Tag Archives: modern


The ocean has spawned the spirit of adventure in many who have gazed upon its surface. This wondrous, aquatic realm teems with life. Lowly microscopic organisms serve as the foundation for this vast ecosystem by providing nourishment for larger creatures on the food chain. At first glance, one might think humanity reigns over the oceans because they harvest its waters. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The undersea realm has its own native master who rules its domain with an iron tentacle. Woe be it to those who forger the true lord of the depths, the legendary kraken! Read the Full Article

Alien Hunters

The cosmos is populated by many interstellar
civilizations. These advanced aliens have long ago
mastered the secrets of science and travel across
the incerstellar void with ease. Such beings would
scoff at humanity’s claim to universal supremacy.
To many of them, the residents of earth are little
more than a primitive annoyance to be avoided at
all coses. Unfortunately for humanity, the Ularr are
the exception to the rule because they have found
reason to endure the trek to earth. Homo sapien life
fulfils a special need for them. These intergalactic
travelers are relentless hunters, and the people of
Earth make excellent prey! Read the Full Article

Human-Animal Hybrids

The notion of merging the abilities of humans and animals has been a dream of science for decades. One cannot help but admire the incredible capabilities of Earth’s other creatures, whether the amazing strength of ants, the heightened senses of canines, or the regenerative capabilities of reptiles. The notion of allowing humans to access these incredible talents has been the dream of scientists for generations. Read the Full Article

Night Mares

Night mares appear as large, black, misty
horses with burning red eyes. Some say
they’re the ghosts of cruelly treated horses.
They look fully solid on the head, torso, and
upper legs, but the lower legs seem like mist,
though this is (sometimes) only an illusion.
These ghosts of wild horses appear only
at night, and they can normally be heard
before they can be seen. At the approach
of a night mare, the area grows unnaturally
quiet. Sometimes, the only audible sound is
the thunder of the hooves. At other times,
the steeds are so stealthy that they can’t be
heard until they’re close enough to strike.
The sudden appearance of one of these
creatures snorting steam can be a most
unnerving event. Read the Full Article

Headless Entities

The Headless Horseman of legend is
one a type of spectral creatures that seek
to regain in death what it had lost or been
denied in life, in the case of the Headless
Horseman, that is, a new head. Other,
similar entities may seek a hand, a heart,
or even something immaterial such as love
or respect. Universally, these entities are
driven to commit terrible acts in order to
achieve their goals. Read the Full Article