6 eu, 600 cr); infirmary (18 areas, 9 tons, 1.8 eu, 1,500 cr) with +1D medicine upgrade (1 eu, 900 cr); leisure room/relaxation chamber (12 areas, 6 areas, 1.2 eu, 800 cr); leisure room/entertainment (36 areas, 18 tons, 3.6 eu, 2,400 cr); lounge/dining room (90 areas, 45 tons, 9 eu, 4,500 cr); 5 one-person rooms (50 areas, 25 tons, 5 eu, 25,000 cr); 3 two-person rooms (42 areas, 21 tons, 4.2 eu, 21,000 cr); workroom (kitchen, 8 areas, 4 tons, 0.8 eu, 3,000 cr) with 2 food processor upgrades (50 cr); hallways connecting rooms (84 areas, 42 tons, 8.4 eu, 2,100 cr)
Cargo Modules: bulk (12 areas, 12 tons, 1.2 eu, 300 cr); 11 escape pod bays (22 areas, 22 tons, 4.4 eu, 12,100 cr) with cryogenic upgrades (1,375 cr)
Life-Support Supplies: food storage (30 areas, 15 tons, 15 eu, 300 cr); standard food (7 people/10 months, 7 tons, 7,000 cr); luxury food (4 people/10 months, 8 tons, 8,000 cr); atmosphere (47 people-areas/10 months, 47,000 cr)
Weapons: 1 laser cannons (1 area, 2 tons, 6 eu, 13,600 cr, forward/rear/port/starboard arcs, range 3/12/25, damage 4D)
In-System Drive (7 areas, 7 tons, 15 eu, 5,500 cr)
Move: 5 (space), 250 (atmosphere, 750 kph)
Maneuverability: +1D (6 eu, 1,800 cr)
Interstellar Drive: 1.0 (12 areas, 36 tons, 100 eu, 51,000 cr); backup: 0.2 (6 areas, 18 tons, 20 eu, 11,000 cr)
Total Energy Requirements: 213
Power Plant: 235 energy units generated (17 area, 31 tons, 32,500 cr); battery backup (30 energy units generated, 3 areas, 3 tons, 2,100 cr)
Hull Toughness: 3D (209 tons, 104,500 cr)
Atmosphere Capability: streamlining (53 tons, 20,900 cr); landing gear (42 tons, 15,600 cr)
Armor: +2D (90 tons, 9,000 cr)
Shields: +1D (4 areas, 7 tons, 3 eu, 67,500 cr)
Total Tonnage: 749
Scale: 18
Total Area Units: 484
Length: 242 meters (cylinder), 161 meters (ellipsoid), 121 meters (wedge)
Total Cost (new): 580,725 credits/Price Difficulty: 79